Thursday, November 28, 2013

An emergent call from the Chief

I fell asleep with ease that night. I didn’t even wake up when Vince woke up at 8 to clean the entire apartment; vacuuming, dusting, mopping the floor and everything else in between. I must’ve been so tired that I couldn’t hear a single damn thing.
My apartment was far from dirty; I vacuum twice a week, dust once a week…..but Vince is a clean freak. He vacuums every day, dusts every few days, mops the floors twice a week, uses Windex on all mirrors and windows every week. By the time I woke up an hour after he started cleaning, I saw that he had two bags of garbage and a bag of recycling by the door.
“Is my apartment not clean enough for you, bub?” I asked Vince; winking as I walked by.
“It’s ok. You know that I love a super clean place,” Vince replied as my phone was buzzing.
“Hey, Chief. ¿Qué pasa, jefe? A fire? (I paused) Where? In Jersey? Ok. (I paused again)  Where in Jersey? Damn it! He won’t like it….especially if I don’t take him with me. Ok, ok, ok. I’m on my way. 20 minutes top.” I said. “Vince, there’s a fire at your apartment complex. I have to go. The chief said I can take you; he doesn’t know if your apartment was burned or not. I just need a few minutes to call the office and then I’ll be ready.”
“Ok. Are we taking your car or your bike?” Vince asked.
“My 'other' bike. I’ve got one of the FD ones in the valet parking. I’ll text them to let them know I need that one and yes, you’re allowed on it.” I said.
Vince nodded as I sent the text. After it was sent, I called the office as I went to my room to get my bag. See, I don’t go to a fire without my bag. It’s got my personal firefighters uniform and two oxygen tanks. I grabbed it out from underneath my bed, threw on jeans, my boots and my leather jacket; which, thankfully, still contained all my stuff – minus the phones.
“Hey, I’m ready, bub,” I said as I pulled my hair into a knot. “Let’s go!”
We threw our jackets on, I grabbed bag which nearly made me stumble as I slung it on my shoulder and Vince grabbed our helmets. We ran down the stairs.
“Wait. You’re with the PD and the new CEO slash President of a company and NOW I find out that you’re with the FD? You have three jobs, you’re nonstop and yet you make time to go to the gym. How do have time for everything?”
“Well, that’s easy. I go to the office as the CEO/President 4 ½ days a week, I go work with the PD 2 ½ days a week and I make runs with the FD when they require. We’ll talk more about it later. We gotta book it!” I said.
We hopped on the bike that the valet staff had ready for us. At times like this I was grateful that the Chief let me permanently borrow the FD motorcycle; with the lights and siren going, it got me places a lot faster than my personal bike did. Thankfully this bike was custom designed and custom built for me; it was significantly lighter and more manageable to go around turns/bends.
Thankfully we arrived sooner than I originally told my boss. I parked near his SUV, struggled with the bag and jogged over to him.
“Jefe, need me to gear up?” I asked.
“You got it. Don’t use the oxygen yet. Go around and use that magic nose of yours. Here’s a radio; I don’t want your phones to melt. Lock your personal stuff in the bike but keep your badge and weapon. Please have Vince stay with me as you investigate,” my boss said.
“You got is, boss man!” I said as headed back to the bike.
I quickly took off my jacket and threw on my gear and attached the radio. As I locked up my personal stuff in the bike I asked Vince to join the Chief as I use my nose and search just outside the building. After watching my husband join my boss and I started to check out the remains of the complex.
I went around one of the corners of the complex and then I smelled it. I smelled gasoline. I radioed the chief and told him to meet me because I believed I found the cause of the fire.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Just got my computer back

Hey readers!
I just got my computer back from being repaired; something about viruses and a hard drive that wasn't working properly.
Anyways, I'm up and running again. I have a few ideas of what's next but so far, none are working out. Hopefully I should be posting again in the next day or so.

Thanks for being patient!!!



Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Too much food

The next day, I called Kay to invite her over for lunch. I gave her the hard copy of the “contract” that Maxwell, his landlord, Vince and I all had signed. She looked at it and said that she’d get it notarized so it’d be legal. She’d hold on to it for me and file it in a safe place. She asked for Maxwell’s landlord’s information and I gave it to her.
Kay stepped out into the corridor of my apartment building to call the landlord. She was out there for a long time but not sure what was said between them. All I know is that she came back in when she realized her phone was on the verge of losing its power. After coming back in, she plugged her phone into my phone’s charger. I swear she’s on her phone 20 hours a day.
The three of us sat down to 4 pies of pizza and rigatoni with Vodka sauce that I’d ordered from my brother’s restaurant. Kay thought she’d died and gone to heaven after eating the pizza and rigatoni. Between the three of us, we downed 3 of the 4 pizzas and 2 of the 6 pounds of rigatoni. It only took an hour and a half!
Kay and Vince went into the living room as I cleaned up the kitchen. Knowing Vince, he’d ask Kay how long we’d been friends and how often she’d saved my ass over the years. I couldn’t hear what Vince said and thankfully I could hear Kay; she’s not as quiet as Vince but not nearly as loud as I am. She’d told him about me borrowing a taxi to get to work just before I started with the PD. Another instance she shared with Vince was when my brother and I egged a few cars when we had one too many drinks; our sentence was washing those cars.
Vince laughed at the two stories that Kay had shared with him. He didn’t know my brother too well; despite being his teacher as well. He couldn’t imagine my brother getting into any shenanigans because my brother is a business owner. Kay laughed so hard she had tears streaming down her face. She said that as my brother and I were growing up, he was the head of the shenanigan causing but since he’s “too old” for that nonsense, he leaves it up to me. Vince asked if I had gotten into serious trouble and Kay said that she can’t share that with him because of lawyer/client confidentiality. I can only imagine that he wasn’t happy with that response but respected her answer.
After cleaning the kitchen I came out and joined them. Kay and I shared a look; she knew that I heard their conversation about how serious trouble I’ve been in before. I nodded to let her know that I’d talk to Vince.
Kay announced that she was leaving and didn’t need to be rolled out the door. I offered her to take some food home and she accepted. Between her and her lawyer hubby’s busy schedules, they didn’t always have the time to cook dinner. I packed up half of the remaining rigatoni and the last pizza.  With both of her hands full, I’m grateful that her apartment building is right next to mine.
Vince and I went into the kitchen to grab a beer and then headed to the little patio; I just had to remember not to look down. For an adventurous person like myself, I must admit that I’m afraid of heights.
“So, I hear that you get yourself into a little bit of trouble from time to time. Egging cars with your brother, stealing a taxi to get to work,” Vince said.
“Eh. Not exactly trouble but childish behavior. Ok so the one time wasn’t; the taxi. My car’s tires were slashed, I knew the cabbie so I asked him if I could borrow his taxi and he said that it was ok. A passerby didn’t know that I knew the cabbie and called the PD on me, I was arrested. I called Kay and she requested to see the Chief, with whom she’s worked with before, explained that I was a new hire with the PD and didn’t want a record and I also didn’t want to leave my previous job, at Cielo, on a bad note. The Chief called Bob at Cielo and Bob verified that I worked there and that the cabbie was his brother, the taxi was NOT stolen. The Chief didn’t press charges. There wasn’t any basis for charges to be pressed anyways,” I replied.
“I know that you heard my conversation with Kay and you know where I’m going with my next question. Have you ever been in severe trouble where Kay had to save your fine ass?” Vince asked.
“Once,” I replied. “With the IAB.”
“What’s the IAB?” Vince asked.
“The IAB is the Internal Affairs Bureau,” I replied.
“What happened? Do you want to share with me what happened?” Vince asked.
“I was involved in shooting. A robbery suspect was fleeing the corner bodega in Harlem, where he’d shot and killed the bodega owner. I followed on foot. When I caught up to him, I announced I was with the PD and that he needs to stop. He didn’t heed the warning so I tackled him to the ground. We were grappling for a bit. One of the uniforms finally caught up to see the suspect pull out a knife and slash me across my neck and again across my stomach - just under my vest. I doubled over in pain and he was getting away. I was able to yell “Stop! Police!”. He turned around completely so I shot him in the shoulder to stop him. He dropped. The uniform saw everything unfold and called for backup as well as two ambulances. I was put in the first one and was immediately sent into surgery. I had several surgeries on my neck; the last one being plastic surgery to conceal the wide scar. I ended up having many done to my stomach since several intestines were nicked pretty good. After I recovered and after the suspect recovered, we were both involved with the IAB investigation. I immediately called Kay. She had my back from the get go. The suspect hired someone from her husband’s firm. During the investigation, I was suspended with partial pay because I fired my weapon. My badge and weapon were taken away. I was asked to take the stand and I explained what my actions were. I explained that the suspect had assaulted an officer and I had the option to shoot to kill but chose shoot to stop,” I began.
“I remember seeing the story briefly on the news. Now I know why Maxwell looks familiar. He was the suspect, right?” Vince asked.
“Yes. The uniform followed me on the stand and corroborated the story. The suspect also corroborated the story. He knew me from previous arrests and stated that I was a fair officer unlike the “others”. He admitted to killing the bodega owner and slashing me twice but he did it in a drugged state; he had done speedball about 45 minutes prior to committing the crime,” I continued.
“What’s a speedball?” Vince asked.
“It’s a lethal combination of crack and heroine. It’s an intravenous way to get high; it has both drugs in the same syringe. Anyways, he barely recognized me in the state he was in and thought I was one of the “others” so he slashed me. Once he was out of recovery and back in the jail, he was shown pictures of me, bruised, scraped and slashed before AND after surgery. Once he realized that it was me that he slashed, he broke down. He was given his Miranda Rights and denied wanting a lawyer at that time. He admitted to everything. Once the more in depth investigation started, he hired someone from Kay’s husband’s firm to represent him. He did plead guilty; he was sentenced to 18 months in prison. He got out in a year, started going to drug rehab treatment, found a sponsor – whom he continues to see three times a week, found a poorly paying job and got married. He took the lawyer he had and came to me at work a few months after his release, in front of the Chief and everyone else in the office, and asked for my forgiveness for his actions against me. I did and I hugged him to show that I truly did. The chief had pulled the three of us into the office. He gave me my weapon and badge back. I got my back pay.
I got to know the suspect, Maxwell, better. He was looking for a BETTER job so I got him in contact with Marley. I told her from the beginning what the situation was. I asked her if she’d still hire him. She replied with: “In a heartbeat”. She was cautious at first and slowly began to trust him. Now he takes care of the priority people; myself and a few other people. He’s trusted by everyone and is the hardest working one there. I know that you saw Marley treat him unfairly but she’s wary of people that have a record; even though I vouched for Maxwell. I set her in her place and she was fine after that. Maxwell’s the only person that I’ve arrested that I look out for,” I finished.
“Wow. That’s incredible. It explains why you took care of him and that you still do. What I don’t understand is why I can’t see the scar on your stomach. Did you have that corrected as well?” Vince asked.
“Yes but not out of vanity nor of my choosing. Bob, my boss over at Cielo, asked me to. At that point in time, I was doubling as a bouncer and a bartender. As a bartender, I had to wear short shirts that bare my stomach. Bob’s explanation made sense; no one wants to buy drinks from a beautiful woman with a nasty scar on her stomach. So I had it taken care of,” I said.
Vince didn’t say anything. He just took me by my hand, led us inside and laid us both down on the bed so he could hold me. He didn’t have any words to say to express how he felt. He just wanted to let me know that he’s supporting me and that I’ll never have to go through anything again; especially alone.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A trip to Tiffany's

We hop on my bike and we book it over to Tiffany’s. I park in the private parking lot and lead the way to the private side entrance. Once inside, I store our helmets in my locker and meet up with Marley, my personal shopper from Tiffany’s. She’s learned to have her phone with her at all times – even after her scheduled shift – because I’d always call or text her saying that I’d want a certain item, she’d get it for me and charge it to my Tiffany’s & Co. credit card. I felt bad for her when I woke her up or kept her up past midnight or even on the day before a holiday. Most often than not, she said she didn’t mind; I knew it was because of a hefty commission each time I purchased something.
“Hey, Marley! Vince, this is amazing Marley, my personal shopper extraordinaire. Marley, this old man is my husband of 6 hours. We’re in to get some wedding bands. You know me and my taste. Vince’s taste is quite different than mine. As you know, I’m jeans, t shirt and leather wearing, Jack Daniel’s straight, motorcycle riding and loud Italian woman. Vince, on the other hand, is more of the musical, sherry drinking, quiet and brooding type. Show us what you’ve got!” I said.
“Follow me,” Marley said; motioning to her assistant to get Vince and I both a glass of champagne. The assistant came back in a moment or two with champagne. Vince gave me a quizzical look, I mouthed to him that I’d tell him later. He shrugged.
“Ok. So what I have here are some classier rings that seem to fit Vince more. I’ve got some more modern rings that fit Deppgrl and over heeeeeeeeeeeeere, I have some rings that are modern yet classy that fit the both of you,” Marley said as she motioned to her assistant to bring us both another glass of champagne. “I’ll give you guys some time to look over the rings and decide. Just holler if you need anything!”
“Thanks, Marley!” Vince said. “What’s up with the champagne? It’s great, trust me I’m not complaining, but neither of us will be ok to drive back to the apartment. We both had 5 glasses. Babe, each bottle has enough for four glasses. Please tell me that the champagne is free.”
“The champagne is the best of the best. No, neither one of us will be fine to drive back; a limo will take us back, Marley will take the bike back to the valet and the limo will take her back here. The champagne is slightly more than free,” I replied.
“Um, I hate to ask you this, Babe, but are you paying for the limo and the champagne?”
“Yes and yes. It’s not a free service that’s included into the yearly VIP service, even for me.”
“How much is it?”
“It’s about how much your salary is….for 5 years.”
“Wait. I make $45,000 a year and you’re telling me that the champagne and the limo are costing you $225,000? I hate that your dropping all this money like it’s nothing!! You’re making $1.75 million dollars a year with the PD plus an additional $5 million dollars a year with the new company. You’re spending a quarter of a million dollars BEFORE the rings?”
“Vince, relax, ok? I’ve been saving since I started with the PD. I’ve worked with them for 8 years. In those years, I’ve earned $140,000,000. I’ve saved a ton of it. It’s my money and I can spend it how I like. So sue me for wanting the best in life! Ok, my apartment is shit, but that’s beside the point. Just let it go! I’m healthy, I have two amazing jobs, one hell of a pension, great benefits with both jobs, two amazing life insurance policies and I’m finally married to you. God forbid I die before you do, you’re gonna be set for life. God forbid you die, I’ll be fine.”
“Yeesh. You don’t need to jump down my throat!”
“Me? Jump down YOUR throat? You’re the one that went off about how much money I’ve spent so far today. I never do anything fun with my life. For the first time in a long time, I’m actually getting out of my apartment to do something other than working and going to the gym. I don’t spend much time with friends, I’ve hardly dated since we broke up….the last boyfriend I had was 6 years ago. Lighten the hell up, Vince. You’re my husband, not my father!!” I said as I head on over to the ladies’ bathroom.
I place the champagne flute down and splash some water on my face. I can’t believe that we’re fighting about me spending money that I clearly have. I could spend a ton of money every day for the rest of the year and still have plenty left due to the income from both of my jobs. I knew going into the marriage would be somewhat difficult but not this early. I take the champagne flute and walk back over to my hubby.
“Deppgrl, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to tell you how to spend your money. It’s yours, not mine. I won’t say anything about your money again.”
“Thanks, Boo. Let’s drop it, get more champagne and find our rings,” I said motioning to Marley’s assistant. She came running over with the rest of the champagne from the third bottle.
We spent the next hour trying on rings, figuring out if we wanted “my” style, Vince’s “style” or the combination of both our styles. We compared the styles that Marley pointed out to us to see what fits the best with the engagement ring. After a few scowls, glares and pouts, we finally decided to go with Vince’s style since it matched the engagement ring. I’m so glad we did because the set that we chose is both Vince AND I.
“Do you want me to just charge it to your card or do you want to know the price of the set?” Marley asked.
“Well, it depends how much is on the card,” I said.
“There WAS close to $5 million dollars charged on it as of last week but it looks like it was paid off on Monday around 11:15 am.”
“That’s impossible, Marley! We both know I wasn’t here! I was with my lawyer signing paperwork to take over a company. You know that I’m the only one authorized to pay the card off!”
“I know, I know. But Tiffany’s & Co. policy generally states that we don’t mind who pays of the charge card as long as it gets paid off. Aha. I see a note here. It says that the now former president and CEO of your company paid it off. He also said that he’s putting a $2 million dollar credit towards any jewelry and china purchase,” Marley said.
“Vin, you wanna use the credit towards our bands?? We might as well,” I said.
“Sure, we’ll use the credit. We can always come back another time to use the rest, right, Marley?” Vin asked.
“Ok. There’ll be $1,997,500 left on the credit. And yes you can. There’s the one stipulation though. It has to be within the next year. I don’t think that you’ll have a problem with that at all, especially if Deppgrl gets in her mind that she needs more chinaware,” Marley said. “How do the rings fit?”
The rings fit perfectly on the both of us. It was as if the rings were made just for us. Marley called the limo out front for us and grabbed her helmet from under the counter, led us back to the locker. We grabbed our helmets and I gave her the keys to the bike. Vince and I hopped into the limo with Marley following us.
Once we got back to the apartment, she took the bike over to the valet and we hopped out of the limo. As the driver helped me out, I quietly asked if he’d been paid and tipped. He said he had but by the look on his face, I could tell that it wasn’t enough. I asked him how much he was getting paid and tipped. He told me it was under $125. I was stunned.
“Vince, go ahead in. I’ll be up momentarily,” I said. He nodded. “Marley? How much did the driver get paid and tipped? As in the total?”
“It was $105 even,” Marley said.
“What this man gets paid to drive the VIPs to their residence and back is NOT enough to live on. This man is on call 24/7, every single day of the week. He’s missing out on family, holidays, birthdays, friends….life just so he can pay his bills. He gets one VIP a month; me. $105 a month is not going to pay rent, it’s not going to pay for food, it’s not going to pay for gas or anything else in the city for that matter! Maxwell, how much is your rent, food and gas a month?” I said.
"Um, Lieu, it’s close to $8,000 a month,” he said.
“Are you late on anything?” I ask.
“I’m two months behind on rent,” he said.
“Please call your landlord and tell him that I want him to come to my personal apartment so I can talk to him. Here’s $10,000 to pay for gas and food. Don’t worry about rent for now. I’ll talk to your landlord about it,” I said.
Marley looked at me like I had three heads. I told her that with her being this man’s sole boss (and NOT Tiffany's), he still needs to be paid hourly and that he’s due back pay. I warned her that if wasn’t paid by the end of business today, she’d get fined for not supplying this man his pay. I explained that if I hear that Maxwell continues to NOT get paid, I will make sure he gets a lawyer.  She paled and said she’d take care of it immediately. I turned to Maxwell and told him that I expect his landlord in a few minutes. He nodded. I ran upstairs and explained everything to Vince.
“I see your point but you can’t go paying everyone’s salary. Just do what you can with Maxwell, ok?” Vince said.
“I feel bad for the man. He’s not earning what he’s due and it’s not fair. Marley will get it taken care of by the end of the day and will give him he previous earnings. I made sure she understood how important it was.”
The doorbell rang and I opened it up. It was Maxwell and his landlord. I led them to the living room and invited them to sit. They both did and I explained to the landlord what Maxwell told me. The landlord confirmed this to be true. I told the landlord that I was willing to pay ONLY the past two months rent and not to blackmail or bribe me because of my job at the PD. In front of the landlord, I typed up and printed a contract stating that I would be paying him cash for the past two months rent for Maxwell and that was all I was going to pay. I printed out both copies. Maxwell and Vince signed both copies after the landlord and I did to signify that they were witnesses attesting to this contract. I told the landlord that once he and Maxwell left, I was faxing my copy to my lawyer and was going to give her my copy Monday morning. He paled at my seriousness. I do what I need to in order to protect myself.
Vince escorted them out and hugged me. We laid down on the couch and fell asleep, wrapped up in each other’s arms.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A call from the chief and a marriage

The week had gone by pretty fast. On Monday, I met with my lawyer slash friend to sign the paperwork for me to take over the multibillion dollar company (gas, oil and electronic corporation). Tuesday, I met at the headquarters in the city with my now former coworker and former owner of the company. We spent the rest of the week with him teaching me what I needed to learn, authorize, relegate tasks to; that kinda thing. I received a company smart phone so I could be reached by those just below me (I learned that I was the president and CEO of the company) as well the funds to purchase a new personal cell phone. I kept the same number and upgraded to an iPhone. I didn’t pay the bills for either phone as the president and the CEO of the company; the billing department took care of it. I was grateful for that because it was one less bill for me to worry about but it didn’t matter because I learned in a 6 day work week I earn $40,000 and in a 5 day work week I earn $37,000. I also get direct deposit; I get the money deposited into my account EVERY Saturday which starts the Saturday of my first week.
This week, since I took over the company on Monday and worked until Friday, I earned $37,000. I was a bit shocked but pretty grateful. I planned to pay off my student loans first thing Monday morning; that is, after Vin leaves to head back into New Jersey for work.
Friday, I was able to leave the office half an hour early to head home. On my way out the door, I used my iPhone to text Vin to tell him to bring his motorcycle helmet when he comes. I took another shower, threw on my only pair of non ripped and non stained jeans, put on my favorite red shirt – it’s a little low cut and slightly form fitting – and put on my leather boots that I normally wear when I ride my Harley. I did my makeup and finished my hair.
Since I had some time to spare, I opened a bottle of Chianti to let it breathe, grabbed Gramps’ leather jacket (that I had refit so I could wear it and had pockets added to it), grabbed my wallet, both phones, badge, gun and motorcycle key. Just as I grabbed everything and placed them by the door, the doorbell rang. I looked through the peep hole and saw it was Vin.
“Hey, come on in! Glad that you got my text and brought your helmet,” I said as I opened the door, hugging Vince.
“Thanks! I didn’t know you rode. Oh. I almost forgot! I brought you some flowers; I couldn’t, in good conscience, come empty handed!” Vince said handing me a bouquet of two dozen blue roses. “I’m hoping blue is still your favorite color!”
“Thank you; they’re beautiful! Just throw your bag on the couch for now and join me in the kitchen. You pour the wine while I put the roses in a vase,” I say as I head into the kitchen.
I hear a kerthunk and then I hear Vince’s boots on the hardwood floor following me into the kitchen. I’m literally standing on the counter to find a vase and Vince pales at the sight. I laugh and say that I do this all the time and that I have one hell of a life insurance plan as well as amazing benefits with the new job PLUS a great pension with the PD.
“Thanks for getting Chianti. How much would you like?” Vince asks.
“You’re welcome. Not so much. I don’t care much for it plus we’re taking out my Harley in a little bit. Drink as much as you’d like. I have a few more bottles somewhere. Aha! Here we go!” I said as I grab a vase and then leap on to one of the bar stools in the kitchen. I hop on to the floor, fill the vase with water and place the roses in the vase. Once that was taken care of, I accepted the generous splash of Chianti that Vince poured for me.
“Lemme give you a quick tour of the apartment. Grab your stuff and we can drop it off in the room. It’ll be a quick tour,” I said.
Vince grabbed his bag and followed me. I showed him the apartment in less than ninety seconds. The last room I showed him was the bedroom. I explained that it was the only bedroom in the apartment; which he was going to use and I was going to use the couch.
“Whoa, baby. There’s no way that I’m going to take the only bedroom. It’s your apartment and you’ll take the room,” Vince said.
“Look here, buttercup. I’ve worked for the NYPD for the past eight years, I have guns, knives and other various weapons pointed at my head on a daily basis, I take kick boxing and Krav Maga classes three times a week and I box with the heavy weights four times a week. I think I can handle the couch for a few nights,” I reply.
“How do you manage working two full time jobs, kick boxing, Krav Maga AND boxing?” Vince asked.
“I’m at the new job from 6:45 am to 2:30 pm, the gym is across the street so I’m either kick boxing, taking Krav Maga or boxing from 2:45 to 3:30 pm, shower and change, I’m at the PD by 3:50 and I work until 1 am. I’m home by 1:15 the latest and I go to bed. And yes, I do realize that I’m getting less than 5 hours of sleep a night. But the thing is, Sunday’s I don’t work the new job so usually I’m at the PD for 12 to 18 hours,” I said.
I could tell that Vince was a bit stunned with how little sleep I get each night. I explain that by staying SO active throughout the day by the time that I get home, I’m asleep within a matter of moments and sleep solidly for 5 hours. There are on a few occasions that I do take a 20 or 30 minute power nap while at work just to be able to finish the day. I usually stayed awake by staying super hydrated and eating well despite eating pizza and burgers a few times a week.
“Wow. I’m speechless. I don’t know what to say!” Vince said. “Are you going to slow down a little bit?”
“Yes I am, actually. I’m only going to work at the PD a few days a week now instead of every day. The lack of 6 hours of sleep every night is killing me. Hey. You ready to see my bike and go for a ride? It’s a perfect evening,” I say.
Vince is excited. As he’s grabbing his helmet from the bag in my room, I put on Gramps’ jacket and stuff the pockets and tie my long hair in a knot at the base of my neck. Once I see Vin, we head on out. I brought him to Cielo briefly to show him the club and have some fun. We’re not there that long because the music really isn’t his type and it’s too loud for him. I explained that I taught everyone on the security team and the bartenders basic kick boxing and Krav Maga techniques not only to protect themselves and the patrons but also in case they need to break up a nasty fight. Vince asked why I didn’t teach Krav Maga and I told him that I’m not licensed to do so and that I have no interest in becoming a self defense instructor; teach a little bit when necessary but not on a daily or weekly basis.
We hopped back on my motorcycle and rode around the city for a bit and then headed back to my apartment. I took the stuff out of my pockets and hung up my jacket. I started making dinner as Vince headed into the bathroom for a shower. When he came back, I handed him a full glass of Chianti; I was always generous when I poured him a glass of wine. 
As I turned my back to him to check the pasta and the homemade pasta sauce that I had just made the other day, I felt Vince’s arms wrap around my waist to give me a hug; leaving one hand splay open over my stomach and the other massaging my tits. Good Lord! It was obvious that he was thinking about children. Before I could say anything, he started kissing my neck; he knew it as my biggest weakness.
“Vince, please. Give me two minutes and I’m yours,” I said.
I moved the sauce off of the burner and strained the pasta. Once I was finished and turned off the stove, I go over to Vince who was staring out the window of the kitchen looking into Riverside Park. He doesn’t hear me walk over to stand next to him so I gently rest my hand on his elbow and whisper his name. He turns to face me, takes my hand and leads me to my own room. Once again he hugs me from behind and starts kissing my neck.
“Baby, you smell so nice,” Vince murmured as he was kissing my neck. “I want you so badly.”
Man alive! I was turned on by Vince I just couldn’t say “No”. I spin around and kiss him with wicked abandon. I feel his hands slide between my shirt and my skin; he’s taking his time and it’s killing me. I rip my shirt off, kick my boots off, rip off my pants and my panties and take off my bra. I then start working on his clothes. His body is amazing; better than I remembered it. As we continue to kiss and let our hands roam each other’s bodies, I try to lead him to the bed but he ends up leading me to the wall where my desk faces.
“Rest your foot on the desk,” Vince said as he rolled a condom on.
I did and by the time I regained my balance he was ready to enter me. He first used a few fingers to get me ready but I begged him several times for him to use his cock. He chuckled; he was messing with me a little.
When I least suspect it, he thrusts his hard cock deep inside me. I scream his name. He slowly pulls out half way then he thrusts his hard cock back into me; this time causing me to only moan his name. While I’m still impaled on his 9 ½ inch cock, he takes me off of the wall, takes two steps over to the desk, rotates me and leans me over the desk. I know what he’s about to do so as I spread my legs a little bit for him, I begin to grin like Cheshire cat.
He pounds his cock into me hitting my G spot every time and making me scream each time he does. With each scream, he thrusts harder and faster into me. And as he does, one of his hands is gently pulling my hair and the other is spanking my ass. I don’t know who enjoys that more but it leaves the both of us screaming each other’s names. For a quick second, he pulls out completely to take the condom off and begins to ram his cock into me. I can feel the skin to skin contact; I love the sensation. Seconds later, we climax together and I can feel him shoot baby batter deep into me.
We both lean against the desk for a few minutes. I hear my personal phone go off. I go get it from the kitchen.
“Hey, Chief!”I answer the chief of police. “Um, yeah. Everything’s fine. Someone called because they heard screaming from my apartment and now the S.W.A.T. team is here? Um, Chief, about that. They won’t like what they see if they barge in at the moment. My, um, fiancée is here and we were, um, just having sex. Yeah, just give us a few minutes to get dressed.”
I go back to the bedroom and explain to Vince that someone called my boss at the PD saying that they heard me scream as I got murdered and now the S.W.A.T. team is here; they want to make sure that I’m alive and that I didn’t hide a dead body.
“Oh, not only should you get dressed but you ought to propose as well. I told my boss that my fiancée is here,” I said.
“Well, ok. Um, will you marry me,” Vince asks as he places the enormous engagement ring on my finger.
As I say yes, my buddy from the PD unlocks the door and sees Vince and me hugging and kissing and groping each other. He clears his throat and suggest that we get decent. We laugh and throw on our robes. I invite the team in and showed them my badge. I said that I really am alive and not dead. I ask them to give me a second to get Vince and prove that he’s my fiancée. I get him and the team has their weapons aimed at him. I roll my eyes and tell them to stand down. A few waver but I tell them again to stand down and they do. I ask my buddy to sweep the entire apartment for this so called dead body and he does. Two minutes later, he calls the chief to say that I’m really alive, my fiancée really does exist and there’s NO dead body. They finally leave.
I reheat dinner, fill Vince’s shot glass with some Jack and give him a glass of water as well. I told him to chase the shot down with water because it’ll burn. He does the shot and nearly gags but doesn’t and drink the water. He asks how I can stand the stuff and I tell him that it’s an acquired taste. I was still a little unsteady myself so I took six shots of Jack and went on my way to reheating dinner. We ate in silence. After cleaning up dinner, I took a shower and went to my living room. I sat in the recliner and closed my eyes for a bit. I fell asleep; I guess the sex and the SWAT team are the things that did me in.
I wake up a little as Vince picks me up and carries me to bed. I can feel him join me in bed. He wraps his arms around me and we both fall asleep. I wake up a few hours later and clean the apartment, take a shower and start on breakfast. Once I finish making breakfast and it’s staying warm in the oven, I pour Vince some orange juice and grab a few Advil. I go into the bedroom and see him sitting on the bed with his head between his knees.
I ask if he’s ok. He says he is but the room is spinning a little bit; he must’ve had the whole bottle of Chianti and the shot of Jack. I give him the orange juice and the Advil which he quickly takes. I help him to the bathroom, get the water for the shower going and help him get in. Once I see he’s steady, I strip and join him. I take my shampoo and gently massage his head and hair with it. As he’s rinsing his hair, I get my loofah ready with his favorite body wash and when he’s ready, I gently wash his body from top to bottom and from tip to stern, not missing a single area of skin. He moans in pleasure and braces himself against the wall of the shower. He rinses off and I get out to dry off and get dressed again. I turn the water off and hand him the towel. I grab him some clothes and give him some privacy as he dresses.
I went back into the kitchen to get breakfast on a plate for him. I put a load of eggs, bacon, sausage and pancakes on his plate, make espresso for him and pour him a tall glass of orange juice.
Once he starts digging in, I clean up and put the leftovers in the fridge. I’m not hungry so I just drink orange juice which kills my ulcers. I clean up after him and we sit back down in the living room to talk.
He tells me that he was so scared when we first started dating and that he was so sure I’d say no when he proposed despite my mother telling him that I’d say yes. He was happy to see me come to the memorial service and funeral for Bob and was delighted that I stayed with Lisa and the kids to help them out. He said that he avoided me because being near me for three months was killing him and thought I hated him.
I tell him that I would’ve said yes if he proposed but that I was grateful that he didn’t because I wasn’t ready. I explain that the biggest reason why I came and stayed for three months was because of Lisa and the kids but part of the reason was him but I never said anything because he was with someone else and looked happy.
“Baby, I’m so glad that I went to the game and that we talked. I know you didn’t propose like you wanted but the result is what we both wanted. I can cut back on work with the PD to when they need me; I’ll still be on the payroll and get their pension in 17 years. But my main source of income will be the new job. The guy I took the company over from can be my partner after a year and he can help run it. For the most part, I need to be in the office but I can do a ton of work from home. You can continue to teach until you decide to retire,” I said.
“Deppgrl, this is my final year teaching. Now that I’ve caught you, I don’t need to stay busy all the time. I have my own money so I don’t need yours. If you need any help with the company, you can ask me anything and I’ll help the best I can. Use the income to pay off your loans then we’ll marry,” Vince replied.
“Well, I can pay off all my loans on Monday morning. What do you say we get hitched in two or three weeks? Maybe sooner? Maybe a little later? It’s up to you.”
“Is a week from today good? I don’t want wait much longer plus I want to have kids with you. I’m not getting any younger here!”
“Why not today? I know a judge and he’s on speed dial”
“Um, I don’t even want to know why you have a judge on speed dial but today works. You call him, I’ll call Lisa and the kids as wells as your mother and brother. We’ll keep it small and have it here!”
I told him that it sounded good. The judge was free as was my lawyer slash friend, my mom, my brother, Lisa and the kids. We told them that jeans and a shirt was fine because that’s what we’d be wearing.
In less than two hours, we had the apartment spotless, food catered, us showered again (we HAD to have multiple quickies) and ready. Everyone came in at once. When everyone was settled down in the living room, the judge presided and we were married in three minutes. We didn’t have rings yet, but we’d take care of them before Sunday.
We ate, we drank and ate some more. After a few hours, everyone left. Vince said to grab my helmet and my stuff that I needed so we could run to Tiffany’s

Sunday, November 10, 2013

So frustrated!

“Mom, what the fuck? You seriously talked to Vin about my relationship with him and you couldn't even tell me? I don't care that it was eight years ago! Jesus, Mom! I originally kept my relationship with him away from you because I know that you never liked the fact that he is 19 years older than me and never liked the fact that he was my teacher!! You had the balls to talk to him AGAIN behind my back just the other day. I love you more than you know, but you got to let go and stop butting into my relationships! Ma, I am 30 years old and don't need you to get in the middle of whoever I am dating and myself. When I get home, I'm grabbing my crap and heading back to the city,” I tell my mother.
“I only meddled in your life because I want what's best for you. Yes, I've talked with Vincenzo a number of times about the two of you and have met with him when he first came to me eight years ago to ask me if he could marry you; he showed me the ring that he bought for you at Tiffany's. It was beautiful. The other night when you told me that you'd be home for the weekend and would be attending the football game tonight, I met with him to tell him. He immediately went back to Tiffany's with the original ring to upgrade that one to one with a slightly wider band and a much bigger diamond. I didn't meet with him or talk with him behind your back to hurt you. I did it because he wanted to know the best way to propose to you. Eight years ago, I told him to take you to a Broadway show, to take you to dinner and then take you on a carriage ride throughout the city and propose in Central Park. My dear, I don't have any idea why he broke up with you back then but I can tell you that he regrets it. Please tell me that you said yes when he asked you tonight,” my mother replied.
I growled at my mother, told her I loved her and hung up. You just don’t hang up the phone on an Italian woman without telling her you love her; especially if it’s your mother or your wife. I got in my car and headed back to her house to gather my things and then head back into the city. Since I hadn’t unpacked, all I had to do was grab my stuff, eat food enough food to feed an army, hug and kiss my mother good bye and promise to call her when I got back into the city.
At this time of night, I have no problem heading back into the city. What’s normally an hour and a half drive due to traffic, it only took me 20 minutes. I called my mother once I got inside my apartment and then took a shower. Once out of the shower, I had a voicemail and a few texts from Vin. I listened to the voicemail; he wasn’t making much sense. The texts made more sense. He wants to visit me this following weekend so I responded that he can visit me here and stay here with me. He replied with thanking me and wishing me a good night.
By the time I went to bed, it was 4 am. I slept until 9, showered, walked to McDonald’s for breakfast, walked a while longer then went home, took a nap and then I spent the rest of the day cleaning. Around 6 pm, I was about to make instant grits when my buddy came walking in. He told me to get changed and that he’d be taking me to the local bistro for dinner. I changed fast and away we went.
We placed our orders for drinks and appetizers. Once we received our drinks and appetizers, we started talking about what happened at Vin’s, my mother interfering yet again and what I was going to do with Vin’s proposal.
“Dude, I know you’re still a bit pissed off with how he ended the relationship. But honestly, he was scared.  Sure you feel betrayed by both him and your mom for going behind your back, but they had a reason…..a very good reason. He didn’t have to ask your mom for her permission or blessing or whatever an Italian parent is supposed to give to allow anyone to marry their daughter. He has the respect for you and your family to ask your mother. That says a ton about his character. He’s miserable without you and you’re miserable without him,” my buddy said.
What he had to say was true and made a ton of sense. I just listened and processed what’s happened in the past 24 hours. Our dinners arrived and we ate in silence. To pep me up a bit, my friend ordered me two shots of Jack Daniels. He paid the bill and we walked back to my apartment.
We hung out, watched a movie and he left. I went to bed not too long after that because I was still tired from the night before and it was already pushing midnight

Thankfully I don't have a weak heart

My high school won the game last night. It was a tight game; we won by 1 point and ran the clock when there was :52 left.

During the game, I could see Vin (yes, the same Vin that I’ve written about before) kept trying to make eye contact with me to let me know that he saw me. I tried to be cool about it since I was there with my buddy who graduated from the same high school the same year I started. I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out of my pocket to check who text me.
“Hey, beautiful. I know you saw me and I know that you know I was looking at you,” Vin texted.
“I know. Focus on work. We’ll talk after the game,” I replied.
“Meet me under the bleachers at half time. I need to see you!” he responded.
“Fine,” I agreed.
My buddy asked me what was up. I said that it was nothing. He knew I was a little annoyed because my cheeks were flushed and it was NOT from the cold. He asked me again what was up. I told him that Vin wants to see me under the bleachers to talk; my buddy knew about the relationship that Vin and I had a few years ago. He said for me to meet him. I said ok and we continued to watch the game.
“Kiss me,” I told my buddy.
“What?” he said.
“Kiss me,” I said again.
He looked at me like I had a thousand heads but he kissed me; it was just a little peck on the lips.
“You're one sick littler fucker. You know that, right? Do I even want to know why you wanted me to kiss you?”
“Yes, I do know that. I'll take it as a compliment. The guy on my right won’t stop flirting with me and grabbing my ass. Kinda hoping that the quick kiss will get him to knock it off,” I said. “If not, I’ll have to smack him!”
“You sure that it had nothing to do with Vin? He saw and he didn’t look too thrilled about it!”
“Maybe a teeny, tiny bit had to do with Vin but primarily had to do with the bozo on the other side of me” I replied.
“Wanna switch seats? I’ll tell him off for you,” my buddy replied.
“Dude, you’re my best friend and the best wingman any sick fuck like me could ask for….And I love you for it. Let’s switch seats and no need to tell him off. Not yet anyways!” I said.
Before we could switch seats, it was time for half time and my buddy said that he’d go get us hot chocolate while I talk to Vin and that he’d text me when he got back to our seats. I nodded and discretely climbed down the bleachers and went under the bleachers; I hoped no one saw me but knowing my luck, who knows?
“Oh my God, Deppgrl. You look fantastic. I’ve missed you so much,” Vin said as we hugged semi awkwardly.
“Thanks, Vin. So do you. No one could rock a green hoodie with a leather jacket like you can,” I said as I kissed his cheek.
“Mmmmm. You smell good, as always. Anyways, thanks for meeting me. Look, I don’t have much time but we should get together for dinner. There’s so much I want to talk with you about. I’m not gonna lie, babe. I want to talk about us. After the game, I have to run back to the high school briefly but if you’re up to it, meet me back at my house. I’ll be there by the time you leave here; it’ll be jam packed after the fourth quarter. I’d love to cook for you. Please tell me that you’ll come by,” he said.
“I don’t think there’s really an “us” anymore and there hasn’t been an “us” for eight years, Vin. We had a brief relationship; I had no problem going forward with the relationship but you were reluctant because I’m a former student,” I said. “I was a bit heartbroken to be honest.”
“I’m so sorry to hear that you don’t believe there’s an “us” and to learn how much I hurt you. Honey, you traveled from the city to come to the middle of nowhere when my brother died to come to the memorial service, stayed for the funeral, helped my sister in law for three months and almost lost your job because of my family’s tragedy. Maybe you didn’t come for me but I’ve been hoping for the past thirteen months that you did. Baby, I was scared to be in a relationship with you. When you first walked into my classroom so many years ago as a sophomore, my life changed. My heart stopped. Obviously, I couldn’t do anything while you were a student. I waited as long as I could and thought that when you were 22, we could start dating. You were full of life and energy I just couldn’t keep up with you. I want to try again. Please….come by tonight; maybe not for dinner but for a drink and dessert,” Vin pleaded.
“Sure I’ll come by but you better have your heat cranked up because I’m frozen. I can’t guarantee how long I’ll stay nor can I guarantee how tonight will go,” I replied.
Vin took my hands in his and thanked me. Before he left, he caressed my cheek and  kissed me. I was slightly stunned and taken aback. He leaned away for a second to look me in the eyes and then kissed me again but with a little more passion this time. I kissed him back. Good Lord, I had forgotten that the man could kiss. As Vin deepened the kiss, he pulled me closer holding me tight. My phone started to ring.
“Oh crap. Vin, I’m sorry; I have to take this. It’s my lawyer. I’ll see you back at your house,” I said. He nodded his head, kissed my cheek and ran back to the top of the bleachers; he was a few minutes late.
“Hey, Kay! What’s the story?” I asked.
“Sorry to bother you late on a Friday night, Deppgrl. The good news is that the judge okayed the reversal on the divorce and I need you to come over to the office as soon as you can to sign the paperwork to take over the company. When’s your earliest convenience?” my lawyer slash friend asked.
“Well, tonight, I’m back in Jersey and won’t return until Sunday night the latest. Is Monday midmorning soon enough?” I ask.
“Sure thing. Just text me when you’re on your way over to the office. By the way, have fun tonight. I saw you locking lips with an attractive older man….your former flame and teacher. Talk about a major HOTTIE!! Have a good weekend. Please promise me that you’ll stay out of trouble and try NOT to get arrested. I can save your ass in New York but I can’t save your ass here in Jersey; you’d be on your own, babe!” my friend said.
“Is there anything that I can hide from you or do you know all AND see all? Oye. You throw a guilt trip almost as good as my half Italian mama! Good thing you don’t have her aim and ability to chuck a shoe from the basement and hit me 10 miles away! Yes, I’ll do my best to NOT get arrested here; I’ll save that when I get back to the city. Anyways, I gotta go. Gotta finish watching the game and then heading over to Vin’s for a bit. See you Monday, dear!” I said.
We said our farewells and I got back to my seat next to my buddy. He was so cold that he was wrapped up in the blankets that I brought and drank my hot chocolate. There was just a few minutes left of the game.
“So anything interesting happen beneath the bleachers with Vin?” my buddy asked; winking and grinning like the devil.
“He invited me to swing by his house after the game, I accepted, he kissed me twice and I kissed him back the second time. He wants to talk and doesn’t want to wait any longer. By the way he kissed me, he clearly still has some feelings for me; I just don’t know how interested he is in me but I need to find out. It’s been a year since I saw him at the viewing, funeral and the following three months when I helped with his sister in law and the kids……but that wasn’t about him; it was about helping a family in need,” I said.
“Are you interested in him at all? I know he broke your heart but, sweetie, that was eight years ago. In the years I’ve been friends with both of you in that time, I’ve never seen him SO miserable. Sure he’s dated other women but the relationships don’t last more than two or three months. And you? You’re a different story. You go through a new boyfriend every month but it seems like every few days!  You’re never happy with those guys. The only guy I ever saw you happy with was Vin. Go over there, see what he has to say, take some time to think about it and tell him that yes you’ll date him. Oye!!” my buddy said.
“I told him I was going over and I am going over. Don’t you even think about escorting me! I know you would in a heartbeat. Yes, I still have feelings for him. Why wouldn’t I? He’s a good man; he’s the only one that hadn’t cheated on me. He may have broken my heart but I was nearly a child then and I’ve grown up since then. I may not be the world’s most attractive woman. Hell, I’m no Victoria’s Secret model but yet he was good to me,” I said.
“I never wanted to tell you this but your brother threatened to rip me to shreds if I went anywhere near you if I was romantically interested in you; which is why I stayed away for so long. But seriously, have you looked in the mirror at all in your lifetime? If you say that you’re ugly, you’re wrong. You, by far, are the most attractive woman I’ve ever met. But anyways, I digress. Just go to Vin’s after the game, listen to what he has to say and take some time to think about it, ok? Call me IF you feel uncomfortable or need a ride back home. And no matter what you do, do NOT get yourself arrested. I refuse to be legally responsible for you! Now go before you stand up your old stud muffin!” my buddy said.
I hugged my buddy and left. I quickly ran back to get my blankets and then headed towards my car again. I heard my phone chirp with a text. I read the text. It was from Vin. He said that he’s home, has a fire in the fire place going, has a bottle of wine chilling and an electric blanket ready in case I need it. I replied back thanking him for getting things ready and told him that I was five minutes away.
Once at his house, I grabbed my phone, the charger, my keys and my purse. I was about to ring the doorbell but Vin must have seen me pull into the driveway and open the door for me. As I enter, I kick my boots off so I can feel the lush carpet under my socked feet and hang my jacket in the foyer closet. I plug my phone and charger and pull up a spot on the couch closest to the fire.
“White Zinfandel is still your favorite, I hope?” Vin asks as he brings over an enormous wine glass.
“Yes it is. Thank you for remembering,” I said.
“Would you like a blanket? You’re still shivering, honey,” he said.
“That would be great, thank you” I said.
“No need to be formal with me. Just warm up, relax and enjoy the wine for a bit, ok?”
I nodded my head in agreement, pulled the blanket around me a little closer and enjoyed the fire. I heard music begin to play. Within a few notes, I recognize the group as one of my favorite bands when I was growing up. Every Jersey girl born in the ‘80’s LOVED Bon Jovi; I still do to this day. This Jersey girl loves her Jersey boys! <3
“There’s no need to go over the top for you to get me on your good side, Vin. A fire, my favorite wine, a blanket AND Bon Jovi? It seems to me that you’re trying a little too hard. Just talk to me, ok, Vin? I’m 30 now….not the immature 22 year old you once dated. Let’s talk this out and I’ll be on my way,” I said.
“Baby, seeing you last year taking care of my sister in law and the kids after my brother died made me realize how unfair I was to you. When we first got together when you were 22, I honestly couldn’t believe it. Here I was, a 41 year old man, dating this amazing woman, 19 years my junior. I couldn’t believe my luck. I know now that you were as scared as I was and that was no reason for me to break your heart as I told you I needed someone my age.
Then I saw you thirteen months ago at Bob’s memorial service and funeral. I had no idea how you found out but I’m grateful that you came. I know you didn’t come for me considering how I was towards you years before that. You came for my family; they always loved you and you always loved them. You almost lost your job with the NYPD – which is how I learned that you heard about Bob’s death – to step in and take care of Lisa and the kids. Part of me hoped then that you came to reconcile and try to work things out. I was tempted to take you from Lisa and the kids but she and the kids needed you more than I did. Part of me still hopes that some part of you came for me,” Vin said.
“To be honest, Vin? I had the biggest crush on you when you were my teacher and thought that would be over with when I graduated but part of me is glad that it didn’t and that we dated several years after the fact. I was truly happy with you and you were so good to me. You took care of me, treated me with respect and treated me like I was a queen, you always made sure I had the best of everything. I’m forever grateful for that. But I was young and was very hurt when you ended the relationship.
When I heard of Bob’s sudden death, I knew I had to come for your family. Lisa was a mess but she kept strong for the kids but sadly the kids barely remembered me until Lisa brought out pictures and told them stories about their Uncle Vin and the wonderful “girl” he once dated. Do you know what they started calling me again? ‘Aunty’. They started calling me ‘Aunty’. I, sadly, had to break their hearts twice more in three months. One, was me leaving to go back to work to save my fat ass from losing a job I love and kick ass at and the second, was explaining to them that I wouldn’t become their aunty. They didn’t talk to me for days but the day that I headed back to the city, they were crying and sad that I was leaving and not staying with their favorite uncle; you. I told them that I’ll always be their unofficial aunty no matter what and I’m always a phone call away no matter what the problem was. They tried to run away to come move in with me a few times but I always brought them back to Lisa. They were always furious when I did that but told them that I’m a horrid mom because I can barely keep plants alive and that their mom would miss them too much.
A part of me came back for you but you always avoided me; you were so cold towards me. I knew that I couldn’t stay. I had to go back to my shitty apartment in the city, save a job that I loved and still love and work my ass off to run up the ranks; which I did in no time flat. I knew you wouldn’t leave the school to live in the city with me and I can’t leave a job that I love and am good at,” I said; removing the blanket and setting down my now empty wine glass. “Look, Vin, for eight years I wondered how we would’ve worked out if we tried again, but I just figured out that we won’t. Neither of us are willing to leave our jobs, friends and state that we reside in. Yeah, I may live in a shitty neighborhood in the city and sure I still get lost when I go out on calls but you know what? At the end of the day, I love my job, I love my co workers and I’m taking over a multibillion job within a week or so. I’ll be SO busy being with the PD and the business, I don’t know when we can see each other. I love you, Vin; I always have and I always will, but I cannot stay and expect anything more than an awkward time whenever we see each other. Stupid me for believing the only man that was ever good to me would ever make me his wife.”
“Wait,” he said as I turned around and walked back over. 
“Waiting for what? You’re driving me bat shit crazy,” I replied.
Vin said he had to go get something from his room and that he’d be right back. He stubbed his toes a few times and cursed. After what felt like an eternity, but was actually just a mere 2 minutes, he came back. He directed us to get back on the couch near the fire.
“Babe, I was partially right when I said that you have some growing up to do. I knew you loved me then but I knew that you couldn’t verbalize it yet; you were struggling with college a bit and you were awfully young but I was VERY wrong in how I ended the relationship. For the past eight years, I had a guilty conscious about ending us and I still do; which is why I invited you over tonight.
I spoke to your mother a few times when we were together and just recently. She knew back then, I was head over heels in love with you and she knows now that I still am. Baby, the main reason why I invited you over was to ask you to marry me. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?”
I just sat there and started to cry. I have no idea how long I sat there crying but when I was done, I got up and gathered my things.

“Vin, if you asked me when I was 22, you know I would’ve said yes. But to ask me eight years later after breaking my heart? I can’t say yes and I can’t say no. Give me some time to think about it. In the mean time, I have to go yell at my mother. You better pray she doesn't kill me by chucking shoes at me. Do you know what's like growing up with an Italian woman chucking shoes at you at a daily basis? It's super dangerous; even for a fucker like me” I said and then I left.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Seeing a former lover tonight.

I’m in my home state of New Jersey for the night. I’ll face the freezing cold to watch the playoff game between my high school and the rival “sister” school for the trophy.

A bunch of my friends are coming from all over the US for this game. It’ll be good to see them all again and go for post-game drinks…..It’s always too early for pre-game drinks.

Anyways, I’ll be seeing a former lover at the game. About 4 years after graduating high school, I began to see a former teacher of mine on a romantic level but it didn’t last long, unfortunately. There’s a 20 year age difference between he and I. When we ended, he said that he enjoyed dating me and spending time with me but I had a ton of growing up to do. Now 8 years later, I’ve done more than enough growing up. In the past few years that we’ve bumped into each other, it’s been a bit awkward and yet I still find myself attracted to him mentally and physically.

The last time I saw him was at his brother’s memorial service just over a year ago. His family saw him tense up when he saw me. I gave him my condolences, gave him a brief hug and left; it was the least I could do…..I couldn’t make him feel uncomfortable at his brother’s memorial service. A few hours after I left, he sent me a text thanking me for going and supporting him; he hadn’t expected me to go but was grateful I did. I replied saying that it was the right thing for me to do.

The following week, he called me to set up a “date” for coffee. I accepted and we met up a few days later. He just talked about his brother and I listened. We spent a good 4 hours talking and walking; we finally were comfortable with each other.

We’ve talked and texted a few times since then but tonight will be different. We’ll be seeing each other while he’s working. We really can’t be seen together while he’s working due to the fact that the school district knows we used to casually date AFTER I graduated; it won’t look good for former lovers – one a teacher and one a former student – to be together at a school function.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A change of heart and a change of mind.

“I’m getting the divorce moved up so I can be with you. You and I both know that I don’t love my wife, our daughter isn’t my biological daughter despite me being her legal father and I’d much rather be with you” he said.
“First of all, I don’t love you nor will I ever love you. Second of all, go back to that judge and tell them that you changed your mind. Third of all, I refuse to be a part of you abandoning your family for me. I am NOT a home wrecker; never have been, never will be” I told him.
“But, baby girl, my wife knows I don’t love her and that I don’t want to be with her any longer. She deserves to be happy and with someone who loves her like I love you” he replied.
“Look……you’re far from in love with me. You’re lusting after me. I’m something new to you; something that you want but what you don’t need. I’ll just pack up my stuff and leave. And by the way, I officially quit working at your company!”
“I’ll make a deal with you, then,” he said. “I’ll stay with my wife and you stay with the company. The deal is me staying with my wife, I’ll sign the company over to you. You’ll be the owner of the company and you won’t have to see me at all. The only time that you’ll ever see me or hear from me is when you want to or if you have any questions about how to run the company. Is that a fair deal?” he asked.
“Yes it is. Lemme grab all my stuff, move back to my closet sized apartment and call my lawyer. What’s your lawyers name and number? I’ll have my lawyer contact your lawyer in the next few hours” I said.
We exchanged the names and contact information for our lawyers and then I gathered all my stuff. I shook my co worker’s hand and left.
I booked it back to my apartment. There was a brand new door with about hundred new locks. It took me all of 10 seconds to get in, put my stuff away and start my laundry. I called up my bestest friend in the world, who just happens to be my lawyer, and explained to her the situation. She took a deep breath and let it out. She took my co worker’s lawyers information to reverse the divorce proceedings and to sign his company over to me.
She couldn’t believe the mess I got myself into. She told me that it’s stuff like this that follows me around that has trouble nipping at my heels. I’m always calling her to get me out of a tight jam. One time, just before my employment with the police department, I snagged a taxi because my car’s tires were slashed and I was late to work. I returned the cab after getting out to work and paid the driver double his typical fare. My friend slash lawyer finagled me out of it and all I had to do was donate blood twice that year to "repay society" of my wrong doing.