Thursday, March 13, 2025

Tricks up my sleeves

The three of us knew that Doc was still concerned for my safety and had installed cameras around the buildings to see if there was anything hanky going on plus listening devices in the rooms that I am in the most. We knew that Doc had at least two in my office.

"Tio, you know what to do," I said after closing the office door behind us after we left the office. "Get your quietest guy, woman, whatever to stealthily go in there to get rid of the devices. The same for my room, the nursery and the kitchen. You know where you can find any equipment of mine that may help you out to find and destroy the devices...everything is a bit more high tech than yours and the teams'. Kay, do your thing with invasion of privacy. I will go on pretending as if nothing was placed inside."

They nodded and got started doing what they needed to do. 

Kay started on a cease and desist letter in regards of the listening devices as they were a breach of my personal privacy as they were in the rooms that I am in the most. The cameras outside didn't fall under the cease and desist as they record everyone's coming and going. After outlying the amount of privacy I have lost due to the devices, Kay submitted everything to a judge. It took her several hours to find a judge that didn't have a relationship with me, Doc or Doc's family and then submitted the paperwork.

Tio felt that he would be the best person to find the listening devices as he knew Doc very well. After doing his sweep and removal, he asked two other security team members to follow him to make sure that he had found everything. Thankfully, Tio found eighteen of the twenty of the listening devices and the two team members - that he had been personally training - found the other two. The devices were hit with hammers and then destroyed in some liquid that Tio didn't want me to know about. He was afraid that I may get in trouble if I knew what it was.

The next morning, Kay was getting a decision from a judge. On her way over, Doc called me to ask me how I am.

"I'm worried about you," he said. "No one really talks to me anymore since I took some of the security team and other staff."

"Well, my staff is loyal to me," I said. "They know that their first call would be to local law enforcement agencies, then licensed medical professionals and then finally you. No one that hasn't been cleared by me stepped foot on the property. You'd know about that as you put cameras around the property."

"Anyone reach out to Tio? Everyone knows that he's your lead in security," Doc said.

"I know that you're concerned about my safety but since this is now my property, you know that whomever is the team lead of something is only known to that person and myself. I am sure that you've heard by now that Tio has been suspended without pay for a week for spying on me as per your request."

Doc knew that I knew something. One of the last things that was said in the office was that Tio would be suspended for spying on me.

"Yes," he said hesitating. "I heard about that. What happened?"

"I can't talk about what goes on in my household without multiple lawyers present, Doc. You know that," I said. "What I do know is that you have tried to bribe some of my staff to spy on me. If you seriously want to know what's going on, get your lawyers to call mine, go ahead."

“Fine,” he said grumpily then hung up. 

“Lee?” Tío said when I got into the kitchen.

“That’s a first,” I said. “You’ve never used my first name before.”

“I couldn’t when Doc was around and had the devices around the house,” Tío said as he kissed me. “Let’s go to the office.”

We hurried to the office; closing and locking the door behind us. Tío sat me on my desk, spread my legs and shoved his penis in my apex. He rode me hard and fast. It took Tío an hour and a half hours to drain himself in me.

“My god, Lee,” Tío moaned as his penis was still throbbing and pulsating in me. “No wonder Doc could barely keep his hands to himself. I’m ready to take you again.”

Tío picked me up, put me on the stowaway bed, spread my legs and mounted me again with his unusually long and girthy penis. He took me for hours and by the time our energy was drained, so where his balls.

We fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

A new plan

When everything was straightened out, letters written and staff leaving, it became quiet at the compound. I went up to the nursery and breastfed Anthony…at his age, he drinks from both of my breasts. I burped him and I brought him into the kitchen for solid food. Anna came in and helped me with Anthony.

“Lee? Tío wants to talk to you. He’s in your office.”

“Thanks, Anna. Does he know that I’m feeding the baby?”

“He does,” she said. “I can take care of this part of feeding him.”

“I appreciate that,” I said as I made a mental note to give her a raise. 

As promised, Tío was in my office and we both know why he was there. I’d walked in on him in my office going through the books on the shelves. He knew that at this point in time that my books are off limits as many of them are first or second editions and in fragile care.

"You know my policy about my books," I said sternly.

"Sorry, Lee," Tio said sheepishly. "I love your collection of books. As much as I appreciate your collection and variety of selection, it's not why I am here. I need to resign."

"You stayed behind because Doc asked you to in order to make sure," I said. 

"How do you know everything? No one slipped up!"

"Tio, how do you figure that I lasted so long in government work? I trust my gut and very few people," I explained. "Did you thoroughly read your contract with me prior to signing it?"

"I doubt it."

"Well, here it is," I said as I pulled it out of my locked filing cabinet. "Kay is here to look it over with you. Kay? Come on in. I'll let you two be."

I let Tio and Kay be in office. Thirty five minutes went by when Kay texted me to let me know that I was needed in the office. Told her that I was on my way but it'd take a few minutes as I was on the other side of the main house. 

"Hey, what did we decide?" I asked.

"Why wasn't I made aware of this clause in the contract?"

"It was always there," I said. "On the day of you signing this contract, I had asked you multiple times how thoroughly you read your contract. You said that you combed through it with a fine tooth brush. Had you, you would've know that if you resigned from working for me AND with me to work for Doc, you wouldn't be allowed to work in security within the country for twenty five years. It's in large, bold font just above where you signed your name."

"Kay, is there anything that you can do to get me out of this contract?"

"I can't say anything as it would be a conflict of interest as Leeandria is my main client here plus she and I have a friendship spanning many years," she said. "I can suggest different attorneys for you to use but it would take many years to end the contract plus thousands of dollars and you wouldn't be able to work at all after it all.”

“How can I get out of my contract and work for Doc?”

“Tío, it’d take you years before you’re able to do so,” I explained. “Is this something that you want to do?”

“What if you fire me?”

“You know that I’ll never fire such a great person and distant cousin of mine. There’s only one way that I’d let you resign,” I said. “You’d never be able to work for Doc nor I, though.”

“Diplomatic protection?”

“Exactly. You’d have little time with your family, practically no sick time, no health benefits, missed holidays and birthdays of loved ones,” I explained. 

“What if I have six months to live?” he asked.

“You know that your doctor’s second call would be me,” I said. “You’re healthy. However, if you had months to a few years to live, you’d be able to resign. You’d still be able to have medical benefits and your funeral expenses would be paid.”

“Am I allowed to hang out with the guys from Doc’s? Let me guess. I have to sign a NDA?”

“You can and yes,” I said. “I’d expect Doc have the same.”

“I’ll sign it,” Tío said. 

After signing the NDA, Kay and I followed suit. Kay then notarized it.

Tío and I shook hands as Kay winked. We had a plan set in place. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

A strange series of events

“Hey, beautiful,” Doc said as he lifted me up and spun around in a circle a few times. “I’ve missed you.”

“I missed you, too, Doc,” I said. “Did you find who or what you were looking for?”

“I did,” he said. “I found your brother.”

“You what?” I asked. “You didn’t think you should ask if I wanted my brother to be found and brought here?”

“He’s your brother and he wants to be here for tomorrow,” Doc said. 

“What’s tomorrow?” I asked. 

“We’re getting married tomorrow,” Doc said as he kissed me. “Please tell me that you didn’t forget.”

“I did forget,” I said. “I’ve been a little busy this week.”

“Like doing the laundry by yourself after giving the staff two days off after having major surgery?”

“And breastfeeding the baby, and resting,” I said. “He’s more interested in breastfeeding than he is in solid foods; just like his father.”

“Yes, he is,” Doc said as he rubbed my nipples in front of the staff. “Save some for me, beloved.”

“I hope you saved some for me,” I said as I rubbed my hand on his pants clad penis. “I can smell them on you. I hope you were careful.”

He glared at me and then glowered at the staff. The staff dispersed quickly and he got mad. 

“Don’t tell me who to be with when we’re in my house,” he said as he kissed me.

“MY house,” I reminded him. “You’re now on my property.”

“Fuck,” he sighed forgetting that he signed everything over to me.

"Do you even want to marry me? Smells like you don't," I said as I fixed my shirt. "When we married the first time, you said you married me because you loved me and that you want to protect me. Now, you're showing that you neither love me nor want to protect me....and the baby."

"Beloved..." he started before I gave him a look that could drop any man to his knees. "I have a good reason!"

"I know all about this stupid trial that you went to before getting my brother," I said. "You wanted to see if you can handle getting an erectile dysfunction medication injected into your penis, wait a little bit and then see how many cheap women you could fuck, hide it from me and then come back with my brother; telling to me that you purposely found him just for tomorrow. Tell me the damn truth!"

“I’m almost twice your age and I can barely keep up with you when we have sex,” he said as he ran his hand through his hair. “The pills barely work any more; I have to take two just to get hard.”

“That doesn’t give you the excuse to fuck however many women that you did,” I said. “Were you even careful?”

“It doesn’t but using my hand didn’t do anything to help me. The women are part of the trial as to help alleviate the hard on,” he said. “And yes, I was careful! I used condoms.”

“How many times?”

“How many times what?”

“How many times did you fuck them?”

“There were three of them there that day,” he said. “I fucked them all four to six times each.”

“Did any of the condoms break? Did you ask or see if they had recent STI tests done?”

“None of the condoms broke and I did see their results,” he said. “The results were negative for everything.”

“If I can’t trust you to not fuck another woman when you’re out supposedly looking for my brother and marry me tomorrow, how can I trust you if or when we’re getting married?”

“You can’t,” he sighed. 

“That’s right, I can’t!”

I stormed off to talk a walk around the compound. I bumped into Joe. We slid into the tool shed and started kissing.

“My god, I need your apex,” Joe said as he fumbled getting his pants off. “This may be the last time that I’m between your legs, baby.” 

I hopped onto the counter, lifted my skirt and spread my legs for him. Joe pushed his perfect penis deep inside of me and began to ram himself in and out of me. I wrapped legs around him and took him the best I could. He could NOT stop shooting load after load after load in me. 

“What a tight and swollen apex you have,” he grunted as he climaxed in me. “I’m going to make sure he knows damn well how to fill you, baby. You’re going back to him with a swollen apex and ass.”

“Yeah, sexy?” I moaned. 

“Definitely,” he moaned as he was still pouring his seed in me. “I put toys in your normal spots in your room so he won’t suspect a thing.”

“Don’t stop!” I begged.

“Oh, I won’t stop,” he said as he was ramming his penis in me. “I won’t stop until you’ve drained me!”

Joe spent the next thirty five minutes fucking my apex and ass. I knew he was almost empty as his loads kept getting bigger.

“Yes, baby!” Joe moaned.

Joe climaxed in my ass twice. As he pulled his still hard penis out of my ass, we both moaned in pleasure. He helped me off the counter and I fixed my skirt. I quickly kissed him before I left the shed. 

Thankfully, when I went inside the house, my brother had been talking with Doc. I heard my brother tell Doc how disappointed he is in him and that if he wanted to truly marry me, he wouldn’t have had sex with the women after the injectable erectile dysfunction trial. Doc was trying to defend himself but my brother stopped Doc.

“If you truly wished to marry my sister, you not only would’ve told her about the trial, you would’ve used both hands AND you would’ve told her that you were going to bring me,” my brother said. “She’ll most likely tell you to go fuck yourself, call off the wedding and have you move out again!”

Before I could hear what Doc said, I took the long way around to my room. I stripped and took a shower; I didn’t want Joe’s scent and seed on me when I greet my brother. I knew that he wouldn’t judge especially after Doc’s antics.

After I showered, I laid down for nap. An hour or so into the nap, Doc came in with the baby. As I sleep naked, the baby didn’t have to wait long before latching on. Since the baby is now 9 months old, he breastfed from both breasts then went with the nanny for solid food. 


“What is it, Doc?” I asked as I made the bed after passing the baby to the nanny.

“I’m so sorry for hiding this trial from you as well as not telling you about your brother.”

“Trying to apologize to me so you can fuck me AND marry me?” I asked. “It’s not going to work. I don’t want to hear it. Pack up all your clothing and toiletries…I want you out in two hours.”

He nodded then left. I sat down on the couch, spread my legs and finger my swollen apex. Later, I’d have to drop to my knees to thank Joe. I continued to play with my apex for an hour and I used my toys. 

Joe walked in. He closed and locked the door then stripped. I walked over to him, got on my knees and took him down my throat; he moaned. Joe climaxed down my throat several times before picking me up and carried me to my bed. I laid down on my back and spread my legs for him. He quickly mounted me and started shagging me like my apex was NOT swollen. 

Joe was dropping so many loads deep inside of my cervix that I thought he wouldn’t stop. It took him an hour and a half to drain all his seed in me. 

“I wish we were the ones to marry tomorrow,” he said as he was spilling the last of his seed in me. “I could adopt Anthony and no one would know.”

“We’d know,” I said as I kissed him. “Plus, you’re married!”

“But in you multiple times a day,” he moaned as he pulled out of me. “Are you still getting married tomorrow?”

I shook my head no. I explained the conversation that I heard between Doc and my brother. I didn’t want to marry a man that I didn’t trust. 

“Yet you’d continue to be with me,” he said and chuckled. “Does he know?”

“Probably,” I shrugged. “It wouldn’t be a marriage of love on my side!”

Joe got dressed and left. As he left, Tío came into my room.

“You guys have to be quieter,” Tío said firmly. 

"How many of the staff knows?" I asked out of curiosity.

"As far as I know, just Anna and I know," he said. "I don't care who you marry or have sex with but many of the old staff and the family friends still see this has Doc's home, not yours. Yes, I know....they all know that it's your house and property now but you need to be careful."

"Call a staff meeting," I said as I got dressed in sweats. "Get Doc here, too, please!"

Tio nodded his head. Fifteen minutes later, we all met outside as there were over one hundred of us.

"Look, I'm going to be the bad guy here, ok? I know that many of you still feel like this is Doc's house and property. However, due to the divorce, what is on the property of the compound is now mine. Doc signed over the property to me. I didn't want his money as I have my own. I'm not going to make any changes to the property without input from Doc," I said. "Doc and I were supposed to get married tomorrow but I highly doubt that will happen. Neither one of us were faithful prior to the marriage and he strayed before, during and even the other day. He claimed that he was getting my brother for tomorrow but it wasn't just that....he went for a study in regards of medication but left after screwing several women. He thought that I wouldn't find out but I did. The other part of the reason why there's a good chance that tomorrow won't happen is because I also screwed someone and hadn't kept it a secret."

The staff was in shock, Doc looked pissed. 

"I knew that there something wasn't right," Doc whispered. "When did you end it?"

"Before we talked about getting married again," I lied and turned back to the staff. "Many of you have been telling me privately that you have been hearing me have sex. Y'all. There's something called sex toys. That's what you hear. I know that no one sees nor hears anyone else in my room nor leave my room. The reason? Sex toys."

I showed the few sex toys that Joe, thankfully, had stocked in my room. I am also so thankful that he knew the the secret passages throughout the main house; Doc didn’t know about the ones Joe does.

"Doc, clearly your staff and the family friends are loyal to you," I said. "Those that want to can leave here and work for you and those that want to stay on here can stay here. If there are any employees that want to leave here and work for others, not a problem; I can write letters of recommendation for you."

One third of the staff went with Doc, one third left - most with letters of recommendation - the last third stayed with me. What surprised me is that Tio stayed with me and Joe left with Doc.

"Is there anything that you want to add, Doc?" I asked as the staff was getting ready to go.

"Yes," he said. "Will there ever be a day that you would want to marry me again?"

"I highly doubt it," I said as I started to walk away. "We can't trust each other."

"Amore?" he called out.

"Yeah, Doc?" I said without looking back.

"I love you," he said. "I always have and I always will. I truly hope that one day I can move back in."

"Have your lawyer reach out to Kay with a letter from you stating the reasoning why you feel like you should be back here," I said. "Just remember how you never wanted to be a part of the lifestyle of your family and you left here two and half months prior to college started in order to separate you from your family."

"I will, beloved," he said. "Will you continue where my family left off?"

"Yes and no," I said as I walked back over to him. "I want to restart the family but I want to do it differently. Instead of lawlessness, I was hoping that the older guards and the family friends would stay in order to guide me. I want your family's name to be respected but not feared and be a charity. You led the way by leaving but you won't want to help."

"I would love to stay and help but I don't know if I can," he said. "I want my family's name be changed for the better but I fear that if I were to help, law enforcement would be at the door and not help. Why would I not want to help?"

"Anthony isn't your son," I said. "He is someone else's son and that man is now working for you instead of me. I am ok with that."

"Vita mia, I know that Anthony is Joe's. The both of them have the same birth mark in the same spot," Doc said. "His mother and mine were twins; genetically we're brothers but legally we're cousins. No DNA test would be able to differentiate who the father is."

"There is," I said. "I had it done with Anthony was two months old. I had that medical practice shut down the studies and the machines and destroyed the evidence of who Anthony's father ever is. If there is any question of who the father is, all paperwork will lead to you."

"Thanks for destroying everything," he said as he kissed my cheek. "Joe will never know that I know and I won't share this with anyone. Once you have the new family up and running, get the local police involved. I had friends revamp local departments so that only the best of the best police would be involved. Anyone with writeups or any other infraction weren't hired. The new departments see black and white areas of the law but also the gray areas of the law. They will help you. They're expecting to hear from you in several weeks."

"Thank you, Doc," I said as I hugged him. "Just so you know, I truly did love you once. Hopefully, if it all works out, you can move back in."

“Amore?” he asked.

“Yeah, Doc?” 

“Would you ever consider marrying me again?”

“Absolutely not, Doc,” I sighed. “You make a great friend when I can trust you, you make a great lover and a great protector when I had to go into hiding for Anthony’s and I’a protection but I wouldn’t marry you again.”

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Time with Joe

Joe climaxed in me several times and poured his hot sticky seed in me. It’s going to be hard to find time to have some time alone with him at Doc’s but Doc would be away for two days so it’d be a good opportunity then.

Once dressed and discharged, I texted Doc to let him know that the baby and I were heading home. Doc was excited to have us home. 

We got home about ten minutes later. Joe and Tío brought my bags in and Doc carried the baby in. I breastfed the baby and let Tío take him to the nursery.

“I’m ready for you, amore,” Doc moaned as he bit my nipples. “Get on the bed, beloved, then on your hands and knees.”

I did as he asked and a minute later, he slid he penis deep inside of my ass. He pumped his penis in and out of my ass for over two hours, filling up my ass with his seed.

“I’m going away and I needed you first,” Doc grunted as he plowed my ass. “Fuck, beloved! I can’t stop!”

“Don’t stop!” I screamed. “Give me all of your seed!”

Doc took my ass for another hour before he was drained. He pulled out, laid down on the bed and fell asleep. Joe came in with the baby. As he was breastfeeding, Joe pulled out his hard penis from his pants. I turned my head and he slammed his penis down my throat.

“Yes, Lee. That’s it, baby. Take it,” he moaned. “Be ready for several loads!”

Joe shot about four loads of his seed down my throat. After he pulled out and stuffed his still hard penis in his pants, he took the baby back, burped him and brought him to the nursery. Doc eventually woke up, slid in my ass again, climaxed several times and pulled out. 

“See you in a few days,” he said as he kissed me.

I turned and pretended to be asleep. He left. About an hour later, Joe came back to the room. Once he closed and locked the door, he stripped and got on the bed with me. He mounted my very sore apex and rode me hard for several hours. 

“Take it,” he grunted and groaned. “Yessssssssss!”

I took Joe’s penis the best that I could and loved it. After he drained himself in me, he pulled out and moaned in pleasure. His penis was chafed and my apex was swollen. I loved that we could have sex and not worry about pregnancy. 

“You’re incredible, baby,” he said as he got dressed. “Go shower, get dressed and wash the sheets. I’ll give the baby a bottle.”

“Ok,” I said as I stroked his still hard penis. He climaxed in my hand.

I showered, got dressed, washed the sheets then headed to the nursery. Joe had the baby in his arms, giving him his third bottle. When the baby heard me, he spat the bottle out and reached out to me. I took my shirt off, took the baby and sat down on the couch. The second that I sat down, the baby latched on right away and bit down. I yelped in pain; he had teeth coming in.

“Are you ok?” Joe asked. “Did he bight you?”

“He’s got some sharp teeth,” I winced. 

“I’ll get you some ice. He sure does have an appetite.”

“His father has the same appetite,” I said, purposely staring at Joe.

“Wait. I’m his father?” Joe asked. 

“Yes, you are,” I said. “The paperwork will say it’s Doc. Plus you and Doc look an awful lot like each other. After all, your mothers were twins.” 

“I can’t believe that Anthony is my son.”

“Not long after meeting you, a bunch of us were at the bar and you were there. I drank heavily that night but hid it well,” I said. “Both Doc and I knew that I’d be ovulating but I’d see him the next morning but I couldn’t wait. I asked you if you wanted to get a room at the motel down the road. You said yes. We snuck out of the bar, went to the hotel. I got a room under a fake name. We spent the night using every horizontal surface to have sex on. You got me pregnant that night, Joe.”

“Did I know that you were ovulating?” he asked. 

“I told you a few times and you kept telling me that you weren’t interested in using condoms as you hate them,” I said. “I asked you several times if you wanted to use condoms. You said each time that you’d rather risk me getting pregnant.”

I played the recording on my phone. He was surprised that he didn’t want to use condoms despite knowing that Doc would try to get me pregnant in the morning. 

“Doc doesn’t know?”

“He doesn’t,” I said as I deleted the recording. “I won’t tell him and I know that you won’t either.”

“Why tell me now?”

“When Doc comes back, I’m marrying him, changing my name and the baby’s,” I said. “Doc’s name will be added to the birth certificate.”

“Why are you marrying him? You don’t love him,” he said. “You love me.”

“I’m marrying him to provide protection for the baby,” I said. “Yes, I love you. I know that you love me too but you won’t leave your wife.”

“I quit!” Joe hollered. 

“You can’t,” I said. “Not until the day after the baby turns 18!”

“I never saw that in the contract!”

“It was there,” I said as I burped the baby. “Small print on the last page.”

“I’ll have to look at it again,” he said as he took the baby from me and put him in his crib. “God, I want you!”

“I want you, too!” I said as I took my shirt off; it was the only thing that I was wearing. “And there’s a clause saying that you can’t sue me.”

Joe stripped and bent me over the changing table. He mounted my still swollen apex and began to ride me roughly. We were screaming in pleasure. In no time, Joe was draining himself into my apex. He shot load after load after load in me. It took two hours to unload in me.

“My god, babe,” he groaned as he pulled out. “Can I still empty myself in you after you remarry Doc?” 

“Yes,” I said. 


After getting dressed, told the rest inside staff that they can have time off until Doc got back. They took advantage of the time away. Joe and I did as well. When I wasn’t feeding the baby, Joe spent his time between my legs draining himself in me. 

Thankfully, we finished fifteen minutes prior to Doc walking into the house. I showered and got dressed in short shorts and a crop top. Joe showered at the guest house that he was staying in. I’d just tossed the dirty sheets in the washer when Doc got home. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Interesting how things change

Joe, who was in the next room, heard me fall and came running in. Tio saw him running into my room and followed him in. After processing that I’d passed out and fell, Tio called emergency services and Joe performed CPR. Once I was awake again, I was rolled over to my left side.

As the emergency services team ran into my room to place me on a stretcher, Doc had entered the room, noticed me on the floor and came over to me immediately. He looked at me in horror and said to the emergency services team to rush me to the local hospital. He apologized for being in the garden. 

“Oh my god, Doc,” I said as I was clutching my stomach. “I am so sorry…….”

I passed out. I regained consciousness in the hospital. I heard words like ‘trauma’ and ‘miscarriage’. One of the doctors told one of the nurses to give me something to sedate me. Within minutes, I zoned out and fell asleep. Hours later, I was woken up and when I saw Geraldine’s face I knew. 

“Lee, I’m so sorry,” she said. “I did everything I could do to save the fetus.”

“Did you tie my tubes?” I asked. 

“No, I didn’t,” she said. “I was more worried about saving your life. Would you like me to do a tubal ligation?”

“Yes, please, Geraldine,” I said. “I’ll sign the paperwork so we can get started in a day or so.”

“Under normal circumstances, I’d have you wait until you’ve recovered more but I know that you’ve considered this is in the past. I’ve got the paperwork with me now.”

She gave me the paperwork, I signed it after thoroughly reading it and passed them back to her. 

“I’ll be back in a little bit to come collect you,” she said. 

“Sounds good,” I said.

I logged into the computer system of the hospital and watched Geraldine enter the paperwork to make sure that it was correct. Some of it was wrong so when Geraldine had logged out, I corrected it to make sure that it said it was a FULL tube ligation. I also put notes in there - using Geraldine’s language - requesting one of the doctors that performs this procedure often. I programmed this notation to be incapable of being overridden by anyone but me. No one else has this capability and no one ever knows it’s me who does this. 

Thirty minutes later, a very confused Geraldine came in to gather me for the surgery. She said that she requested another doctor to help her but she didn’t remember doing so.

“It happens,” I said. “Look at it this way…there’s two of you and the both of you can work at the same time. It’ll be faster.”

“That’s a good point,” she said. I knew that the other doctor was beyond thorough but he’d make sure that she’d stay on task. 

I was under anesthesia for a little less than 75 minutes before being brought back to my room. By the time I woke up, Doc was in my room. As soon as my hospital bed was back in its place and the wheels were locked,  Doc joined me and held me. I cried but not from the pain but from the miscarriage. 

Many hours later, voices in the hall woke me up. I immediately logged into the hospital system and saw that it was Geraldine who supposedly performed the hysterectomy. I texted her to let her know that she has 10 minutes to get what personal stuff she can get, stop by security to drop off her badge and access key and leave. The rest of her stuff would be mailed to her.

The argument in the hall stopped. I heard her sigh then storm off. Doc came into the room and asked what I needed. I told him that I desperately needed to pump but there weren’t any pumps in the room.

“May I?” he asked me seductively as he pulled my hospital gown down to expose my breasts.

I smiled said that he always can. Doc took his time sucking and squeezing both of my breasts, making sure that I was enjoying it. I wish that I could have him between my legs but I needed to heal first. I slid my hand down his pants, released his hard penis and began to stroke him. In no time, he climaxed in my hand. Since he was still hard, I began to stroke him again. 

He stopped sucking on my breasts and pushed his penis as far down my throat as he could. He pumped his penis in and out of my throat like his life depended on it. He climaxed down my throat about 5 or 6 times before his heavy balls were empty. When his penis was barely flaccid, he was able to pull out. As he pulled out, he climaxed one more time down my throat. 

“My god, vita mia,” he moaned. “Marry me!”

“Doc, I just had emergency surgery after a miscarriage and then had my tubes tied,” I said as I pressed the button for a nurse. “Look at what happened to us before.”

“Beloved, I’m serious,” he said after kissing me. “No ultimatums. Just you, me and the baby. We love each other!”

“I don’t need a husband,” I said. “The baby is fine without a father as he’s got father figures. Don’t ask me again, especially when I’m in the hospital.”

“Are you ok with us just being sexual partners?”

“Yes, I am,” I said as I took the baby from the nurse. “Thank you, Anna. Doc is single and is looking for someone!”

Anna blushed and left the room. I dropped the dressing gown and brought the baby up to my breasts. He latched on right away. Doc left in a huff. The baby drank and drained the one breast, I burped him and offered my other breast. He latched on and began to guzzle from my that breast. 

Joe cleared his throat. I looked up from the baby and asked him into the room. 

“Doc’s spending a few days away,” he said. “He’s been burned before, ma’am. First with Celine, then you and now you again. He’s set himself up.”

“I can’t marry him, Joe,” I said. “He wanted more kids with me but I’m done with having kids. He wants to marry me.”

“Do you love him?”

“I love that he’s been protecting me and that he is well endowed,” I said.

“Seriously, though, Lee,” he said. “Do you love him?”

“I need to tell him,” I said. “I just need to tell him.”

“You need to tell me what?” Doc asked. “That you don’t love me?”

“That I had a miscarriage and had my tubes tied,” I said. 

“Are you able to still have anal for the next few days?” Doc asked. 

“Yes,” I said. 

“How long until I can fill you with seed and not get you pregnant?”

“Forty eight hours,” I lied. “I’ll be able to leave soon. Joe can drive me.”

“Ok, beloved,” Doc said after kissing me then left.

“How much time do we have?” Joe asked as he saw Doc get in his car. 

“About two hours,” I said. “Please lock the door!”

Joe locked the door, stripped and climbed up on my bed. I kicked the blankets off, took my hospital gown off and spread my legs. Joe stroked his impressive penis a few times and then he mounted me. He started gently and started picking up the pace.

“I know your apex hurts but deserve this,” he grunted. “The amount of times that I’ve seen you naked, breastfeeding and under Doc, I deserve this!”

“Yes, you do,” I moaned. “You needed and deserved a taste of my apex. You and your VERY impressive penis.”

“Thank fuck you had the surgery done,” he said. “We now can have sex and not worry about you getting pregnant.”

“I know,” I said.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Rekindled passion with Doc

I struggled to get to my feet from the bar stool in the kitchen. After steadying myself against the counter, I got on my toes and kissed Doc. He wrapped his arms around me, pulled me closer and deepened the kiss. He eventually lifted me up and put me on the counter, spread my legs and took a step in so he could get closer to me.

“Doc,” I whispered as I slid my hands up shirt, resting my hands on his bare chest. “Do you want me as much as I want you?”

“Yes, my love,” he groaned as he slid my sundress sleeves off my shoulders so he could release my aching breasts. “I want you so much, vita mia. Are you cleared to have sex?”

“Yes,” I lied through my teeth. I desperately wanted my ex husband. 

He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, slid them off and pushed his penis inside of my apex. We screamed. Doc pounded me until he was fully drained in me. He tried to pull out and despite how swollen I was but he managed it.
Doc started sucking and draining both my breasts. Squeezing and biting my breasts helped me drain and the relief I felt was great. 

“You’re so reactive, beloved,” Doc grunted as he was trying to slide his penis in and out of me. “I honestly don’t think you were cleared. You’re in pain.”

“It doesn’t matter if I was cleared or not, Doc,” I said. “I started ovulating today.”

“Do you still want me after firing me?” he asked as he carried me to my room.

“Yes,” I said. 

He put me down on the bed and we both stripped. He spread my legs and slammed his penis into my swollen apex. We screamed and climaxed. As Doc kept fucking me and filling me with his seed, my full breasts begin to ache even more and began to leak. He relieved some pressure before reaching over me my night stand to grab my breast pump. I set it up as he rode me and I started pumping right away.

We’ve had to stop a few times so I could empty the pumps into bottles. An hour after starting to pump, I filled six three ounce bottles. I could’ve continued but the batteries died. I brought the bottles to the fridge and when I came back, Doc was ready for me again. 

I rode Doc so he could suck my still full breasts as he filled me with his seed. His penis felt so amazing inside of me despite the pain. He climaxed in me several more times when we heard C brought the baby back. 

“Lee?” C hollered. “The baby needs you, beautiful,”

“Upstairs!” I said as I was putting my robe on.

C barreled up the stairs with the baby in his arms and came into my room. He saw Doc at full salute.

“Doc,” C said as he handed me my baby and winked at Doc.

“C,” Doc said as he watched the baby breastfeed.

About 45 minutes later, the baby had his fill. I burped him and Doc brought him to the staffed nursery. He came back into my room, sat on the rocking chair and motioned to me to straddle him so I could ride him. 

“She’s ovulating, C, and she deserves to be filled. We'll see you later,” Doc moaned as I was sliding up and down his penis. “That’s it, amore. Another week of this and I’ll have you pregnant.”

Doc and I spent the next two weeks having sex around the clock. He and I desperately wanted many kids but due to the the hysterectomy, I couldn’t bare him any more children. This saddened me as I wanted a million kids with him. On occasion, C would swing by to pick up the baby and they would go on errands together. 

Baby Anthony was exclusively breastfed by me and he took a bottle if C had him.

A month into having sex with Doc, I rehired him at the hospital and he moved back in at the main house of the compound. 

Another two months into having sex with Doc, my breasts were still huge and my pregnancy belly didn’t completely leave. I called Geraldine to see if I could see her at the office. She said that she can see me right away. 

The moment we walked into her office, we were immediately brought to an exam room. I stripped and got on the exam table. Geraldine walked in, greeted us as the sonogram machine was turning on. She placed the gel on me and began.

“Leeandria, I don’t know who told you that you needed a hysterectomy but you didn’t need one” she said. “Somehow, you had an infection in uterus. The doctor who performed the surgery actually removed the infection in your uterus and made minor repairs. How long post partum did you start having sex?”

“What?” both doc and I said in shock.

"Was there some kind of mistake made? Like a misunderstanding? Why ask permission for a hysterectomy when an infection needs to taken care of? I guess that explains why she was in and out of consciousness," Doc said.

“About three weeks,” I said. “We’ve been nonstop since. I think we have sex a hundred times a day!”

“Leeandria, you’re 11 or 12 weeks pregnant,” Geraldine said. “The pregnancy should be healthy. I’ll monitor you every week just to make sure that everything is going well. Yes, the infection could have caused Lee to go in and out of consciousness and the high fever. I'll let you get dressed.”

“I'll help you get dressed,” Doc said. “We’re celebrating when we get home.” 

I quickly got dressed and we left. I fed Anthony, changed his diaper then handed him to his nanny and Joe; Joe’s role as security also included the baby's safety. Doc and I went to his room; I still was sleeping in the room next to his.

We undressed, got on the bed and Doc kissed and caressed my body. He slid down my body from sucking my breasts to eating my to apex. I climaxed on his tongue so many times that I lost count.

Doc eating my apex made my breasts engorge again. He slid up my body, pushed his penis deep inside of my apex, throw one of my legs over his shoulder and began to pump in and out of my aching apex. 

Eventually, Doc was spent and fell asleep. I got up, put on Doc’s robe and headed for the nursery.

“Hey, Joe,” I whispered.

“Lee,” Joe said, handing me the baby. “I’ll leave you be.”

“You can stay, Joe,” I said as I lowered the baby and I to the love seat. “I’m really grateful you let me hire you from the hospital. You're a great addition to the team here. Thanks for working with us.”

“It's my pleasure, Ms. Lee. It's an honor. The guys are great and we're learning from each other on a daily basis,” he said as voice cracked and gazed at me. “Working for you is far better. My pay and benefits are better, more time with the kids and my wife. I feel like I’m invading your personal space...I better get going.”

“You know that I have no personal space anymore.”

“That's a good point," he said.

"Joe, why are you staring at my naked girlfriend?" Doc asked as he was laughing. "I kid, I kid. Seriously, though, this woman should win some kind of award. Leeandria is my Super Woman."

"Ms. Leeandria is quite the boss lady," Joe agreed. "I better get some rest. The guys and I have some drills that we're going to practice very early in the morning. We need to update some safety training protocols."

"Night, Joe," I said. "Don't run the men ragged. We all need them to be safe and in one piece so they can return to their loved ones. This includes you as well."

"Yes, Ma'am. Good night," Joe said. "Good night, Doc."

"Night, Joe," Doc said.

The baby fed well. Thankfully, there were two pumps in the nursery now so I was able to completely empty both of my breasts. I filled the bottles on the table from the pumps. Doc put them in the mini fridge in the nursery then thoroughly washed the pumps in the sink.

"Hungry, amore?" Doc asked as he helped me off the love seat. "I can whip something up for you."

"Not really but I need to eat," I said as I put his robe back on. It smelled of him and his cologne. "I'll join you momentarily."

He nodded then headed downstairs. I grabbed my phone and the baby monitor. As I went down the stairs, I found the night time nanny and asked if she had the night off. She said that she did but wouldn't mind listening to the baby monitor if I needed a little bit of a break.

"It's ok," I said. "It's your night off, enjoy it."

She thanked me and we parted ways. I met Doc in the kitchen and told him that the night time nanny had the night off so we needed to listen to the baby monitor more clearly. I texted Tio to ask him to pull a bed into the baby's room, secure the windows and not to allow anyone other than himself, Doc and I near the room tonight. He said that he'd bring in two cots into the room so that he and other guard would take turns through the night. I texted him to thank him. 

"What was that all about?" Doc asked. "Tio has the night off."

"I wasn't aware but something feels off," I said as I turned the volume of the baby monitor louder.

"I am not going to question you on that as I trust your judgement," Doc said.

"Let me feel like I am no longer in harm's way," I offered.

"That is correct."

"As long as I am alive and they're alive and in prison, I am at risk and any children I have are at risk," I said. "I don't care if you call me paranoid but I hadn't made it this far in life nor in the government for trusting my gut."

Doc nodded and handed me an omelet. I ate some before I decided to go upstairs, put on my pajamas and went to the bedroom that adjoins the nursery. I had let Tio know my plans so he could come get me faster.

Nothing happened during the night but just before dawn the guards changed their shifts, I heard a gun from next door. Thank fuck Anthony will be too young to remember hearing the gun go off. I run into the nursery and thankfully both of the windows were open to help disperse the noise.

"Tio, what happened?" I hollered. "How's the baby?"

"George's uncle was trying to climb the lattice," Tio said. "We shot him with a blank."

"Where's the uncle?" I asked as I looked out the window and saw him on the ground writhing in pain.

"We'll have Joe talk to him," Tio said. "We always switch to blanks when we're around the baby. We don't want to risk harming Anthony."

"Joe has better connections to the police than you guys do," I teased Tio, knowing who his uncle is. "I appreciate you guys considering all things safety when it comes to bullets, blanks and the baby. You guys are playing it safe without playing it safe."

"We couldn't live with ourselves if something happened to the baby," he said. "And no, Ms. Lee, we will help you and Doc bring him up knowing his family history and help guide him away from it."

"Thank you, my friend," I said as I hugged Tio. "Joe? Yeah, bring him into the office. I'll be there in a few. Get my medical bag."

"Yes, ma'am," he said before hanging up.

I showered, brushed my teeth and got dressed.

"Hey, Joe, thanks for the assist," I said as I grabbed coffee from the carafe. "Hi, Gianni. Why were you trying to pull a Lindberg kidnapping?"

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Gianni....I am Dr Leeandria DeLuca," I said. "And you know who I am."

"Wait, what?" he said. "I thought you were DeppGrl."

"I am one and the same," I said. "I went deep undercover to get your sons in prison. I am the one that made the connection to all of them and the other parties involved with the plan to kill me."

"But are you really a forensic psychologist, a medical doctor and a nature survivalist?" he asked. 

"Yes," I said as I pulled out the scopolamine bottle out of my bag. "I have authorization by the government to use humane ways to get people to talk. There are witnesses no matter what."

"What is that?" he nervously asked.

"It's scopolamine," I explained. "You may know it as truth serum."

"Are you going to use that?"

"I won't if I feel like I can trust you but I don't." I said. "Joe, can you please do the honors of recording please? Thank you."

"Today is March 24th, 7:35 am. My name is Dr. Leeandria DeLuca. With me in the house of my child's father is Gianni Aiello. He is the father of the triplets: Giovanni, Giacomo and Giuseppe. The triplets are currently in prison for a long time for plotting my kidnapping and death. We are recording this interview to show the treatment of Mr. Aiello."

Gianni nodded when I mentioned his name.

"Mr. Aiello was climbing the storm drain outside the window of my son's nursery window at the house of the father of my child. My security staff noticed him as they heard the noise outside the windows. In order to protect my son's ears, both windows were opened. In order to preserve the life of both my son and of Mr. Aiello, the security team used blanks instead of actual bullets. The security team value life over death and chose to ask questions as per recommendations of local law enforcement that they are in contact with on a daily basis. It appears that Mr. Aiello was planning on mimicking the kidnapping of Charles Lindberg, Jr. by kidnapping my child from the nursery through a window. Mr. Aiello, do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"I would like to have an attorney present as I understand that I have rights," he said.

"Mr. Aiello, none of us here are law enforcement officials and the Miranda Rights weren't given. I am a forensic psychologist who licensed to use scopolamine, a licensed medical doctor as well as a nature survivalist and the rest of the people in here are an independent security team. We wish to ask you questions prior to turning you over to the local law enforcement agency."

"My sons hired me to retaliate against you for their current status," Gianni said. "They are embarrassed to be caught in the plot of your kidnapping and murder."

"Mr. Aiello, I don't trust you at all. That is because you are the father of the men that I put in prison. Before I turn you over, why did you accept the money you were paid to kidnap my child? My child is innocent as he's four months old."

"Dr. DeLuca, I was informed that you have a seventeen year old son."

"My only child is the one that you were going to steal from me this morning and is only four months old. I have no other child. You were informed incorrectly."

"But they said..."

"Mr. Aiello, your sons lied to you."


"Joe, while you're still recording, can you please call your contact at the law enforcement agency? Please explain to them the situation and that they send a few agents over. Thank you, sir."

"You are far kinder than what I was told. I was told that you barbaric and demanding."

"Mr. Aiello, men who are intimidated by strong and independent women will fabricate lies to put women down to make themselves look better. Men are wired to be the protectors but once challenged, they are insecure and don't want to appear to be a pansy."

"My apologies."

"Thank you."

"Dr. DeLuca? The agents are here."

"Thank you, Joe. Would you please continue to film as they take Mr. Aiello? When you can no longer see them or their vehicle on the property, you can end filming. From there, please upload the tape - in its entirety - to the law enforcement agency, yourself, your attorneys, me and my attorneys."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Thank you."

In half an hour, the law enforcement agency was taking Gianni off the compound. Once Joe couldn't see them anymore, he uploaded the recording and sent the recording those that I requested. When I stood up, I collapsed and blacked out.

Monday, February 24, 2025

A surprise visitor

I didn’t hear from Doc at all but received a letter via my courier from Doc’s lawyer. Doc signed the divorce papers and submitted them; we’re now divorced. I spent several days in bed crying…I loved Doc to a certain extent but couldn’t give him what he wanted.

Two weeks later, I heard a knock at the door.

“Coming!” I hollered as I waddled to the door. 

I opened the door and saw C. That’s the last thing I remembered before blacking out. I don’t know how much time passed by when I started coming too and felt a cool was cloth on my forehead.

“Welcome back, my beautiful deviant,” C murmured. “How you feeling?”

“Um, thanks?” I said. “I don’t know. What are you doing here?”

“Doc called me and said that his guys couldn’t find you,” he said as he kissed me. “I’m about ready to tell him that you’re ok. Don’t worry…I won’t tell him where you are.”

C left the room as he called Doc. As I got up, I noticed that my breasts leaked. Ugh, being seven months pregnant will do that. I headed to my room and started taking my shirt off. Then I realized I wasn’t wearing a bra.

“Oh my god,” C whispered from behind me. I could feel his hot breath on me. “You’re so incredibly stunning.”

“Thank you,” I moaned as he gently lifted my pregnant stomach relieving some lower back pain. “Join me.”

He let go of my stomach slowly and followed me into my room. I turned around to face him. He looked at me in awe. C kissed me as he massaged my breasts. I reached down to his pants, I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and took his penis in my hand and began to stroke him. In no time, he climaxed in my hand.

When he caught his breath, he stripped then helped me out of my sweats. I got on the bed, laid down on my back and spread my legs. He hopped onto the bed, mounted me and screwed me for about an hour. I was embarrassed by my breasts leaking but he loved it.

He eventually rolled us over so I could slide up and down his penis. I screamed and moaned when he sucked and bit my breasts. After climaxing on his penis several times, he rolled us back over and he began to ride me. In no time, he was shooting loads of his seed in me.

Just when I thought he was empty, he pulled out. He helped me get on my hands and knees. He mounted my ass and fucked me hard. He reached around to grab my breasts. They hurt so much from swinging around but felt better in his big hands as he squeezed them. He shot more loads of his seed deep inside of my ass.

We woke up hours still in each others arms. C started caressing my body but stopped when we heard banging on the door.

“Stay here, Lee,” C gruffly said as he was putting his jeans on. “It could be Doc.”

I nodded as he left. I gingerly got off my bed and headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I heard some loud voices so I cut my shower short. I wrapped up my hair in a towel after drying off, threw on an oversized shirt and deodorant. 

I headed downstairs and into the kitchen. Doc and C were fighting about me. 

“Whoa, Nelly,” I said to the men. “Last time I checked, I’m a divorced but pregnant woman and I don’t belong to either one of you. Either you both stop fighting and figure it out as men or you guys can continue like infantile men and you both will be told to leave.” 

They both apologized to me and to each other as I poured them some whiskey. 

“Look…C taught me passion and while I was - and still am - broken, Doc taught me love,” I said. “You’ve both hurt me terribly and I still haven't healed.”

“Did you let this jerk touch you?” Doc asked me.

“As your former wife, I don’t owe you any explanation,” I said. “Doc, you’re not allowed to come here unannounced. C, you can come here any time as long as it doesn’t interfere with The House nor with your girlfriend.”

I went upstairs. The stress and emotional trauma of them fighting upset me and caused cramping. I felt that a cool shower would help. Thankfully, it did help some. I dried off, hung up my towel and laid in my cool sheets naked. I soon fell asleep. C definitely had worn me out. 

I woke up around dinner time. I got dressed in a casual around the house maternity dress, brushed my teeth and went downstairs. I raided the fridge for leftovers and decided that I’d order takeout. While deciding what to order, the cramps came back with vengeance. I dialed a number on my phone.

“Please come…” I barely whispered then everything went black.

I woke up feeling like I was in a beehive. So many voices. So many cool hands.

“Amore, stay with me!” Doc said. I could barely hear him. “Beloved, stay with me. Please, my love. I can’t lose you again. I love you!”

“What did you do to her, asshole?” I vaguely heard C yell. I heard Doc moan in pain then a thud. Everything went black again.

I woke up in the hospital in severe pain; I felt like I was being ripped in half. The nurses urged me to push. My god, I was giving birth. I tried to stop as I was only seven and half months pregnant. I begged them to let me keep the baby inside of me. They told me that I couldn’t or we’d both die. I pushed and about an hour later, I had given birth. I heard the baby cry then I passed out.

“Beloved. My beautiful amore,” Doc whispered in my ear. “I love you, amore. Please wake up for me.” 

As I was going in and out of consciousness, I heard Doc screaming for help. I tried to tell him that I was ok but I was just so tired. So many doctors and nurses came running into my room. The last thing I heard was someone saying to book an OR and that I needed emergency surgery. Everything went black. 

I felt a hand squeezing my hand and a distant voice asking me to come back to them. I was so tired and fell back to sleep. Somehow in my deepest of sleep, I heard Doc and C talking to me. They begged me to come back to them. They fought with the deities they believe in, begging to let me wake up and live. 

I gasped for air as I woke up. I was trying to get the intubation tube out but a nurse came in and took it out for me.

“Welcome back, Ms. McDoc,” the nurse said. “You have a visitor here for you. He’s barely left your side.”

I looked around the room and saw C sleeping in a chair next to my bed. I was expecting Doc. I was disappointed that Doc wasn’t there but I was relieved C was there. I tried clearing my throat but it hurt. C woke up and he rushed to my side.

“Welcome back, friend,” he said. “You’ve been in and out of consciousness for ten days. The day that Doc and I fought put you into premature labor. You gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. He’s in the NICU and Doc is with him while I’ve been with you. Somehow, your uterus became infected and you started hemorrhaging and you were rushed into an emergency surgery. The doctor needed consent to perform a hysterectomy. As your next of kin, I authorized it. When Doc heard, he said that it was up to him as your ex-husband but I explained to him that since the divorce, you listed me as your power of attorney.”

“Ahem,” Doc cleared his throat.

“I’ll go hang with Baby McDoc,” C said as he squeezed my hand. “Your shiner is looking better.”

Doc chuckled as C left for the NICU.

“My beautiful amore,” Doc said as he gently climbed onto the bed next to me. “Our son is perfect. I have pictures to show you.”

“My son,” I croaked. “Only my name is on the birth certificate. His name is Anthony David DeLuca.”

“What?” Doc asked in shock. “You didn’t bother to ask me for any input! He’s my son!”

“My son is named after your father and my dad,” I said. “Since I am now going by my maiden name after legally changing it after the divorce, my son will carry on the DeLuca bloodlines.”

“Did you ever love me, beloved?”

“To some extent, I did,” I said. “I can’t be with anyone who gives me ultimatums.”

“Amore, I will provide you with whatever you need,” he said; tears streaming down his face. 

“C has made arrangements to stay with me for a little bit when the baby and I go home,” I said. 

“What if I want to visit you and the baby?” 

“You can visit with me but C will have the baby elsewhere,” I said. “Doc, it’s time for you to leave. C and I have much to discuss.”

“Ti amo, mío amato. Lo farò sempre e non mi fernerò mai,” Doc said in Italian, telling me that he loves me and he always will. “I will fight for you, amore. I will make you love me again.”

Doc kissed me and said that by the looks of it, I’d need to feed the baby. He left and stopped at the nurse’s station to ask them to bring me to the baby so I could feed him then he left. A nurse came in a few minutes later with a wheelchair. 

The nurse, Anna, carefully helped me transfer to the wheelchair but the stitches from the incision site of the hysterectomy hurt so much. My breasts leaked through the hospital gown. Anna asked a colleague to bring another hospital gown. We barely waited thirty seconds and the other nurse came back. They helped me change then I was on my way.

When we arrived, C was holding the baby. Damn. He looked so handsome holding my baby. My ovaries twitched.

“It’s my turn to hold my baby," I said as I reached out my arms.

“Hey, beautiful mama,” C said as he handed me the baby. “Let me untie the gown for you.” 

The ties were in the front. He purposely bumped his hands against my full and aching breasts.

“Hurry or I’m going to leak again,” I moaned.

He finished untying the gown then he opened it up. I brought baby Anthony to my right breast and he latched on immediately. The nurses quietly left. When Anthony had his fill, I burped him and he fell asleep in my arms.

“Did the nurses leave a pump in here for me?”

“No, they didn’t,” he said. “Want me to go ask them for one?”

“No,” I said. “It’d be quicker if you sucked my breast. It hurts so much.” 

C took the baby from my arms and put him in his crib then came over to me. He spread my legs, kneeled in front of me and leaned over to take my breast in his mouth and started sucking. I moaned in relief and pleasure. C took his time sucking my breast. As he was sucking my left breast, he was also squeezing it to help pleasure me.

When he was finished sucking my left breast, he began to finish draining my right breast. With one hand, he was massaging my right breast and with his other, he was stroking his penis. We were both moaning.

“Are you able to lean over that table?”

“With a little guidance, I can,” I said as I took off the hospital gown. 

He strode over to the door to lock it then rushed back to me. He got me ready then he dropped his pants, brushed his penis against my apex then gently slid his penis into my ass. I grunted in pain, he moaned and climaxed. He was still hard as a rock and he began to slide his penis in and out of my ass. In no time, we both climaxed. He pulled out, pulled his pants up then he helped me back into the hospital gown and safely got me back in the wheelchair. Once I was as comfortable as I could get, he unlocked the door.

“Where are the diapers and wipes?” he asked as he stuck his head outside the room.

“We’ll take care of the baby for you," Anna said. "Ms. McDoc, we'll get you for the next feeding."

I thanked her and C took me back to my room. He helped me get back on the bed and placed the sheet and blanket over me.

"What are the important things that we needed to discuss, Lee?" he asked.

"I just wanted to be left alone with you and the baby," I said. "He's been a pain in the ass by hovering. He feels guilty about the ultimatum and forcing my hand in the divorce."

"Do you still love him?"

"I honestly don't know if I ever loved him. I loved the safety and the security he offered when you and the others couldn't at the time of the trial. Look, I know that you need to leave in a few days. Want to gather all your stuff at my house and then leave from here?"

"Wow. Guess those are good reasons to marry him. Sure it wasn't for the money?"

"The money was great as it couldn't be traced back to me however it was the safety and security that made him attractive to me."

"I probably should get going. The girlfriend has been up my ass the last week or so. She thinks its something to do with The House."

"Well, its not too far from the truth to be honest.”

“True,” he said.

He gathered his things from my hospital room and then he went to my place to gather the rest of his belongings. When he got home, he emailed me to let me know that he got home safely. I put my phone in the drawer and locked it then I laid down to rest. 

Sleep came fast for me. Breastfeeding my baby and having sex wore me out. It was a little bit of a turn on that C sucked my full breasts. He said in the past that it was something that he always wanted to do with me.

Two hours later, Anna brought the baby into my room for a feeding. She also brought in a pump for me to use as I produced a bit more breast milk than average. It was a shame that C wasn’t around to help the process. 

As the baby and I were wrapping up, a silent alarm went off. Several armed men came to my room and closed and locked the door behind them. The baby started to cry which made me breasts hurt and leak. I put the baby on one breast - he latched on and started feeding right away - and I put the pump on my other breast. It felt great to have some relief.

The baby didn’t feed long this time. I burped him and one of the guards put him in his bassinet. The pump was full and unfortunately so was I. I tried to get out of bed so I could release the rest in the bathroom sink. However, the guards put an end to this. They didn’t the medical training to help me out of bed so they asked if they could help. I said offhandedly that they could suck my breasts but it would be awkward as fuck, especially if the alarm was turned off and someone walked in. The one had a cup of water with him. He drank it and offered it to me. I struggled to squeeze my breastmilk into the cup but I managed. 

When my breasts finally felt some relief, I struggled to get the hospital gown closed. By the time I did, the code was cleared and the guards unlocked my door, “ma’am” -ed me and left.

Anna came rushing into my room to check on the baby and I. She saw that he was sleeping and that the pump was full. She said that she’d pour the milk into bottles for me just in case the baby needed a bottle when I was sleeping.

She came back fifteen minutes later with an empty pump and looked nervous. 

“Ms. McDoc…sorry. Ms. DeLuca. May I ask who you are?” Anna asked. “Are you someone famous?”

“No problem, Anna. You can call me Miss Lee,” I said kindly. “I’m a former high ranking government official. Someone must’ve come by to trigger the alarm. The only people that would do this can’t.”

“I have a grainy picture of who it was,” she said showing me the picture. “Do you know who it is?”

“Yes, I do. It’s my ex-husband’s brother. They’re twins but Bob - Doc’s brother - has a scar through his one eyebrow,” I said. “Was Bob caught?”

“I’m not sure however, I’ll ask security to come back in.”

She’d left and security came by a few minutes later. They confirmed that it was Bob and they started a restraining order against him on my behalf. I signed and dated everything for them so they could finish the process.

“Miss Lee?” Anna asked. “Doc is here. He heard what happened. I told him that I couldn’t share anything other than you and the baby were fine. He’s demanding to see you.”

“Vita Mia,” he said as he barged into the room. “Are you ok? Is baby Anthony ok?” 

“Everyone, you can go. Anna? Joe? Can you please stay?” I said as everyone left. “Anna, can you please take my baby back to the nursery? I don’t want to wake him.”

“Ma’am?” Joe asked as his hand was moving towards his weapon. “Your safety is my priority.”

“For now, you can take your hand off your weapon and stand down,” I said. “My ex husband won’t physically hurt me, but he will emotionally. Doc, what do you want?” 

“Joe, I am going to step closer to her but I won’t touch her until she says I can, ok?” Doc said as Joe nodded. “Amore, I am so sorry for everything that I did to hurt you. It caused you to go into labor early and we, sorry, you almost lost your son. I can never go back in time and change everything I did. It wasn’t right to give you a time frame nor threaten a divorce. All I can ever do is keep apologizing to you, beg for your forgiveness and keep telling you how much I love you and Anthony.”

“Doc? Please leave.” I said. “I don’t want to see you again unless I invite you to where the baby and I are. Joe, can you please escort him out of my room and from the premises? Doc, by the the owner of this hospital, you are officially fired and banned from stepping a foot in this hospital again. However, if you file for unemployment, you will be denied. You crossed the line when I was your patient. If you decide to sue me, you will lose. If you chose to apply to another hospital, I need 24 hours notice and the name of the hospital. Depending on the hospital, I may or may not write a letter of recommendation.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Doc said….he knew not to apologize to me. As he turned to leave.

“Oh, Doc?” I said. “You’re not welcome on any of your former properties anymore. If you’d read the amended divorce paperwork, you kept all of your money, but I kept all the properties. Since I’ll still be in here for a few more days, you’ll have that amount of time to pack what you can and move out. What you don’t take, will be put in storage. And because I’m feeling generous, the house I bought myself a few miles from the compound is now in your name.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” he said and left.

Joe escorted Doc out. Doc’s office has been cleaned out and his belongings were sent to my former home for him. In his belongings, there were three letters of recommendations to the top three hospitals in the country. 

I fell asleep when he left. I was woken up a few hours later for dinner. After eating, Anna brought the baby to me. She picked him up and passed him to me. I undid my hospital gown and brought the baby to my breast.

Baby Anthony finished the one breast. I burped him and offered him the other. Halfway through, he fell asleep. Anna helped me prop him up and taught me to burp a sleeping baby. After he burped, she put him in his bassinet.

“How’s he fairing, Anna?” I asked.

“He’s doing great! He graduated from the NICU and is now in the nursery,” she said. “Little man is gaining weight, sleeping several hours at a time, tries to giggle and is already trying to roll over. Oh! Joe added a few guys to our floor as well as the same floor as the nursery.”

“I’m so happy that he’s doing well,” I said. “I hope Joe’s guys are being discreet.”

“Joe had them tell people that there’s a diplomat’s baby is on the nursery floor and now has higher security and a diplomat's wife on this floor.” 

“He’s a good and smart man,” I said.

“Miss Lee?” she asked. “Will you give Doc a second chance?”

“I don’t think so. I went to him when I was broken and he tried to help me but he broke me even more than I can explain. If you’re asking my permission to chase after my ex, the answer is no. It’s disrespectful and inappropriate to even consider getting together with a patient’s child’s parent.”

“Thanks for letting me know, Miss Lee,” she said slightly disappointed. 

I knew she wouldn’t go after him anymore. Doc tried calling me and texting me but I ignored the messages.

I spent four more days in the hospital. I healed, I ate and hydrated, and rested. Geraldine gave me my discharge papers and sent me off on my way home. 

Kay came to get me from the hospital. When we got to the compound, and she carried my baby inside as I wasn’t cleared to carry the baby seat yet.

“Go relax as I spend time with my godson,” she said.

I showered, dressed and came downstairs. Dinner was almost ready so I fed the baby. He’d been doing so well with the feedings lately that the pediatrician said that if he can handle it, he can feed from both sides. Tonight, he did. I burped him and Kay put him in his bassinet. 

We talked and I told her all the I was legally able to be shared. She was shocked with what I told her. We ate in silence. When we finished, she cleaned up and I took the baby upstairs for a diaper change and another feeding. I put my baby his bassinet and went to my bed to lay down. I fell asleep immediately.

Kay stayed a week to help me take care of the baby and I. Her husband visited a few times but he didn’t stay often as we couldn’t stand each other; we could never stand each other.

I finally had the house to myself after a few days. Anna came out a few times a day to help me when I was in need of medical assistance. Geraldine called twice a day to see how the baby and I were. C called a million times a day when he could. Doc left letters every day. I called C one day.

“Hey. Can you take the baby for a little bit?” I asked when he answered. “Doc wants to see me.”

“Sure thing,” he said. “I’m almost at the gate.”

I quickly showered, dried off, put some deodorant on and a sun dress. As I sat down to feed the baby, Joe announced that C was coming up the stairs. I’m glad I hired him from the hospital; he’s been great with both the baby and I…there’d been a few times that he’s helped out when the baby and the pumps were full. 

C gathered the baby and his supplies before leaving. Thankfully, he left a few minutes before Doc arrived.

“Doc,” I said welcoming him into my room as I was brushing my hair. “Joe, we’re ok.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said with a twinkle in his eyes as he checked me out, leaving his eyes on my breasts.

“Why did you agree to the divorce?” Doc asked as he kissed me and caressed my body. “My god, vita mia. Motherhood looks great on you. How’s the baby?” 

“Mmmm,” I moaned as he kissed my neck. “The baby is good. He’s getting bigger every day. Because you wanted to be the boss in the marriage. You’re free to do whatever and whomever you want.”

"Amore, there hasn't been anyone since you," he said as he kissed me. "You consume me, vita mia. All I think about is you. I can't eat nor sleep because of you. I can't touch myself because of you. You're all I want."