Since I’ve been home - my new place - I’ve been spending my time between the doc, The House and roaming around the new area of where I live. He doesn’t ask me about work and I don’t ask him about my brother. Doc knows that Samantha - aka Delaney - has been writing to me in hopes that she'll have my favor and I'd help her out. After receiving and reading the first few letters, I decided to write: "Return To Sender!" on the envelope as it's the same nonsense...she didn't want to betray me as she wanted someone from The Powers That Be a woman but also she was jealous of how high I reached instead of her. Apparently, Ian and Giuseppe - George - lied to her about helping her to get to the top. They are fantastic liars and almost had me completely fooled.
After dinner most nights, Doc and I go to his room to have sex for a bit and then we chill in the jacuzzi for a bit. We don’t talk much though but when we do, we skirt the issue of him having local police around still. He knows that I am safe as all that were involved with stalking me and almost kidnapping me are in prison - most will die there and others may have a few months on the outside before they die - but Doc would rather keep me protected for a bit. Doc knew that I didn't trust anyone in The House nor The Company to protect me.
"Morning, Leeandria," Doc said as he woke me up with a kiss. "Sleep well last night?"
"Morning, Doc," I said as I smiled. "A really attractive man kept me busy most of last night and tired me out. Can't forget these fantastic sheets! What's the thread count? A million?"
"With how you slept last night, you're up for more," he moaned as he slid his thick penis into my apex. "Oh, my feel so good. I could make love to you all day, vita mia!"
"Mmmmm, Doc," I moaned as I gladly took him deep inside of me. "Let's stay in bed today, baby!"
"Don't worry, amore," he gasped as he climaxed and started filling me with his seed. "That's the plan I had. My god, amore..."
We spent the rest of the morning making love. Hours later when we were spent, I got up to shower and brushed my teeth as I was enjoying the amazingly soft and massive bath towels that Doc has. Doc joined me a few minutes later in the bathroom so he could shower, shave and brush his teeth.
I got dressed in oversized but thick sweats. I popped downstairs and made some coffee.
"Celine, hey!" I said in surprise. Doc's ex wife let herself in. "Didn't know that you'd be swinging by. Had I known, I'd not be here."
"Hey, Lee," she sighed. "Trust me, you are NOT the problem. Doc and I had our issues before you and your brother started seeing Doc for medical assistance."
"I can grab my crap and go, Celine," I said. "Look, no ex wants to see their former partner's new toy at their residence this soon after a divorce."
"I am many things, my dear," she said as she sadly smiled. "I could never hate you for giving my ex husband the attention that I hadn't given him during the last few months of marriage as he hadn't given me much attention either. You're not the reason why we divorced. It hurts to see Doc so happy with someone else when he and I had many years together - almost as many years as you are old."
"Doc's never said anything negative about you," I tried to reassure her. "Well, the only thing he said that was negative was that the two of you fell out of love but he's never been mean about you."
"I appreciate that, Lee," she said. "Hey, Doc. Good to see you happy. You pull out the million thread sheets?"
"Ha ha, Celine," he said as he kissed her cheek. "I needed new sheets as you took the ones we had during our marriage. Everything ok?"
"For the most part," she said. "Chief had said something to the extent of some major activity here lately and I wanted to make sure that you're ok but it clearly looks like you're fine."
"Celine, if you're here for gossip, don't bother," he said. "Leeandria was stalked, harassed and almost kidnapped at her job within the government. Due to who was involved with the crimes, she doesn't trust those in her sector. I gave her safety and security here. Chief and his guys....old friends of my father's. And the sons and grandsons of my grandfather’s friends.”
"Yeah, I am going to get my stuff and head home, Doc," I said. "This information can't leave the house, Celine."
"What? The crimes or who protected you?" she asked incredibly.
"All of it," I said. "I am part of the top tier of the sector that I am working in. The public can't know as there will be a chance of copycat crimes plus any sector of the government doesn't need to get involved with who was trying to protect me. It's about keeping the circle as small as possible."
"I don't believe this." she said.
"Believe it or not, it happened," I said. "When I was recruited for the government, I was in my 20s and was told to get involved with one of my teachers from high school. I went into that relationship not interested in him at all because it was a part of the job that I had; I needed to play a role. Over the years that I was in a relationship with him, I fell in love with him. We broke up many times and he's now one of the top three bosses that I answer to. When he and I weren't in a relationship, I started having an affair with a man that worked for my brother. He is now one of the three bosses that I answer to. I met a man through an app for hook ups just to hook up. He walked out of my life because he worked in the same sector that I currently work in but he had to walk to protect me and himself. He is the third boss that I answer to. All of them were trying to protect me from a man hired by a woman - now in federal prison - to kidnap me because she failed to get to where I am now as she was being bribed by my former partner - in several ways. Those three are in federal prison and will be for a long time. As for those aided them are also in federal prison but for less time."
"This is just because of one woman's jealousy of you for working your ass off?" she asked.
"Yes and for also not sleeping my way to the top like this woman tried to do," I said. "Due to what happened, I don't have much trust for those in the government with my protection and safety. I trust Doc. If Doc trusts the Chief and old friends, I trust them too. But, Celine, this cannot be shared at all. I was never here."
"Celine, I want to trust and believe that you won't share this with anyone but with the severity of this issue, I don't," Doc said as he handed her a NDA - non disclosure agreement - to sign. "If you thought my lawyers were tough during the divorce, you haven't met Leeandria's. Signing this NDA makes sure that all three of us here are protected."
Celine was annoyed and frustrated that she had opened herself up to finding out what happened and to some degree, I trusted her but thank crap Doc reached out to Kay - my bff and lawyer - to come up with the NDA. I knew that it would be iron clad with how Kay wrote it and no one could say that they didn't know what it said as it was written in laymen's terms. Thankfully, Celine signed and dated it. Once she left, I called my normal courier over to bring the NDA over to Kay for her signature - mine and Doc's were already on it - and she'd get it notarized. She'd keep the original copy safe - I didn't ask as the less I know, the better - but she sent the courier back over two hours after I originally sent him over with a copy of the notarized original. I thanked the courier and Doc gave him a large monetary tip.
"You really heading back to your place, Leeandria?" Doc asked.
"Yeah, Doc, I'm sorry," I said. "I appreciate Celine but she ruined the mood because she was sent by her friends to get some gossip. Now that she doesn't have gossip to share, her friends will be mad at her then she'll be pissed at me."
"I'll talk to her, vita mia," he said as he kissed me. "She, at our old age, knows better but since she's lonely, she has time on her hands."
"If you want," I said as I headed up to his room. "It won't do much anyways. She'll be upset, you'll let her get to you then you'll brush it off and let her go back to the gossiping."
"Amore, this is different," he called after me.
"How so, Doc," I said as I looked back to him.
"I need to keep you safe from those you don't trust, from my ex wife and to keep you safe from yourself," he said. "If you need a few days to yourself, fine but I am sending some of my most discrete friends to keep an eye on you, ok?"
I nodded my head then continued to his room, gathering all my stuff. I knew that I was going to miss the incredible sheets, the jacuzzi, time with Doc and the safety net that I was in. I was nervous to be mostly by myself and not as secure as I had been of late. Once I was packed and ready to go, I let Doc know.
"My beloved, please reconsider this. I can keep you safe here," he said after kissing me gently. "Just stay here with me, amore. You can have a secure room to work in; there’s more than enough room. You can have five pots of coffee a day. Whatever you want."
"Doc, I can't," I whispered. "I need a secure facility to do my work. I don't do work at home or here."
"How secure do you need?" Doc asked.
"Fort Knox on steroids," I replied.
Doc chuckled and then nodded his head, let me go and asked me to let him know when I got home. I chuckled as I live 500 yards down the road from him. The house is in the name of Doctor and Mrs. McDoc however the house is legally mine as I gave him the money however he pays the bills. We felt that it would be best - and safest! - for me that we marry and I take his name. When the time comes, we'll divorce.
I spent the next two weeks busting my butt at my office at The House. There was so much to get caught up on and fill out paperwork for both HR and Payroll. I asked Kay to set up another NDA for the entire HR staff and Payroll staff to sign so my marriage and name change wouldn’t be shared.
Doc texted me a few times during the two weeks but understood how much work I had to do and knew that the marriage was out of convenience. We did talk one night on the phone. He said that Celine read through the NDA that she signed and noticed that he and I married. She was livid, of course, but she sort of understood. She thought that he'd never marry again but was surprised that he did.
The two weeks went by fast. I spent 18 to 20 hours a day working to finish my reports from months prior, answer emails and letters and reach out to the families of Giuseppe, Giovanni and Giacomo, Marvin and Jacques, Ian and Samantha (Delaney) in regards of the terms of their prison sentences, what is allowed to be sent in care packages and that kind of thing. I did take many runs while at The House - something that I normally don't do but I needed to clear my head. The last final full day at The House, I didn't finish until 10:30 pm but didn't get home until midnight. I took a very long route home just to be cautious
****chirp**** My phone pinged and vibrated with a text.
"Vita mia, I just wanted to know if you got home ok and if you'd like to come over after you relaxed?"
"Hey, baby. I am going to shower and go to bed after setting the alarm. Is it ok if I come over tomorrow?"
"Sure thing! I'll send over a few more of the Chief's men. Before you pop over tomorrow, please take some allergy medicine, ok? I’m having flowers delivered. Sleep tight, ok? I love you."
"Thanks, baby. I'll send a request over to the Chief of which guys I'd like sent over. Will do. Trust me, I'll sleep well."
I set the alarm, showered and called the Chief.
"Hey, Leeandria," the Chief mumbled half awake. "What can I do to help you?"
"Doc said that he'd ask you to send over a few extra guys tonight?" I said.
"Yeah, no texts, calls or emails from Doc, Lee," Chief said. "Crap. I can't get my guys on the radio. Baby Girl, we’ve got to play the Power Hail Mary!"
"Yessir," I said as I hung up the phone. The guards were gone and after looking at the alarm panel, I could tell that the alarm system was offline. Fuck. Fuckity fuckity fuck fuck. I grabbed my go bag, all of my meds (which I had put in a safe) and headed to the kitchen. I opened up the wine fridge, scanned my biometrics (eyes, ears and fingers) and ran down three flights of stairs to the armed car. I hopped in, hit a few buttons to open up the garage and sped out of there; leaving behind all of the electronics that I had used in the past two weeks.
"Lee? Can you hear me?" the Chief asked me.
"Yeah, I can. What's going on? What did you find?"
"Someone forged my signature to pull your security and someone cut the wires to your security panel," he said. "Someone mirrored Doc's phone. I hate to suggest this to you."
"What, Chief?" I asked.
"Let me blow the house," he said. "I can get a body in there. There’s a body that has your general measurements that I can get in there before I get the house to blow."
"Blow it and blow it fast,”I said without hesitating. "Doc? Any word from him?"
"Celine found him passed out in his car," he said. "The car was running in the garage. With the garage door closed."
"Is he ok?"
"He's unconscious but he's alive and on his way to the hospital."
"Good. Hey, Chief? It's time to lose you," I said. "I'm almost out of fuel here. I will come find you. Be safe, Chief. I can't lose you or Doc."
"You be safe, Lee," Chief said firmly.
I drove until I ran out of gas. I grabbed my stuff, locked the car and when I was a safe distance away, the car went up in flames. My favorite car. Le sigh.
For the next week, I was off grid going further from the area from where the car went up in flames. I found hidden huts, yurts and other places where I could sleep - I slept during the day and traveled by foot at nights. When I got to where I needed to go, I found the car that I originally left behind when I moved close by to Doc. I drove three hours north hoping that I'd find Chief. Lo and behold, I found the Chief.
"Good to see you, LeeOndria," the chief said as he reached out to take my hand to shake my hand. I knew something was fishy.
"Good to see you to, Chief," I said as I took his hand in mine. I subtly turned his wrist. No scar where there should be a scar. It was from a knife fight.
"How's Doc?" I asked as calmly as I could. "What did you tell him?"
"I said what we agreed upon," the fake chief said. "That you needed some time to yourself."
My gut told me to drop face down on the desert ground and I did. I heard a few bullets whizzing by me. I didn't move an inch. I heard a thud and then feel some warm liquid hit me on the face.
"01010101011010101113," the real chief muttered.
"31110101011101010101," I said with a sigh. "Lemme guess. He's a goner and I have his blood on my face?"
"Yep. Sorry, dude," the chief said as he helped me up off the ground. "Close your eyes. I am going to spray rubbing alcohol on your face."
After he was finished he gave me a towel from my pocket for me to wipe my face.
"Thanks," I said. "How did you find me? It was supposed to the be other way around."
"I know that you wanted to go somewhere warm instead of cold at this time of the year. Everyone who has people after you looked for you towards the south," he said. "Except for my twin."
"Your twin is in on this? To kill me off?" I asked.
"Yeah. He saw you on the news months ago and recently, he'd mentioned the case. When he realized that I wasn't engaging in the conversation about it, he knew that I was protecting you," he said. "He knew that you'd go north to where it's far colder. I knew this is where you'd come."
"How's Doc?" I asked.
"He's alive, thankfully," he said. "Celine found him in time. She has been checking in on him as I was trying to figure out your path. There was a point where the doctors thought that they'd lose him as he was told about your house and car exploding. He thought that he lost you so he gave up. One night, I was able to get him alone in his room to tell him that you were ok."
"Is he home?"
"Yes and no," the chief said. "He's been released from the hospital and he's been out looking for you.”
"Let's go get him," I said. "Ok, maybe after I shower."
The chief and I laughed. I hopped in the car but I immediately got out. Chief followed my lead. The car blew up. I hated doing this but I knew that I needed to. I punched the chief. When he fell to the ground, I zip-tied him to a tree that he landed near. I went into my medical bag to find a syringe of scopolamine - truth serum - and injected a small amount in him. I didn't have to wait long. Ten minutes later, he was able to talk.
"Are you really the chief?"
"Who did you kill just now?"
"My brother."
"Is he the man that has been aiding in my protection?"
"Did you mirror Doc's phone so you could drug me with my allergy meds?”
"Because I work with Giovanni, Giuseppe and Giacomo. I needed to finish the job."
"What job was that?"
"To help Samantha become the head of The Powers That Be."
"What is Samantha's other name?"
"Where is Doc?"
"He was in the hospital but I don't know where he is right now."
"Did anyone escape prison?"
"Are you sure?"
"I am positive."
"Are there any guards that are a concern?"
"Not anymore."
"What happened to them?"
"They were killed by inmates."
"Where is my brother?"
"Looking for Doc."
"I am going to leave you here, ok? When the drug clears your body, you're going to have a bad headache but you won't remember what happened."
I still had my device scanner so I scanned him. I found a few trackers on him. I gently removed them from him, stitched him up and destroyed the trackers. I also found his phone and destroyed it as well. I did leave him a flip phone for him to call for help.
In my bag, I had a map and located where I was. I had to hike 6 hours to get to a shower that was on the trails. Before leaving, I took out an earring and made the earring post face the way that I'd gone. Either Doc or my brother would find me. I was heartbroken leaving one of the earrings behind…Doc gave me this pair on our first official date. We’d gone to a diner near where he grew up and we were in a corner booth and hats on our heads; his family was - and still is - well known and he was still married to Celine. Doc pulled out a velvet jewelry box from his sweatshirt pocket and slid it to me. I opened up the box and recognized his mother’s pearl drop earrings.
It took me almost 7 hours to get to the showers. The camp was like a hostel; beds was mostly separated by how one identified by gender. I asked the hostel host if there was an individual bed. With one look at me, the host invited me into her tiny house. She told me to take a shower and she'd wash my clothes. I was too tired to ask questions.
"Can you please go in your bag to take out your dirty clothes?" she asked. "Take out whatever you have clean and bring it with you to shower. Once you have what you need, I'll take you to lock up the rest of your bag. You'll have the only key."
I nodded my head, stripped right in front of her, leaving a pile of dirty clothes on the floor, took out the rest of my clothes - clean and dirty - and gave her the dirty clothes. She took my clothes - I followed her - to this travel washing machine that ran on solar power. She put in detergent, a ton of water and started it. Within seconds, the water became a dark brown. She drained the water, added fresh water, started the machine and the water was brown again.
We went through this process again until the water was mostly clear. The woman added soap for the last time, readjusted the clothing and added water then started the machine. She showed me where to lock up my stuff. I had the key around my wrist and I followed her to her private shower. She left a massive towel for me and left.
I took a ten minute shower. I had to wash my hair three times. The rest of the shower was quick and after drying off, I put my oversized shirt. I looked for the hostel host. I saw her talking with Doc. I hoped it was Doc.
When he saw me out of the corner of his eye, he came running over to me. He wrapped his arms around and kissed me passionately.
“Where’s her room?” he asked.
She pointed out a small building and said that it’s private. Doc picked me up, carried me to the building and rushed to the bed. He stripped as I took my shirt off. I laid down on my back and spread my legs for him. He crouched down and ate my apex until he felt I was ready to take his penis.
“My love,” he moaned as he climaxed from just entering me. “I’ve missed you so much!”
“Take me,” I moaned.
We spent a few hours making love before getting up. We went to take a shower together. Thankfully, my clothes were dry when we got out so we dressed. I grabbed the bedding and put it in the fire pit. The host nodded her head to acknowledge that I’d send her more bedding as a replacement.
Doc brought us out of the area by foot. I saw his car but I inspected it with my device scanner. When I did, I noticed that there was a tracking device. I looked at Doc. Fuck. Good thing I lied about ovulating and not being on birth control in the midst of passion. Since being out of the hospital, I’ve been getting my birth control via injection and I just had the injection two days before I left. I’d be good for the next 2 1/2 months.
“Bob? Where’s Doc?” I asked Doc’s twin.
“Please trust me,” he said as he put his mother’s earring in my hand. I sighed in relief.
“No can do, Bobby,” I said. “What I’m about to do is getting old. Sit down next to the tree.”
Bob did as I asked, I zip tied him to the tree and injected scopolamine in him.
“Where’s my husband, Bob?” I asked him.
“Doc?” he mumbled.
“Yes, Doc is my husband. Where is he, Bob?”
“Call Celine. Use my phone!”
I called Celine and put her on speakerphone.
“Heyyyyy. It’s Bob. She gave me something and I’m telling her everythingggggggg!” he sang.
“Where’s my husband, Celine?” I asked. “You do know that I’m within walking distance of you.”
“Doc’s with me,” she cried. “He thought he lost you so I went to comfort him but he had his car running in the garage and the garage door was down. I called emergency services as I turned his car off and opened the door. He was brought to the hospital to be checked out.”
“How is my husband? Is he alive?” I asked. “I honestly don’t care how you feel right now but that man is my husband. He’s been trying to protect me. From you.”
“He’s alive and mostly ok,” she sobbed. “Chief’s brother knocked him out and set him up in the garage…”
“Stay put,” I demanded. “Stay put or so help me God I will have you arrested. I’ll be there soon!”
I hung up, packed up my medical gear and crouched next to Bob.
“When this drug is out of your system, you’re going to have a massive headache and you won’t remember anything,” I said. “You’ll be arrested though.”
I saw the bike that he’d stashed nearby. I hopped on and biked the two miles to the cabin that Celine had Doc. It took me 20 minutes to get there.
“Celine?” I called as I knocked on the door. “It’s Leeandria!”
“Coming!” she opened the door and let me in. “He’s in the bedroom, sleeping!”
I hugged her out of appreciation and went to the bedroom. Doc was out cold. I gave him a very small dose of scopolamine then woke him up.
“Hey, Doc,” I said. “I heard that you have quite the headache and concussion. Do you remember who I am?”
“Leeandria Marie,” he moaned. “Dagnabbit! My head!”
“Are you Doc McDoc?” I asked. “What names did you call me before I went back to work?”
“As sure as I am that I’m Doc McDoc, you’re my beloved. My vita mia,” he said. “She didn’t do this to me. Chief and his brother are involved.”
“I know, Doc,” I said. “Chief is being questioned however, his brother can’t answer any questions. Can we trust your old friends?”
“Oh good. My head keeps spinning,” he moaned. “We can.”
“Get some rest, ok? I need to talk with Celine,” I whispered.
I left the room and found Celine on the front porch.
“I don’t like you very much right now nor trust you,” I said as I put Doc’s mother’s earring back in. “Are you involved?”
“No but I want my husband back,” she said.
“Ex-husband,” I said. “I was there the entire time, Celine. My judge. My lawyers.”
“Are you serious?” she asked.
“Do I look like I’m joking? And yes, I’m the reason for the divorce.”
I told her everything that I knew I could tell her, besides, if she told anyone….shed be breaking her divorce decree; she wasn’t legally allowed to share any information about the divorce and the reasoning.
“To some degree, both you and Doc stopped loving each other. You were bitter and hurt about it. You went elsewhere and Doc found me,” I said. “We went out many times - out of town so it wouldn’t get back to you - before becoming sexually intimate. We had separate rooms at upscale hotels until the last month or so of your marriage. Doc showed me love and passion that I’d never experienced prior to him. The man taught me how to love. Celine, I’m asking you to let him go.”
“Let him go? We were married for almost forty three years,” she said.
“You have adult children with him and you’re no longer married to him,” I said gently. “Go get coffee once or twice a month but you can’t keep coming over every day. Be his friend, not his wife.”
She tried to tell me that she couldn’t let go. I told her that she has less than twenty four hours to get her things from the guest house and hand me the keys to every building in the compound. The second she has all of her belongings, the locks will be changed and the security codes will be changed.
“Ma’am?” a male voice I recognized said and I turned.
“Yes, Tio?” I asked.
“The former missus has her stuff already packed and on its way out of the country,” he said with a grin. “I have a one way ticket in her name in my hand.”
“Celine, I’ll take the keys now,” I said as I put my hand out. “You’ve been removed from all of the deeds of the properties that are in Doc’s and my names. You’re no longer welcome on any of our properties. Every guard knows to have you escorted off by local police in handcuffs. If we decide to invite you over, it will be on our terms. For now, once you land…you will be on the do not fly list for all airlines and airports around the world until further notice.”
“Celine, it’ll be my pleasure to take you to your plane. We’ll fly together so I know that you completed the flight. When we land, you’ll be under guard for seven months,” Tio said. “Doc and the new missus need their time alone as they go on their honeymoon.”
Celine handed over the keys and left with Tio. My favorite old friend of Doc’s was named Tijuana but hated his name so he went by Tio. He hated Celine even more. When their vehicle was out of view, Doc came outside with the help of the son of his father’s friend.
“Vita mia?” Doc asked. “Are you ready to start our honeymoon?”
“Yes, Doc, I am,” I said as I got on my tippy toes to kiss him. “Hey, Charlie? Thank you for arranging Celine’s trip to prison.”
“You won’t be wearing those earrings, will you?” Doc asked as he winked.
“Darling, you know that you need to sleep,” I said. “Can you help me get him back to bed, Charlie? Once he’s settled, I’ll take over his care.”
Charlie agreed and helped. When he left, I crawled into bed with Doc. Facing him, I wrapped my arms around him and we fell asleep.
“Vita Mia?” Doc asked as he had of his hands up my sweatshirt squeezing my breasts. “My beloved, I need you!”
“You sure this is a good idea?” I asked as I stripped.
“My head hurts but my penis aches for you, amore,” he mumbled as he the folds of my apex in his mouth. “It’s a very good idea!”
Doc lifted my hips, placed my legs on his shoulders and went to town on my apex. I moaned and screamed in pleasure. When I thought that I couldn’t climax anymore, Doc slid up my body and mounted my dripping apex.
“Yesssssssssssssssss, darling,” I moaned as I kissed him. “Feeling ok?”
“Both of my heads are throbbing,” Doc grunted as he started fucking me harder. “Vita mia!”
Doc climaxed hard and fast, filling my apex with his seed. As he’s spilling his seed in me, bites, nibbles and sucks my nipples. I climax again.
“When will the birth control injection wear off?” he mumbled as he was still biting my nipples. “I know that we’ve never spoken about it but what do you think about having my kids, beloved?”
“In two and half months,” I moaned in pleasure. “Of course I want your children, darling!”
“Not soon enough!” Doc grinned as he started screwing me faster. “In the meantime, we’ll practice for as long as you let me. My god, amore, your breasts will be massive!”
“Every day,” I groaned in pleasure. “That’s what you’re worried about?”
We spent the next four months in that cabin having sex and relaxing. By the middle of the fourth month at the cabin, I was two and half months pregnant. To celebrate, we decided to return back to the family compound. I’d written an individual letter of resignation to Vic, Vin and C. The messaging was all similar to each letter but yet so different. The letters were all very short.
We've had quite the run, haven't we? The time that we had together meant something to me even though I know now that I was just a job to you. By the time you get this letter, you'll have heard rumors of my getting married and being three months pregnant. Both are true, my friend. This letter isn't to dispel any rumors but to tell you that I am resigning.
In order to protect my family and I, I am tendering my resignation. I no longer trust anyone but myself and my husband to protect us and the child we're bringing into this scary world. The effective date will be the date that you receive this letter.
Take care,
Mi amigo, mi amor. Esta es una de la cartas mas dificiles que escrito hasta la fecha. Renuncio y la fecha de vigencia es la fecha en que reiba esta carta. Ahora estoy casada y estoy embarazada. Ya no puedo trabajar para usted ni para el gobierno. Tanto mi esposo como yo tenemos problemsa para confiar en que el que trabeje me proteja cuandao no lo hizo.
Grazio por todo,
I don't know where to begin with this letter. I was just a job to you as you were to me but somehow we fell for each other. As much as we both wanted this to work out, we didn't and I am thankful that we didn't. I'm married now, Vin, and by the time you receive this letter of resignation, I will be three months pregnant.
Both my husband and I have issues with the section of the government that I worked for. As you know, they did a poor job trying to protect me. To protect my husband, the child we're bringing into this scary world and I, I tender my resignation. The effective date will be the date that you receive this letter.
I walked to the post office the day that we arrived back to the compound. Doc left me to go by myself but he had Charlie come with me. Thankfully, we hadn't had any issues since we were at the cabin but I understand Doc's worry for me.
When we arrived back to the compound, Charlie went to the wing where he and the others protecting us. I texted Tio to ask him to fire people he felt were unnecessary at this point as he knew who we could trust. Out of the sixty five men we originally had, Tio brought it down to twenty five. Those that were let go had to hand in their keys - electronic and old school - get their stuff then get searched before leaving the property. Charlie was one of them. Doc, Tio and I felt like we couldn’t trust him anymore.
Locks were changed and biometrics were added to the security.
When I got to my private room, I heard a knock. As I turned, I felt a thick but warm fluid drip down legs. That was the last thing I remembered before fainting.
I woke up in the ICU of the hospital that Doc works at. Tio was just outside the door with Doc.
“Doc?” I croaked.
“Vita mia!” he exclaimed as he came running into the room. “How are you, my beloved?”
“I hurt everywhere,” I said. “What happened?”
Doc. Mrs. McDoc,” the female doctor said. “I am Dr. Geraldine McAdams and I’m an OB here.”
“No!!” I screamed as I clutched my stomach. “I knew that this would happen, Doc.”
“Leeandria. Yes, you did have a miscarriage,” Geraldine said as she was performing a sonogram. “However, you still have a viable pregnancy. You were pregnant with twins.”
“My beloved, we will be so careful,” Doc said as he kissed me. “Geraldine, what’s the likelihood of Lee miscarrying again?”
“There’s some chance but I put a few stitches in the womb to help secure this baby,” she said. “Limit your stress the best you can, no walking for miles to the post office and back, and sleep.”
“When can I leave?” I asked. “I want my own bed that I share with my husband.”
“In the morning,” Geraldine said. “And Doc? Your wife needs to heal before you’re intimate again. About three to five days.”
Geraldine left and Doc joined me on the bed. He put his arms around me as I cried. I cried so much that I tired myself out and fell asleep.