Since leaving Vince at the ass crack of dawn on Sunday, our mutual friends have told me how miserable Vince has been. I figured that it served him right as he now knows that he should've waited for me and I also hoped that he truly does work things out with his wife; not for him to be unhappy but for them to be happy together. As heart broken as I am, I know that moving on from him is the best move even though he's my soul mate; if he hadn't cheated but stayed faithful instead, I would've had as many children as he wanted. But c'est la vie.
I had come back to my parents' Sunday to spend the night with them. They knew that Vince and I broke up towards the end of the summer and that he royally fucked up; they also knew that I'd just spent the weekend with him....they even know that he's married. They didn't say anything at all when I walked in. They just hugged me. My mom took what few dirty clothes I had and did my laundry while I went to bed for a few hours. I eventually woke up around noon, showered, got dressed and came down.
I had lunch and said that I was going over to our neighbor Brick's for a few minutes to see if he needed a hand with anything (I've been cooking and baking for him as his arthritis has been acting up; he's told me a number of times that if he were younger, he would marry me…. I always thought he was joking). His nephew was also over hanging out. We bull shitted for a bit and when Brick had stepped out of the room, Matteo asked if I was available on Monday to hook up and I said that I was free; we agreed on the time as Brick was coming back.....Brick was still a little upset that I ended the physical part of our relationship and he has stated in the past that he'd be jealous if he knew that I was hooking up with his nephew - although he didn't mind nor care in the past.
When I entered through the garage, my mom was looking a bit thrilled with herself. I didn't ask nor did I want to know. She said that Matteo got her number from Brick and that he, Matteo, had texted her (while he and I were figuring what time to meet up) that he had invited me over for Monday. It was rather obvious that Matteo didn't explain to her exactly WHY I was spending time with him; she knew that we were on friendly terms in college. She thought that I was going to start dating Matteo by the end of Monday. Unfortunately, I broke her heart then and there, explaining that despite him being rather attractive and smart, he was too much of a sports fan to talk of anything else other than sports and that was a major turn off for me. She was a little saddened by this but she accepted it....thankfully.
I took the dogs to the park in the afternoon for a walk to help clear my head and think about Vince's and I's activity over the weekend. Vince probably had thought that I was giving hope about a relationship with me in the future but by then - and after reading the letter - that he knew that I was there to get my jollies and to get full closure of our relationship. I realized during the walk that I was going to be hurt for awhile before I could fully move on but in the same time, the time alone to give me time to reflect, heal and grow....and if I wanted to, I'd enjoy myself in the company of a man that I trusted and respected and who had trust and respect for me as well.
By the time that the dogs and I got home, all of the dogs were all tuckered out; I had to wake them up when I pulled into the garage. They climbed out one by one, went up the few stairs leading from the garage to the house, and went to the water bowl where they drank. I ended up having to fill their bowl twice more. They then went to their beds (spoiled rotten doggos! LOL!!) and before I laid down for the rest of the afternoon, I washed their bowl out and filled it with fresh water for when they woke up.
Since I had my nicer version of my causal clothes at my parents' house, I raided my closet to figure out what I was going to wear to Matteo's; I knew food would be involved either by take out or dining in at a restaurant. It took me about 45 minutes; chose a smaller fitting bra, low cut shirt, jeans and leather knee high boots. After coming down after picking out my clothes for the next day, my parents and I had dinner, watched some TV and I went back upstairs and went to bed not much longer after coming up. I needed to catch up on some well needed sleep so I could be ready for Matteo. Thankfully, I slept like a log.
I woke up feeling rested and was looking forward to the day. As I was about to hop into the shower, Matteo called to ask if I could come over earlier as he has a few added plans for us and I said sure; he gave me the newer time to arrive. That changed my outfit a little bit for the day. Instead of wearing cute panties, I was going to wear a thong instead. I showered, got dressed, grabbed my charging cord & base as well as my travel chargers, my phone and my purse. My mom was beaming and said that Matteo asked for her permission to have me come over earlier - he even told her that despite me being of age, he wanted to show that he has respect for me as well as my family. I rolled my eyes....I knew that he was buttering her up to like him so she wouldn't find out what the real reason why were meeting up.
I ate and as I was grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge, Matteo called me and asked me to look outside. Once I did - and he saw me - he waved from the outside of a limo. I screeched and hung up on him. My mom came rushing over to see the limo and she gave me the head's up that he was walking to the door. He rang the doorbell and I opened the door; Mom was trying to look discreet by sitting on the couch in the living room. He came over, shook her hand and said that he was going to borrow me for most of the day. She smiled and said ok. I grabbed my keys out of my purse so I could lock the door on our way out.
When we got to the limo, Matteo opened the door for me and held his hand out to help me get inside.....he knows me and my clumsy fat ass a little too well. I get in, he closes the door, walks around and gets in. He asks the driver to head to the first destination; a winery. I turned to him in shock and he smiled. He leaned over to kiss me and told me that I deserve it. I turn a million shades of red and thank him. It doesn't take long for us to get there and when we did, Matteo hopped out of the car to open the door and help me out. He said to leave my purse in the back and just to grab my phone and that's all I needed. I nodded and did as he suggested, taking his hand to get out of the limo.
As I was out of the limo, I went to let go of Matteo's hand but he had a firm grip on my hand; I looked up at him with confusion on my face. He smiled, leaned down and kissed me again but this time on my mouth. Again I was shocked and inadvertently opened my mouth. He took this as an opportunity to kiss me deeper. I moaned, leaned into him and kissed him back; he, unfortunately, pulled away and said that there was time for more of that later and gave me a devilish smile. Still holding onto my hand, he led me into where we'd have our wine tasting. The entire room was covered with carnations and roses; two of my favorite flowers. The flowers were later sent to my parents' so they could go in water and stay fresh until I brought them back to my place.
"Matteo," I said. "What is this? Is this all for me?"
"Yes, baby," Matteo said. "This is all for you. I've wanted to share this with you for a long time but I knew that at one point you were in a serious relationship with someone and you had to end the relationship. I know that you're not ready for this nor me to tell you how much I care about you. This day is for you, babe."
I went into Matteo's arms and hugged him; his cologne was amazing. I pulled my head from his chest to thank him but I couldn't say anything at all as I was in awe of his surprise for me. He brushed some of my hair off of my face, kissed me and then led me to the wine. I knew that this is far from how he wanted to spend the day - as I know that he'd rather watch some sports and then spend the rest of the day in bed with me having sex. He did have fun though and enjoyed watching me ask the staff many questions and taste so much wine; he wasn't too far from me physically at all.
At the conclusion of the wine tasting, Matteo led me back to the limo and said that he has another surprise or two for me that afternoon before we head to his place. I said ok and didn't ask any questions. We got into the limo and as we were headed to the next destination, Matteo slid me from where I was sitting on the other side of the limo to right next to him; he wrapped his arm around me knowing that I loved being held tight.
We got to a high end massage place; the kind that you need to book appointments 6 moths to a year in advanced. I asked him how he got me in so fast. He corrected me by saying "us" and he said that a family member of his was the manager and helped him set this up. We were greeted and led into a room in the back. We went into our allocated room where we were greeted by two masseuses; both male. I raised my eye and he told me that it's ok; my glorious ass would be covered as would be my breasts. I said that I didn't care about that as much as I was worried about him being jealous or upset another man was touching me in front of him. Matteo reminded me that this man was a professional and wouldn't be inappropriate. I nodded and laughed.
Once the masseuses left, we got undressed, folding our clothes and climbed on the tables face down. Our tables were about a foot away from each other and he reached over to grab my hand. The masseuses came back in; they placed a towel on my backside as well as Matteo's glorious backside. The massages were wonderful and I'd fallen asleep during mine. After the massages, we got dressed and we were led through a few hallways and brought to this beautiful room that served as a "tea room". Matteo had already preordered for us; the cookies and the tea were wonderful. I couldn't stop thanking him enough for treating me. He said that he has one more trip before we get to his place. I couldn't believe it.
We got back into the limo and this time I slid next to him so he could have me wrapped under one of his arms. I'd fallen asleep in his arms and didn't realize we got to the last surprise before getting to his condo. Matteo wakes me up and we get out of the limo. We were at a famous jewelry store. I looked at Matteo.
"Matteo," I said. "Thought you were going to let me take my time to heal and move on? If you ask me now, you know what my answer is going to be."
"Babe," Matteo replied. "It's not what you think it is. Do I want to marry you? Fuck yes but you take all the time you need to. I know you've known him for over 20 years and he broke your heart. I want you to take care of you. I'll always, always be here for you no matter what. We're here because I want you to pick out a piece of jewelry that YOU like and want; the price doesn't matter."
I nodded and he let go of my hand. He gave me my space to look while he was talking to the staff. I loved everything that I looked at and tried on. Today was all too much; the wine tasting, the massage and now expensive jewelry. It took me an hour to go through the store and I made my decision. I walk back over to Matteo and let him know that I've made up my mind.
"What have you decided, Babe? What would you like from this store?" Matteo asked.
"You. Out of this entire store, I want you from this store. Everything here is gorgeous and any woman would be lucky to have a piece. I appreciate you spoiling me today and taking care of me. What I'd like to do is go to your condo," I said.
Ok," Matteo said. "Let's go!"
As he took my hand and we were on our way to the limo, I saw him slide a beautifully wrapped box in his pocket. He didn't look mad or happy and that made me worried. He - obviously - spent a ton of time and money to plan the day to spoil me and I feel like I made him regret his decision. He helps me get in the limo, he climbs in and he asks the driver to take us home. The driver nods and heads to Matteo's. I fall asleep where I sat in the limo and didn't wake when we got to his place. I don't remember getting carried up nor getting undressed but I woke up in Matteo's bed....naked....with him naked right next to gazing at me.
Matteo realizes I am awake and offers me some privacy; he gets up, puts on his robe and heads to the kitchen. I get up, shower, brush my teeth and grab one of his shirts to wear. I walk towards the kitchen and see him on his patio drinking coffee. He hears me, looks over and smiles at me. He gets up from his chair walks over to me, puts his coffee down and leans down to kiss me. I return the kiss as I pull him closer. I feel his erect penis against my body. I pull away, grab his hand and tell him to follow me.
On the way back to his room, I take off his shirt and he takes his robe off; leaving both on the floor. I get on the bed, in the center, and invite him up. He asks me if this is truly I want to do - on my own free will - I told him that I want to be with him right now because I want to be with someone who cares about me. He knows about how I spent my weekend and he didn’t care. He asked if I had stayed on my birth control faithfully and I said yes. He gets on the bed, sitting at my feet, stroking himself and asking me again if I want this. I spread my legs for him and tell him that I want this more than anything right now.
He smiled and got himself situated between my legs. I look at his penis, I look at him and tell him that I am ready. He slides right in and we both moan. He looks at me to see if I'm ok. I nod my head yes and he starts thrusting in my wet apex. With each thrust, I moan his name. I flip us over so that I am now on top and riding him; he loves it. Matteo grabs my hips before I slide up and down his penis any faster. He lets go of my hips and grab my breasts. He sits up as I'm sliding up and down his penis and he starts sucking one of my nipples. I moan.
He flips us over and slows down.
"Yes, baby," Matteo said mid thrust. "You feel amazing, Deppgrl! Yesssssss, baby. I am so close!"
"Matteo," I moan and spread my legs further apart. "Yessss, baby. So am I."
A few more thrusts.
"Yesss, baby," we both moan together as we climax at the same time. We don't move but catch our breath. I can still feel Matteo's essence shoot into me. I bite my lip. Now he knows. Matteo starts to thrust to finish spilling his essence into me. In a few thrusts, he knows he's finished.
He slides out of me and rolls us to our sides. He holds me close to him. I twist my torso a little so I can kiss him; he opens his mouth and lets me in. He matches me kiss for kiss. I reach down to start stroking his penis and in no time, he's hard again. He tells me to put my face down and my ass up. I giggle when he says ass. I do as he says. He spreads my legs a little farther apart and slides his penis into my apex again. He thrusts harder and faster, moaning my name. I wiggle my ass a little bit but its hard as he's thrusting deep inside of me. He ignored it so I did it again.
"Fuck," he said. "Wiggle that ass of yours one more time, baby..."
"What?" I said as I wiggle my ass again and giggling. "Do this? Wiggle my ass? Do you hate it?"
"I love it," he groaned. "You're killing me, smalls!"
He pulls out, I hear him spit into his hand, wipes the spit on my back door and spreads my legs even further apart. He slides into my ass....for the first time ever.
"Fuck," he screams my name as he's thrusting. "Your ass is so tight, baby! I can't take it. Fuck."
He thrusts a few more times before he climaxes and shoots his essence in me. When he's done, he pulls out and pulls me closer to him. He rolls me to my side so my back is leaning against his chest. He puts one arm around me. Within seconds, his breathing has slowed down and he's fallen asleep. I wait another minute to make sure that he's sound asleep before I get up.
Yep. He's out cold. I get up gently, go to the bathroom and then head to the kitchen to get some water. As I am heading back to his room, I see the box he'd slid into his pocket earlier has fallen out of his pants. I place the glass of water down and I go pick up the box. It's still wrapped. I am tempted to open it to look at it and wrap it back up and then pretend that I didn't see it.
"I was going to give that to you later," Matteo said. "I know that you're curious to know what exactly it is."
"Matteo," I said. "You surprised me. Thought you were out cold!"
"I am a light sleeper and woke up as you were climbing out of bed. I was waiting for you to return and there was only one of two things that would've prevented you from returning right away. One being the contents of that box. The other being that loser Vince texting you to beg you to take him back....that bastard doesn't deserve you."
"Yes," I said as I walked over to him to put the box in his hand. "I am curious to know what's in this box. And I don't care how many times he begs for me to come back, I won't. You owe me now that you've mentioned his name."
Matteo winks and follows me back to bed, still holding onto the box that I am dreading. We get on the bed and we spend the next few hours making love. We're finally catching our breath when I realized that I didn't take my birth control that morning. Shit, shit, shit, shit!!!
I fly off the bed, I go to my purse and grab my birth control and an emergency contraceptive. I go back to the night stand and take the pills with my water. Matteo was looking at me funny and I explained. He looked worried for a second until I told him that I had also taken the emergency contraceptive. I went back to the bed and climbed under the covers, snuggling up to Matteo.
He leaned back to his night stand to grab something. I realized that it was the dreaded box. As I sit up, I take the corner of the sheet to cover up. He knows that I’m nervous; he leans over and kisses me. I open my mouth and kiss him back. He moans and pulled away.
“I wouldn’t have an opportunity to give this to you if we kept kissing,” Matteo said as he hands me the box. “I knew that you’d love it!”
I open the box and it’s a beautiful diamond ring. I looked at him with absolute confusion.
“Baby, it’s not an engagement ring; I’d give you a bigger one. Look at inside of the band,” Matteo said. “I had the jeweler put the inscription in today.”
“‘Today is only the beginning 2/21/22’,” I read out loud. “You put our initials, too?”
I leaned over to give Matteo a kiss. He pulls away to put the ring on my right ring finger and leans in to kiss me. I wrap my hand around his neck to pull him closer. As he was kissing me, he shifted the sheets and then shifted to kneel between my legs. I reach over to start stroking his erect penis and he starts to moan my name…he’s close. I let go of him, he spreads my legs even further and slides his penis in my apex. I moan his name.
He takes it slow this time; paying attention to my curves, making sure I was pleasured first (AND thoroughly) and telling me how much he loves me. I climaxed screaming his name over and over again. He climaxed moments later and kept thrusting in me to drain himself of his essence. I tell myself that when I get home that I’ll take another emergency contraceptive.
We lay in each other’s arms for a little while. I told him how much I appreciated the day, appreciated the activities and appreciated his interest in me. I told him that I wish I could reciprocate my feelings for him right now but I needed to focus on me. He said that he understands and that he won’t pressure me at all.
I got up and got dressed because I knew he had to get ready to teach the next day. Neither one of us wanted me to leave but he’d need sleep before going back to school….he wouldn’t get any sleep if I stayed. Matteo let the driver go hours ago so we got dressed so he could drive me home.
As he did with the limo, he held the door open for me, held his hand out to help me get in and get out of his car and held the door for me when he brought me home. I was going to head to the front door but he stopped me. He pulled me in close, kissed me with such passion and stopped; something caught his eye. We turned around to find that it was Brick and he was mad.
No one said anything for several minutes. Brick said he wished someone told him that Matteo and I were a couple. I turned to Brick and that we weren’t but it’s a possibility; I’d left a toxic relationship with a man who cheated on me, Matteo always loved me but hadn’t said anything until today. I could tell that Brick was becoming more livid
I stood in front of Matteo. I told Brick that there wasn’t anything but sex between he and I for a year and that it was on and off depending on what my relationship was with Vince at the time; I reminded Brick that he and I had talked about my relationship with Vince MANY times and how much I loved Vince. He nodded his head that he remembered. I told Brick that he was a good man and a good friend to me.
Brick asked me about Matteo. I said that Matteo is very kind, quite generous person, friend and potential lover; there could be something in the future but I needed to get over the pain that my ex fiancé caused. I felt Matteo squeezing my hands. I asked the both of them not to fight over me because if they do, I’ll walk away from them both. They agreed and Brick left…he was hurt.
Matteo walked me to the front door, leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back. He dropped to his knees, grabbed both of my hands and leaned his head on my stomach….I began to panic and think that he’s proposing to me…he knew what I’d say if he asked me now. After a couple of minutes, he looked up at me and then stood back up.
“People can have more than one soulmate, baby,” Matteo said. “I’ve felt for years that you are mine. After today, you have it in your head and also in your heart that I’m your forever soulmate. You need to heal and focus on you. Take all the time in the world; I’ll always be waiting for you and always a call away. I love you so much, baby girl, I know you love me too.”
“Matteo,” I said. “Thank you for a beautiful day and showing me the ways that you love me. You’re a generous man and a very generous lover. I’ll never ever forget today. I do admit that I care deeply about you and I hope that one that I can reciprocate your love.”
“I’ll wait for that day, my love,” Matteo said. “I have the engagement ring already; I picked it up today at the jewelry store while you were looking. It’ll be in my pocket every day until the day you tell me that you love me.”
He leaned down and kissed me. I wrapped both of my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist and he brought me flush to his body; I felt everything from his muscles to his hardening penis. I moaned. Fuck, I wanted the man right then and there not caring it was outside where people could see. I pulled him a little closer to the house and with one hand, I massaged his penis over his jeans and in no time he climaxed. He pulled away, smiling and called me an evil, evil woman. We both laughed.
He leaned down and kissed me on my cheek, wishing me a good night.
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