As the emergency services team ran into my room to place me on a stretcher, Doc had entered the room, noticed me on the floor and came over to me immediately. He looked at me in horror and said to the emergency services team to rush me to the local hospital. He apologized for being in the garden.
“Oh my god, Doc,” I said as I was clutching my stomach. “I am so sorry…….”
I passed out. I regained consciousness in the hospital. I heard words like ‘trauma’ and ‘miscarriage’. One of the doctors told one of the nurses to give me something to sedate me. Within minutes, I zoned out and fell asleep. Hours later, I was woken up and when I saw Geraldine’s face I knew.
“Lee, I’m so sorry,” she said. “I did everything I could do to save the fetus.”
“Did you tie my tubes?” I asked.
“No, I didn’t,” she said. “I was more worried about saving your life. Would you like me to do a tubal ligation?”
“Yes, please, Geraldine,” I said. “I’ll sign the paperwork so we can get started in a day or so.”
“Under normal circumstances, I’d have you wait until you’ve recovered more but I know that you’ve considered this is in the past. I’ve got the paperwork with me now.”
She gave me the paperwork, I signed it after thoroughly reading it and passed them back to her.
“I’ll be back in a little bit to come collect you,” she said.
“Sounds good,” I said.
I logged into the computer system of the hospital and watched Geraldine enter the paperwork to make sure that it was correct. Some of it was wrong so when Geraldine had logged out, I corrected it to make sure that it said it was a FULL tube ligation. I also put notes in there - using Geraldine’s language - requesting one of the doctors that performs this procedure often. I programmed this notation to be incapable of being overridden by anyone but me. No one else has this capability and no one ever knows it’s me who does this.
Thirty minutes later, a very confused Geraldine came in to gather me for the surgery. She said that she requested another doctor to help her but she didn’t remember doing so.
“It happens,” I said. “Look at it this way…there’s two of you and the both of you can work at the same time. It’ll be faster.”
“That’s a good point,” she said. I knew that the other doctor was beyond thorough but he’d make sure that she’d stay on task.
I was under anesthesia for a little less than 75 minutes before being brought back to my room. By the time I woke up, Doc was in my room. As soon as my hospital bed was back in its place and the wheels were locked, Doc joined me and held me. I cried but not from the pain but from the miscarriage.
Many hours later, voices in the hall woke me up. I immediately logged into the hospital system and saw that it was Geraldine who supposedly performed the hysterectomy. I texted her to let her know that she has 10 minutes to get what personal stuff she can get, stop by security to drop off her badge and access key and leave. The rest of her stuff would be mailed to her.
The argument in the hall stopped. I heard her sigh then storm off. Doc came into the room and asked what I needed. I told him that I desperately needed to pump but there weren’t any pumps in the room.
“May I?” he asked me seductively as he pulled my hospital gown down to expose my breasts.
I smiled said that he always can. Doc took his time sucking and squeezing both of my breasts, making sure that I was enjoying it. I wish that I could have him between my legs but I needed to heal first. I slid my hand down his pants, released his hard penis and began to stroke him. In no time, he climaxed in my hand. Since he was still hard, I began to stroke him again.
He stopped sucking on my breasts and pushed his penis as far down my throat as he could. He pumped his penis in and out of my throat like his life depended on it. He climaxed down my throat about 5 or 6 times before his heavy balls were empty. When his penis was barely flaccid, he was able to pull out. As he pulled out, he climaxed one more time down my throat.
“My god, vita mia,” he moaned. “Marry me!”
“Doc, I just had emergency surgery after a miscarriage and then had my tubes tied,” I said as I pressed the button for a nurse. “Look at what happened to us before.”
“Beloved, I’m serious,” he said after kissing me. “No ultimatums. Just you, me and the baby. We love each other!”
“I don’t need a husband,” I said. “The baby is fine without a father as he’s got father figures. Don’t ask me again, especially when I’m in the hospital.”
“Are you ok with us just being sexual partners?”
“Yes, I am,” I said as I took the baby from the nurse. “Thank you, Anna. Doc is single and is looking for someone!”
Anna blushed and left the room. I dropped the dressing gown and brought the baby up to my breasts. He latched on right away. Doc left in a huff. The baby drank and drained the one breast, I burped him and offered my other breast. He latched on and began to guzzle from my that breast.
Joe cleared his throat. I looked up from the baby and asked him into the room.
“Doc’s spending a few days away,” he said. “He’s been burned before, ma’am. First with Celine, then you and now you again. He’s set himself up.”
“I can’t marry him, Joe,” I said. “He wanted more kids with me but I’m done with having kids. He wants to marry me.”
“Do you love him?”
“I love that he’s been protecting me and that he is well endowed,” I said.
“Seriously, though, Lee,” he said. “Do you love him?”
“I need to tell him,” I said. “I just need to tell him.”
“You need to tell me what?” Doc asked. “That you don’t love me?”
“That I had a miscarriage and had my tubes tied,” I said.
“Are you able to still have anal for the next few days?” Doc asked.
“Yes,” I said.
“How long until I can fill you with seed and not get you pregnant?”
“Forty eight hours,” I lied. “I’ll be able to leave soon. Joe can drive me.”
“Ok, beloved,” Doc said after kissing me then left.
“How much time do we have?” Joe asked as he saw Doc get in his car.
“About two hours,” I said. “Please lock the door!”
Joe locked the door, stripped and climbed up on my bed. I kicked the blankets off, took my hospital gown off and spread my legs. Joe stroked his impressive penis a few times and then he mounted me. He started gently and started picking up the pace.
“I know your apex hurts but deserve this,” he grunted. “The amount of times that I’ve seen you naked, breastfeeding and under Doc, I deserve this!”
“Yes, you do,” I moaned. “You needed and deserved a taste of my apex. You and your VERY impressive penis.”
“Thank fuck you had the surgery done,” he said. “We now can have sex and not worry about you getting pregnant.”
“I know,” I said.
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