Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Weekend getaway

Recently I took some time off of work; ended up with a three day weekend. I had told C and it ended up that he had those three days off as well. We decided to drive a few states south where it was warmer. Don’t start thinking that it was a romantic few days – it wasn’t. It was just a few days of us – as friends – getting away from work, life and having fun. A few months back, C had said that he’d like to cuddle a little bit under the stars before having sex, so I’d rented a small cottage like house that didn’t have close neighbors.
                We left early in the morning – about 6 or 7 – and arrived by 1 pm. He drove while I snoozed; I’m like a baby/young child who naps only in a moving car!! It was quick to unload the car and walked a little bit into town to a small café to grab lunch and grabbed a few things for dinner then headed back to the cottage.
                He grabbed some blankets for us to lie on as I grabbed some wine that I threw in the freezer to chill, a wine opener and a few wine glasses. It felt glorious to lie out in the sun and day drink, occasionally dozing. When we weren’t dozing or day drinking, we’d fuck not caring how loud we were; we did scare some wild life away but we laughed at that!
                After a while we eventually went in as the mosquitoes started to bite and I had made us dinner. We joked and went back & forth about to watch as we ate and drank more wine. We finally settled on a Will Ferrell movie that had us both in stitches. We cleaned up the kitchen, grabbed a few more blankets and those gross smelling citronella candles so we wouldn’t have more annoying bugs.
                By the time we were finished getting ready and opening up another bottle of wine – was this the fourth or fifth bottle? I can’t remember – the stars started to come out. I started to strip even though was a little chilly but I knew that between the cuddling, the blankets and us having sex, I’d warm up. C followed suit. Despite being on the heavier side – and him being more on the healthy and athletic side – I feel very comfortable with him seeing me butt naked.
                Once we were ready, we were off to cuddle/spoon or whatever you want to call it. It felt nice. I do have my protective side and we had bickered a little bit about who’s the big spoon vs. little spoon but he won out and he’s the big spoon but I actually enjoy it. He’s slowly teaching me patience and that I don’t always have to be the protector. We lay like that for a while, talking, drinking and looking at the stars. It’s peaceful, listening to the crickets; joking that the people on the airplanes above us can see us.
                C shifts my one leg behind me and on top of his hip, thrusting his hard, pulsating cock in my dripping wet cunt, spreading me. He pushes my hair off of my neck, kissing my neck, sending shivers down my spine; eventually gently biting me where my neck and shoulder meets. I yelp in pleasure, spreading my legs even further, “Yes, Daddy,” I moan as he rolls me onto my stomach.
“That’s my Deviant Kitten,” C says as he’s thrusting deeper into my cunt. “Show me what I do to you, my deviant, deviant kitten. Show me how much I please you!”
“Yes, Daddy!” I moan and raise my hips up so he can see my juices pouring out of me and so he can go deeper. “Do you see how wet you make me, Daddy? You feel so good in me, stretching my tight cunt!”
“Fuck, DK,” C says as he pulls out and helps me roll to my back, ramming his cock into my cunt. “Your tight cunt feels so good wrapped around my cock!”
“Daddy,” I say, panting. “Please choke me tonight! I’m a bad girl!”
“No, DK,” he said. “You’re not getting choked tonight. You’re getting something else!”
“Hmmmm?” I say, wondering what’s going on in his head. “What am I getting instead?”
“You’ll find out later, DK,” he panted. “Gotta make you cum!”
C distracts me by kissing my neck, tugging my hair and fucking me in my favorite positions. We finish together and I go back to being the little spoon. After dozing off a little bit, I notice that the citronella candle has been used up and the bugs are out again. I wake up C so we can grab the blankets and get in before we both get bitten by bugs.
After tossing the blankets in the washing machine, we go upstairs. I stop in my tracks to ask C what I was getting. He told me he hired a protective services team to keep me safe.
“Wait. What the FUCK do you mean that you’ve hired private security guards for me? I’m not a multi billionaire or anything. I’m worth whatever my assets are; like my car and whatever’s in my bank! What. The. Actual. Fuck?” I state.
“It’s to keep you safe,” he said. “Not to keep you safe from your clumsy self but to protect you from those who wish you harm. I swear to you that there is someone after you. Please understand that I want you safe and protected.”
“Was there anyone following us here? Anyone outside with us, hearing and seeing us?” I demand. I can’t explain to him how upset I am. “C, I’ve had people after me before. I’ve protected myself from the nut jobs who wanted me either severely hurt or dead. I can take care of myself. If you hadn’t driven us here, I’d demand that you leave and that I’d stay here but I’m not that mean.”
“Babe,” he said, leading us into the master bathroom. “It’s my understanding that this guy is more dangerous than anyone you’ve dealt with before. He’s an professional sharpshooter that’s trained with multiple foreign countries and their militaries; he does NOT miss a shot.”
“I don’t give a rat’s ass of how dangerous this man is. Clearly he’s got the wrong person,” I state. “I have no secrets, I don’t work for any government, I keep to myself. If he wants to kill me, he’s invited to show his face to me, look me in the eye and try to kill me.”
“Please, babe,” he explains. “He’s closer to you than you think. You know who he is. It’s your uncle.”
“C,”I said as I stepped into the shower. “My uncles – my parents’ siblings – are deceased. You’re over exaggerating.”
                C let it go as we showered and got ready for bed. I went down to the kitchen to get us both a glass of water and when I went back up, C was staring at a picture and he looked as if he saw a ghost.
“What is it?” I ask. “You see a ghost?”
“No,” he said. “Something woke you up while we were outside and you went to investigate it. Someone took pictures of you in the brushes searching for whatever created the noise. Look at these and tell me you don’t seem concerned for your safety?”
“Let me see,” I say reaching for the photos. “These photos are of me just investigating the noise. It’s no big deal. It’ll be a big deal seeing me photo shopped as dead in a photo; which has happened in the past. This is nothing to worry about!”
“But…….” C began.
“No buts, hot stuff!” I said. “It’s time for bed.”

                We crawled into bed; C as the big spoon and me as the little spoon. Before I fell asleep, I felt C pull me closer to him, like he was personally trying to keep me safe.