Thursday, February 27, 2025

Rekindled passion with Doc

I struggled to get to my feet from the bar stool in the kitchen. After steadying myself against the counter, I got on my toes and kissed Doc. He wrapped his arms around me, pulled me closer and deepened the kiss. He eventually lifted me up and put me on the counter, spread my legs and took a step in so he could get closer to me.

“Doc,” I whispered as I slid my hands up shirt, resting my hands on his bare chest. “Do you want me as much as I want you?”

“Yes, my love,” he groaned as he slid my sundress sleeves off my shoulders so he could release my aching breasts. “I want you so much, vita mia. Are you cleared to have sex?”

“Yes,” I lied through my teeth. I desperately wanted my ex husband. 

He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, slid them off and pushed his penis inside of my apex. We screamed. Doc pounded me until he was fully drained in me. He tried to pull out and despite how swollen I was but he managed it.
Doc started sucking and draining both my breasts. Squeezing and biting my breasts helped me drain and the relief I felt was great. 

“You’re so reactive, beloved,” Doc grunted as he was trying to slide his penis in and out of me. “I honestly don’t think you were cleared. You’re in pain.”

“It doesn’t matter if I was cleared or not, Doc,” I said. “I started ovulating today.”

“Do you still want me after firing me?” he asked as he carried me to my room.

“Yes,” I said. 

He put me down on the bed and we both stripped. He spread my legs and slammed his penis into my swollen apex. We screamed and climaxed. As Doc kept fucking me and filling me with his seed, my full breasts begin to ache even more and began to leak. He relieved some pressure before reaching over me my night stand to grab my breast pump. I set it up as he rode me and I started pumping right away.

We’ve had to stop a few times so I could empty the pumps into bottles. An hour after starting to pump, I filled six three ounce bottles. I could’ve continued but the batteries died. I brought the bottles to the fridge and when I came back, Doc was ready for me again. 

I rode Doc so he could suck my still full breasts as he filled me with his seed. His penis felt so amazing inside of me despite the pain. He climaxed in me several more times when we heard C brought the baby back. 

“Lee?” C hollered. “The baby needs you, beautiful,”

“Upstairs!” I said as I was putting my robe on.

C barreled up the stairs with the baby in his arms and came into my room. He saw Doc at full salute.

“Doc,” C said as he handed me my baby and winked at Doc.

“C,” Doc said as he watched the baby breastfeed.

About 45 minutes later, the baby had his fill. I burped him and Doc brought him to the staffed nursery. He came back into my room, sat on the rocking chair and motioned to me to straddle him so I could ride him. 

“She’s ovulating, C, and she deserves to be filled. We'll see you later,” Doc moaned as I was sliding up and down his penis. “That’s it, amore. Another week of this and I’ll have you pregnant.”

Doc and I spent the next two weeks having sex around the clock. He and I desperately wanted many kids but due to the the hysterectomy, I couldn’t bare him any more children. This saddened me as I wanted a million kids with him. On occasion, C would swing by to pick up the baby and they would go on errands together. 

Baby Anthony was exclusively breastfed by me and he took a bottle if C had him.

A month into having sex with Doc, I rehired him at the hospital and he moved back in at the main house of the compound. 

Another two months into having sex with Doc, my breasts were still huge and my pregnancy belly didn’t completely leave. I called Geraldine to see if I could see her at the office. She said that she can see me right away. 

The moment we walked into her office, we were immediately brought to an exam room. I stripped and got on the exam table. Geraldine walked in, greeted us as the sonogram machine was turning on. She placed the gel on me and began.

“Leeandria, I don’t know who told you that you needed a hysterectomy but you didn’t need one” she said. “Somehow, you had an infection in uterus. The doctor who performed the surgery actually removed the infection in your uterus and made minor repairs. How long post partum did you start having sex?”

“What?” both doc and I said in shock.

"Was there some kind of mistake made? Like a misunderstanding? Why ask permission for a hysterectomy when an infection needs to taken care of? I guess that explains why she was in and out of consciousness," Doc said.

“About three weeks,” I said. “We’ve been nonstop since. I think we have sex a hundred times a day!”

“Leeandria, you’re 11 or 12 weeks pregnant,” Geraldine said. “The pregnancy should be healthy. I’ll monitor you every week just to make sure that everything is going well. Yes, the infection could have caused Lee to go in and out of consciousness and the high fever. I'll let you get dressed.”

“I'll help you get dressed,” Doc said. “We’re celebrating when we get home.” 

I quickly got dressed and we left. I fed Anthony, changed his diaper then handed him to his nanny and Joe; Joe’s role as security also included the baby's safety. Doc and I went to his room; I still was sleeping in the room next to his.

We undressed, got on the bed and Doc kissed and caressed my body. He slid down my body from sucking my breasts to eating my to apex. I climaxed on his tongue so many times that I lost count.

Doc eating my apex made my breasts engorge again. He slid up my body, pushed his penis deep inside of my apex, throw one of my legs over his shoulder and began to pump in and out of my aching apex. 

Eventually, Doc was spent and fell asleep. I got up, put on Doc’s robe and headed for the nursery.

“Hey, Joe,” I whispered.

“Lee,” Joe said, handing me the baby. “I’ll leave you be.”

“You can stay, Joe,” I said as I lowered the baby and I to the love seat. “I’m really grateful you let me hire you from the hospital. You're a great addition to the team here. Thanks for working with us.”

“It's my pleasure, Ms. Lee. It's an honor. The guys are great and we're learning from each other on a daily basis,” he said as voice cracked and gazed at me. “Working for you is far better. My pay and benefits are better, more time with the kids and my wife. I feel like I’m invading your personal space...I better get going.”

“You know that I have no personal space anymore.”

“That's a good point," he said.

"Joe, why are you staring at my naked girlfriend?" Doc asked as he was laughing. "I kid, I kid. Seriously, though, this woman should win some kind of award. Leeandria is my Super Woman."

"Ms. Leeandria is quite the boss lady," Joe agreed. "I better get some rest. The guys and I have some drills that we're going to practice very early in the morning. We need to update some safety training protocols."

"Night, Joe," I said. "Don't run the men ragged. We all need them to be safe and in one piece so they can return to their loved ones. This includes you as well."

"Yes, Ma'am. Good night," Joe said. "Good night, Doc."

"Night, Joe," Doc said.

The baby fed well. Thankfully, there were two pumps in the nursery now so I was able to completely empty both of my breasts. I filled the bottles on the table from the pumps. Doc put them in the mini fridge in the nursery then thoroughly washed the pumps in the sink.

"Hungry, amore?" Doc asked as he helped me off the love seat. "I can whip something up for you."

"Not really but I need to eat," I said as I put his robe back on. It smelled of him and his cologne. "I'll join you momentarily."

He nodded then headed downstairs. I grabbed my phone and the baby monitor. As I went down the stairs, I found the night time nanny and asked if she had the night off. She said that she did but wouldn't mind listening to the baby monitor if I needed a little bit of a break.

"It's ok," I said. "It's your night off, enjoy it."

She thanked me and we parted ways. I met Doc in the kitchen and told him that the night time nanny had the night off so we needed to listen to the baby monitor more clearly. I texted Tio to ask him to pull a bed into the baby's room, secure the windows and not to allow anyone other than himself, Doc and I near the room tonight. He said that he'd bring in two cots into the room so that he and other guard would take turns through the night. I texted him to thank him. 

"What was that all about?" Doc asked. "Tio has the night off."

"I wasn't aware but something feels off," I said as I turned the volume of the baby monitor louder.

"I am not going to question you on that as I trust your judgement," Doc said.

"Let me feel like I am no longer in harm's way," I offered.

"That is correct."

"As long as I am alive and they're alive and in prison, I am at risk and any children I have are at risk," I said. "I don't care if you call me paranoid but I hadn't made it this far in life nor in the government for trusting my gut."

Doc nodded and handed me an omelet. I ate some before I decided to go upstairs, put on my pajamas and went to the bedroom that adjoins the nursery. I had let Tio know my plans so he could come get me faster.

Nothing happened during the night but just before dawn the guards changed their shifts, I heard a gun from next door. Thank fuck Anthony will be too young to remember hearing the gun go off. I run into the nursery and thankfully both of the windows were open to help disperse the noise.

"Tio, what happened?" I hollered. "How's the baby?"

"George's uncle was trying to climb the lattice," Tio said. "We shot him with a blank."

"Where's the uncle?" I asked as I looked out the window and saw him on the ground writhing in pain.

"We'll have Joe talk to him," Tio said. "We always switch to blanks when we're around the baby. We don't want to risk harming Anthony."

"Joe has better connections to the police than you guys do," I teased Tio, knowing who his uncle is. "I appreciate you guys considering all things safety when it comes to bullets, blanks and the baby. You guys are playing it safe without playing it safe."

"We couldn't live with ourselves if something happened to the baby," he said. "And no, Ms. Lee, we will help you and Doc bring him up knowing his family history and help guide him away from it."

"Thank you, my friend," I said as I hugged Tio. "Joe? Yeah, bring him into the office. I'll be there in a few. Get my medical bag."

"Yes, ma'am," he said before hanging up.

I showered, brushed my teeth and got dressed.

"Hey, Joe, thanks for the assist," I said as I grabbed coffee from the carafe. "Hi, Gianni. Why were you trying to pull a Lindberg kidnapping?"

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Gianni....I am Dr Leeandria DeLuca," I said. "And you know who I am."

"Wait, what?" he said. "I thought you were DeppGrl."

"I am one and the same," I said. "I went deep undercover to get your sons in prison. I am the one that made the connection to all of them and the other parties involved with the plan to kill me."

"But are you really a forensic psychologist, a medical doctor and a nature survivalist?" he asked. 

"Yes," I said as I pulled out the scopolamine bottle out of my bag. "I have authorization by the government to use humane ways to get people to talk. There are witnesses no matter what."

"What is that?" he nervously asked.

"It's scopolamine," I explained. "You may know it as truth serum."

"Are you going to use that?"

"I won't if I feel like I can trust you but I don't." I said. "Joe, can you please do the honors of recording please? Thank you."

"Today is March 24th, 7:35 am. My name is Dr. Leeandria DeLuca. With me in the house of my child's father is Gianni Aiello. He is the father of the triplets: Giovanni, Giacomo and Giuseppe. The triplets are currently in prison for a long time for plotting my kidnapping and death. We are recording this interview to show the treatment of Mr. Aiello."

Gianni nodded when I mentioned his name.

"Mr. Aiello was climbing the storm drain outside the window of my son's nursery window at the house of the father of my child. My security staff noticed him as they heard the noise outside the windows. In order to protect my son's ears, both windows were opened. In order to preserve the life of both my son and of Mr. Aiello, the security team used blanks instead of actual bullets. The security team value life over death and chose to ask questions as per recommendations of local law enforcement that they are in contact with on a daily basis. It appears that Mr. Aiello was planning on mimicking the kidnapping of Charles Lindberg, Jr. by kidnapping my child from the nursery through a window. Mr. Aiello, do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"I would like to have an attorney present as I understand that I have rights," he said.

"Mr. Aiello, none of us here are law enforcement officials and the Miranda Rights weren't given. I am a forensic psychologist who licensed to use scopolamine, a licensed medical doctor as well as a nature survivalist and the rest of the people in here are an independent security team. We wish to ask you questions prior to turning you over to the local law enforcement agency."

"My sons hired me to retaliate against you for their current status," Gianni said. "They are embarrassed to be caught in the plot of your kidnapping and murder."

"Mr. Aiello, I don't trust you at all. That is because you are the father of the men that I put in prison. Before I turn you over, why did you accept the money you were paid to kidnap my child? My child is innocent as he's four months old."

"Dr. DeLuca, I was informed that you have a seventeen year old son."

"My only child is the one that you were going to steal from me this morning and is only four months old. I have no other child. You were informed incorrectly."

"But they said..."

"Mr. Aiello, your sons lied to you."


"Joe, while you're still recording, can you please call your contact at the law enforcement agency? Please explain to them the situation and that they send a few agents over. Thank you, sir."

"You are far kinder than what I was told. I was told that you barbaric and demanding."

"Mr. Aiello, men who are intimidated by strong and independent women will fabricate lies to put women down to make themselves look better. Men are wired to be the protectors but once challenged, they are insecure and don't want to appear to be a pansy."

"My apologies."

"Thank you."

"Dr. DeLuca? The agents are here."

"Thank you, Joe. Would you please continue to film as they take Mr. Aiello? When you can no longer see them or their vehicle on the property, you can end filming. From there, please upload the tape - in its entirety - to the law enforcement agency, yourself, your attorneys, me and my attorneys."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Thank you."

In half an hour, the law enforcement agency was taking Gianni off the compound. Once Joe couldn't see them anymore, he uploaded the recording and sent the recording those that I requested. When I stood up, I collapsed and blacked out.

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