Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Today was a rather interesting day at work. I worked on a line that I don’t mind too much and my operator is a pretty cool and chill guy (I’ve worked with him before several times over the past 2 months). Usually the line runs pretty well but today it really wasn’t.
Anyways, M (my operator) forewarned me that the line wasn’t running well, in which I replied was fine; I’d dealt with worse! His relief operator (an operator who covers another operator’s line with the original operator is on break) is an older guy and makes me feel a bit uncomfortable….He stares at me like he’s visually undressing me. Um, ew!
So I had enough of it and finally went upstairs to the office to talk to D about it. I was surprised that he was actually nice to me! He hadn’t been nice to me in a few weeks. As I was telling D what was going on, he made a notation in my employee profile that I came up to the office and told him what's going on, that this operator hasn't approached sexually as of yet, etc. As I got up from the chair to head back to work, D throws me in for a bit of a loop.
He tells me that he doesn’t hate me at all and has been told to distance himself from me because HR had called him saying that several people called and complained of how he treated me (mood swings, starting conversations that eventually lead to sex, being rude to me for no reason).
“Right. Uh huh. You don’t hate me. Bull shit, D. We both know damn well you hate me and that you don’t treat me well. I show you respect because you’re my boss, not because I want to. You can hate me all you want, I don’t give a flying fuck, but the least you could do is show me the same common courtesy and respect that you show others” I say.
I spin and storm out the door and head back to work. I was pissed as all hell at him; what else is new? As the afternoon winds down, the machine and line stop working properly…..empty bags start flying all over the place, candy comes out unpackaged on the conveyer belt and spilling all over the floor. I hit the emergency stop and call M over to fix the problem. I was literally ankle deep in candy. I step out of the candy, start sweeping it up into a pile. As I come back with a dust pan and brush, D comes over. I give him the nastiest look I can muster up. He pulled me aside so M couldn’t hear the conversation.
“Look, Deppgrl. You’re right. I don’t show you the common courtesy and respect that not only I don’t show you but you deserve. I’m sorry that I don’t treat you as well as I treat the other employees. It’s not fair to you and also pretty unprofessional on my end. I’m so sorry!” D said.
“Bull shit!” I hissed at him.
I spun around and got back to cleaning up the candy that was all over the floor. Could this afternoon get any worse than it already was? I’m half way done cleaning up the candy disaster area when I see A coming my way. I groan. He looked mad that there was a mess and that it was partially my fault. I would take responsibility for causing the candy to fall on the floor for hitting the E stop.
“A” I said. “Look…..about the candy on the floor. I’m SO sorry. I had to hit the E stop. I’m almost done cleaning it up; I’ll be fast so M can get the line back up and running!”
“Deppgrl” A said putting his arm around my shoulders. “It’s ok; I know it’s not your fault that the line isn’t working properly. Take your time cleaning up, ok?”
“Thanks, A. I just need a few more minutes!” I said.
I get back to where I was cleaning with the dust pan and brush. I pulled out the big guns with the air gun (the air gun shoots air when the handle is pressed down) to get the candy out of small crevices. It took me almost a good thirty minutes to clean up the area after A came around. I told A that I was finished cleaning and that I was going to step to the ladies room. He nodded and said that he’d meet me in the break room in a few minutes. I nodded and walked away.
On my way to the ladies room, I started to cry. I thought A was going to get D to join us in the break room and have D fire me. I splashed water on my face then dried my face off. I took a deep breath and exhaled then I headed over to meet A.
“Look, A, I did what I was allowed to do; hit the E stop. I knew it was going to be a nasty mess to clean up but I did what I had to do. I knew M wasn’t going to be happy but I’d rather that than allowing the mess to continue. Wait. Where’s D? Why isn’t he here to fire me himself? Are you even allowed to fire me??” I said fast, tears welled up in my eyes again.
“Whoa, Deppgrl! Slow down!! No one’s firing you. Why would D or I fire you? I know hitting the E stop was the only thing you could do to stop the mess from getting worse! Yes, M is mad but NOT at you! He’s mad at himself for not paying close enough attention to the line. Oh, honey! Please don’t cry!” A said as he wiped a tear from my face. I started to shake.
“D had said earlier that he doesn't hate me, but he really does, and doesn’t treat me as well as the others from the agency; he’s got his favorites and I’m far from that list. He may be my boss but I don’t like him. A….please don’t toy with me. Please give me my helmet back; I need to return to work” I said as A put my helmet on a high place that I couldn’t reach. He proceeds to take his helmet off as well, placing it next to mine.
“I’m sorry but I’ve wanted to do this for a long time” A said quietly as he’s leaning towards me to kiss me. “Please don’t be afraid of me, Deppgrl.”
A leans in even closer and kisses me. I’m afraid to kiss back. He gently bites my bottom lip to open my mouth. I sigh and he deepens the kiss. Good gravy, can this man kiss! A gently slides his tongue in my mouth; I moaned in pleasure and began to kiss him back.
“A, please. I can’t do this. Just give me my helmet back; I promise I won’t tell anyone – no one would believe me anyways. I’ll leave you alone while I’m still employed by the temp agency. Can’t have the boss man be caught with the help!” I said, taking my helmet from A’s out stretched hand, putting it back on my head. I throw my safety glasses on and my ear plugs in then head back to work.
Of course I wasn’t paying attention to where I was walking so I literally bump into D of all people. He grabs my arm so I don’t fall. I get squared my feet, thanked him then yanked my arm out of his hand. As I walk away, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around; ready to elbow whoever grabbed my shoulder. It was D.
“Would you leave me alone already? I’ve had enough with you today, plus the line going down making a mess and now A all over me because you told him to! Leave me the hell alone!” I said.
“Deppgrl, I apologized already. I have no idea what else I can do. I can’t really leave you alone since I’m your boss. I’m sorry that you had to deal with that mess and I absolutely no idea what you mean about having A all over you. Is that why you’re flushed? What did he do??” D asked.
“Never mind. You don’t get it!!” I said storming off. “You know better than sneaking up behind me like that, you rude arrogant ass!”
By the time I get back to the line, my relief (the second shift) was there already. I mumbled something and then jogged to the locker room, ran up the stairs, opened my locker, changed into my street clothes in less than 2 minutes, throw my work stuff in there, slam the locker, grab the uniform and dump it in the proper bins, run down the stairs, clock out and jog to the cafeteria to grab my lunch bag. I stood there for a moment to catch my breath; I'm crying so hard that I'm shaking and using the wall to support me. B is right next to me – he’d followed me, knowing that something is wrong. He grabbed our lunch bags, supported me as we walked through security and headed outside. We sat down on a bench and he held me as I cried. He asked what happened and I told him everything that happened.
“Oh, honey. Can’t you see? D is jealous of the guys that you work closely with and know well. He knows that you can’t date because he’s the boss. He’s even jealous of me because of how close we are; funny thing is that he doesn’t even know that I’m bi. Ha ha ha. Anyways, if A is interested in you, don’t push him away. He’s a really good guy. You can’t find a better guy than him!” B said.

“Thanks, Boo. You always know what to say!”I said as I hugged him. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Love you!”

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Getting barged in on

I went to the local shopping mall today since I had the rare day off. So I left the one store that I had coupons for (a clothing store) and went to the “stinky store” (the store with lotion, perfume, candles, etc) to buy some perfume for the wedding I’m attending in a matter of days.
After paying, I head to another clothing store. I grab a few things to try on and head to the changing room. This changing room sucked! It had a curtain instead of a door. So, anyways, I’m trying on this dress and as I zip it up, some 15 yr old boy yanks the curtain back, leaves it wide open and walks away. I yank the curtain to close the room I was in so I could finish zipping up. When I am finished zipping the dress, I storm out, look the kid in the face and say:
“First of all, have some common courtesy and common sense! The curtain is closed. That means someone’s in there! Second of all, this is a LADIES changing room……NOT a men’s! You shouldn’t be in here; especially when you don’t have anything to try on! Third of all, you disgust me to the point where I want to vomit! How can you walk into a ladies changing room, yank open a curtain and leave it open when someone’s in there who’s BARELY decent? You have some nerve!  You’re a poor excuse for a person!”
He just stood there staring at me! He didn’t say anything! All he did was nod his head. So I rushed back to the changing room, threw my clothes back on and went to a sales associate to ask for a manager. I let the manager know what happened. She called the mall’s security to come into the store to escort the underage peeping Tom out of the store. He was SO livid as he was being escorted out, he was cursing so much that my ears were burning.

Monday, July 22, 2013

The house almost got broken into but the dog saved the day

So last night was the final night of dog and house sitting for my friends. I went to bed somewhere between 1:45 and 2 am local time. I read a little bit then fell asleep – I had the bedroom door open a little bit so I could hear the dog bark.
I finally fall asleep and what feels like minutes was actually 2 ish hours later. Around 4:15 am, the dog was barking as if to tell me she needed to go out and do her business. So she does her business then she starts barking at a running car in an abandoned parking lot 40 or so yards away. The driver saw me and turned off their headlights but the running lights were left on. The dog and I booked into the house, re locked the back door and then re checked the front door.
As we went upstairs (the stairs are located by the front door), the screen storm door opened rather noisily (it squeaks) and then heard someone trying to break the door down. We ran upstairs, I grabbed my cell phone and mace, grabbed the dog and hid in a closet. I called the cops. I explained the situation, briefly, to the dispatcher who promised to send out patrolmen.
I hid in the closet with the dog until dispatch called and told me that the cops have the intruder in custody (handcuffed) and that one of the cops would like to talk to me. I left the dog inside and stepped outside with the would be intruder sitting on the curb with his hands cuffed behind his back. I explained that I wasn’t the resident of the house but a friend who was house and dog sitting, the dog heard a noise, barked – which woke me up – took her outside, the running car and the attempt to break in.
I was asked if the man in the cuffs was the man who tried to break in. I said that I didn’t know because I didn’t look for the intruder’s face.
They ended up arresting him for attempting to break in, intent to steal, possession of an illegal substance and intent to sell and possession of a gun without any licenses or any documentation of allowing to carry it concealed.
The cops finally left around 5:30 this morning. I couldn’t sleep when I went back to bed. I was to high strung to do anything so I packed up for the night and headed back to bed. Sadly I couldn’t fall back asleep.

I took a 20 minute nap when I got home but I didn’t feel refreshed. Now it’s after 1 am (local time) and I can’t sleep….reliving anything and everything about the would be intruder. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Dog sitting

Do you remember the couple that I dog sat for last year and the husband “broke” in to get his wallet? Well….I’m dog sitting for them again this weekend. They’re paying me $10 more than they did last time (yay!) but I really didn’t want to. Figured I’d do it for the money.

Anyways, I don’t like the dog, the house smells of dog (no matter how much Febreeze is sprayed! or how many times I vacuum), the dog sniffs, drools, snorts, farts, snores, slobbers and slimes constantly, doesn’t eat when I feed it, I have to take it out a million times a night just for it to pee the very last time it whines

Monday, July 15, 2013

Thinking about ending my relationship with my guy

I’m not really into T as much as I originally thought before we started dating. He’s a great guy but in the long run, seemed more of a brother than anything else. We always got along when we were younger; which is why we got along fine now. It doesn’t really help that I’ve been secretly crushing on one of the associates at the company my temp agency works for; ok so he’s really the “captain” (boss) for one of the shifts. We’ll call him “A”.
Anyways, whenever A and his shift works the day shifts (the shifts I work 99.9 % of the time), he hunts me down and always talks with me a bit. Or sometimes in passing, he’s got a big ass smile and waves at me. The one time in passing, I’m walking somewhere with a female coworker of mine and there’s A with a big ass smile and waves. I smile, wave and say hello.
Sometimes, there’s a misunderstanding. Here’s an example:
“A”, she says. “Were you waving at me or her (meaning me)?”
“Sorry XYZ, I was waving at Deppgrl. It was pretty obvious.” He says
“A, you don’t need to be rude,” I say winking to let him know I was teasing. “We all know how much you love me!”
A turns beat red and then laughs.

Not too long ago, one of A’s operators was giving me a hard time when A wasn’t around. A smiled and waved as he passed by. All I could do was smile and nod back in greeting. He stopped for a second and then came over. He asked what was wrong and I said nothing. He kept asking what was wrong until I told him that I felt that his one operator was giving me a hard time. A kinda hid in the corner as the operator came back from break. I was doing my own thing and all of a sudden he gave me a hard time for cleaning. I explained that since I’m with the temp agency, there are certain things I can and cannot do; one of the things I cannot do is make an attempt to fix the machines on my own – I can ask an operator if I can help and they have to decide if they’ll have me help or not help.
A overheard this transaction (of course) and started giving the operator hell for assuming that I’d be willing to risk my job by trying to fix the machine without the approval AND supervision of one of the associates/operators. After A giving this guy hell, he’s pretty much left me alone

Then there are kinda funny stories about A. I’ll share one of them with you. So I was working in an area where there’d be peanuts (out of their shells) and I’d have to inspect them as they went down the conveyor belt. We shut the line down around 11 am and then I went upstairs to get my next assignment. It ended up I had to go the far side of the plant to speak with D. He said to change my uniform (due to being covered in peanut particle) and go to lunch before I get sent over to see “M” – another operator.
While in the cafeteria, I see A but really don’t talk to him. He comes over and says where he wants me to work the one line I was sent to work at until the end of the shift but the machine was down so I assisted operators with cleaning, organizing, taking out the garbage and/or recycling.

I finally went on my last break and was in the break room. A came inside to talk to me about focusing a little more on the cleaning of one line (it wasn’t working properly and was making a huge mess when it stopped working). As he was talking, he kept gesticulating/talking with his hands. One if his operators said that I should hold A’s hands so no one gets dizzy and no one gets hit!! I turn a deep red and A turns slightly pink. It was pretty funny.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I felt like I was betraying my new guy while at work today

While at work today, I feel like I betrayed my feelings for T. I didn’t cheat at all just betrayed my feelings for him is all.
This morning, just after the morning meeting, I waited to talk to D about who I was working with. After a moment or two of discussing the subject, I turned to leave. As I turned to leave, I noticed something on D’s ear. I pulled him aside and quietly said that he should check out his ear in a mirror; there’s something on it. He tried to get it off but wasn’t able to.
“Would you mind if I tried?” I asked.
“Sure, Deppgrl” he said.
I stepped closer and reached out with my dominant hand to wipe it off. My hand was shaking severely; D had noticed but didn’t say anything.
“There! You’re all set, D!” I said.
“Thanks, Deppgrl! I’ll swing by in a little bit to see how you’re doing.” D said.
A few hours later, he swings by to see how I’m holding up and dealing with the asshole I’m working with. I told him that it goes, just uber uncomfortable working near the bozo.
“Hey. About earlier….with your ear….?” I say.
“What about it??” D asks.
“Sorry I got into your personal space. Certain things set my OCD off….things that are out of place, collars not sitting straight, that kinda thing.” I say.
“No worries. I would’ve walk around all day with something on my ear and no one would’ve said anything. Feel free to get into my personal space anytime!” D says.
I just nod my head in acknowledgement. I have a boyfriend and I should be getting anxious/nervous around him instead of my boss. I should feel twitter pated around T instead of D.

Gah. I feel like my feelings betrayed me and trying to convince me that I’m interested in D. Yes, I know that at one point that I thought I was in love with D, but clearly I was wrong. Nothing good would come of the relationship between D and I. I should be focused more on my man than my boss.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Still hearing that my bf loves me

             It’s been about a week since T and I started to date and a week since he said that he loved me. He reminds me at least once a day that he loves me. He gets a weird look on his face when I don’t say it back. Part of it is that the last time I told a guy that I loved him, he cheated on me and got the woman pregnant; he didn’t care that I was already pregnant with his twins (due to the emotional distress, I ended up choosing to have an abortion).
            T is unaware of the entire situation but he knows that an ex fiancé cheated on me. I know that T wouldn’t even dream of cheating on me or hurting me.
          When we told my brother, JJ, he said that if T hurt me, my brother would be the first one to throw a punch. I told JJ that T’s my boyfriend and IF he hurt me, it’d be on me to do something…..not JJ. I’m an adult and can take care of myself.
          Anyways, I think it’s too soon that for T to tell me that he loves me. We’ve been together a week!! I understand if we were together for a few months and then for him to tell me that he loves me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that he doesn’t love me…..just saying that I think it’s too soon.
          He's truly a good guy, understands the value of working hard, isn’t afraid to get dirty, he fights with his family but fights FOR his family, he loves animals and he’s definitely the type of guy one would be proud to take home to meet one’s parents.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

It feels a little strange to have a boyfriend

It feels a bit strange to have a boyfriend. In general, my boyfriends don’t last too long because I either lose interest/get bored, I want more freedom then what my bf’s give (I like the occasional night out with my male friends but my bf’s don’t care much for it), the bf of whatever moment doesn’t like that I like to drink Jack & Coke instead of girly, fruity mixed drinks and the boyfriend of whatever moment doesn’t like the fact that I feel that I can protect myself as well as they can, if not better.
I have ADD so I get bored easily. I have more male friends than female friends. Nothing against the girly, fruity mixed drinks; I like them occasionally but prefer Jack & Coke. My brother, my dad and my gramps all taught me how to pack a punch, protect myself and not to take shit from anyone.
But I’m beginning to think that T is a little different. He knows that I’m feeling a little bored but he’s coming up with different things to help me not be so bored, he encourages me to spend time with “The Boys” as long as he’s met them, he doesn’t care that I like Jack & Coke and is helping me protect myself.

Let’s see how long T lasts. The last bf barely lasted a month. Hoping T lasts a few months!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A massive shocker: I've kinda settled down a little bit.

So I’ve had a shit load of stuff going through lately…, my zio (uncle), my friend, D, the 2 hook ups on Saturday night, looking for another job, etc. I’ve been struggling with a ton of shit and there was always this one person I’d lean on; my wingman “T”
He came over Sunday afternoon and we talked about Saturday night’s events with the 2 random guys, line dancing, etc. T leans over and starts kissing me; I’m still horny so I kiss him back. We start ripping our clothes off. I lean him back on the couch a little and straddle him, with his appendage centimeters away from entering my apex.
“Put your cock in me” I say.
“What?” T asks.
“Put your cock in me. That’s pretty much what you wanted since you let yourself in 15 minutes ago. Your cock is rock hard; my pussy’s drenched. Just fuck me already!” I say.
“But you’re my friend’s baby sister!” T says.
“T, I’m fucking 30 years old. I am JJ’s ‘youngest’ sister; I’m no longer his baby sister. Time’s ticking. Either you fuck me here and now or I’m going to blue ball you. It’s your choice!” I say.
T gets this…..look on his face. He shoves his hips up, ramming his cock into my pussy. I gasp at the pleasure. As he’s pulling out, I slide down his cock.
“Fuck” he says. “Your pussy is wet AND tight. I’m gonna fuck you so good you can’t walk!”
I keep sliding up and down his hard cock, going faster and faster. He picks me up, puts me on the floor, and rams his cock into me again. I throw both legs over his shoulders so he can ram his cock deeper into my pussy.
After fucking me like this for a few minutes, I get on all fours so he can fuck me from behind. I love sex this way. T grabs my hips and rams his cock deep into my pussy; making me scream. He keeps pounding into me, hard and fast; gaining momentum with each thrust.
“FUCK!” T screams as he shoots cum inside me.
“FUCK!” I scream as I squirt on his cock.
He pulls out and wraps me in his arms. I’m a little surprised by this; it’s unusual for a guy to hold me after having sex but whatever.
“You know what, Lovey? I’ve been interested in you for YEARS but JJ made me promise I wouldn’t touch you sexually and if he found out, he’d hit me. I don’t regret having sex with you. It’s made me realize that I still am interested in you. Lovey, be my girl” T says.
“Let’s call JJ in a few minutes to tell him we screwed like crazy…..and yes, T, I’ll be your girl, but only if I’m your only girl. I won’t tolerate you cheating on me!” I say.

“I’ll never have another girl. If I do, she’ll call you ‘Mommy’. I love you, babe!” T says.