Sunday, February 16, 2025

Many miles of travels to straighten things out

“Ok,” I said. "I need to enter everything now. See you in a few hours on the beach; we all have some tanning to do before we head back!"

Ian nodded and left. I entered my room and recognized a cologne that both Vic and Vin wears. I closed my door and ran to reception and asked what happened to my room. The employee looked at me weirdly. I showed him under blacklight my true identity; a tattoo only to be seen under black light. He said that he let a man in my room. I said that I was aware however, it's listed that my authorization was required. He had no said authorization. I said that he needs to get his armed guards to go in my room to take out whatever man was in there, do a full sweep of my room to remove anything that they - the hotel - didn't put in there and remove any recording devices immediately. He hit a silent alarm and I heard at least eight armed guards head to my room. 

The owner of the hotel came out to speak with me. As we were speaking privately, I showed my The House identification - tattooed onto me - under black light. He apologized profusely and fired the employee. 

Fifteen stressful minutes later, the armed guards came out with Vic and Vin plus a box of recording devices. I was asked to identify Vic and Vin - which I did. They had moles where they didn't, scars in eye brows that they didn't have and removed the poorly made face masks that they had. It was Giacomo - Jack - and Giovanni....George's brothers. I told the guards to have Jack and Gio arrested and I would be checking out immediately. 

Since I didn't know what they didn't touch in my room, I left the room as is and walked to the airport. It was a four hour walk but I knew it was the airport that I needed; not the one I came through in. At the door, there were two black lights set up next to each other. I scanned both tattoos and was granted access.

There were three men there waiting for me. By appearances only, they were C, Vic and Vin. They - one by one - scanned their left arms. On the screens, their true identities were proven. I almost fell to the floor. They also scanned their right arms - what popped up on the screens were their identities within The House....they were The Powers That Be.

I blacked out and woke up in the local hospital of where we were. Each medical employee scanned their tattooed identifications each time they entered my room as proof as who they were. 

When I regained my bearings, I was informed that either George or Ian poisoned my dinner and sent Giacomo - Jack, Giovanni, Jacques and Marvin my way to distract me from outing them. I asked how I was being used as a victim to out two men that were so clearly in love with each other. 

"Babe, they were using you in order to get you out of The House so they could be a part of The Powers That Be to get rid of you," Vic said. "They are truly in love with each other and they felt that with you finding God again that you would out them and kick them out of The House."

"Well, they are now for trying to kill me," I said. "Vin, how did you go through ten years of this and knowingly putting me in harm's way to get rid of them."

"If they knew that you were on to them, they would've taken all of us," Vic stated. "The three of us plus you. They were great within their roles of The House but they got greedy. Once it was apparent that you would join us, they wanted to take you out."

"That's why I had walked the first time," C said. "I had to distance myself personally and professionally from you. Yes, I love my girlfriend and yes, we're still struggling; she somehow knows there's someone else. However, I still care for you very much but because I am with her, I can't be involved with you romantically. As for professionally, stepping away from you was hard. I knew you were safe with me but I also knew that you were safe with Vic and Vin."

"Why the fuck did you ignore me for six weeks, C? I know that you know what happened each time you left me," I said.

"George and Ian were getting close to me knowing that I was one of the three trying to protect you," C said. "I am so sorry for hurting you."

"Get me home," I said. 

"You're not cleared to leave," Vin said. 

"Good news, DeppGrl! Gentlemen," the doctor said after he scanned his tattoo. "DeppGrl, you are ok to go home. You were dehydrated and poisoned but you've been cleared to go home. I'll get you on the first flight home. Or wherever you want to go to."

"Where can I go that's safe for me?" I asked the doctor. "I don't know who to trust."

"Gentlemen? Get out!!" the doctor demanded. "I can't tell you but I know this, where you go those three men will do what they can to find you and try to protect you from George and Ian. What I can do is set up a train ticket to go to another trusted airport. You'll fly to where the ticket says that you're going to. However, when you land, you'll be given a piece of paper to tell you where to head. You'll go to where you're sent for protection. I'll delay these guys the best I can. As for George and Ian, I will publicly make an announcement that you died en route to a local hospital."

"When can I leave?" I asked as I gently pulled out the IVs.

"Out in the hall is a cart. I know that you don't trust me but watch me scan out, grab the cart and scan back in," the doctor said. "When I come back in, I will scan everything to show you that there's nothing on these supplies that gives away where you're going. There's also local money; also untraced."

I nodded to the doctor to start the ball rolling. Once he scanned back in, we scanned the clothes and money. If there was any tracking device on anything, they went straight into a bucket of acid at the bottom of the cart. I had minimal stuff to use but at least there was more than what I had when I entered the room.

"Doc, what about my hard copy identifications?" I panicked. "I can only travel within The House. With George and Ian on the loose, they'll be able to track me if I travel within The House."

"Don't worry," the doctor said. "I know that you weren't paying too much attention to the guards that went to your room. My brother - who is the director of The House - knew that the alarm came from you so when George and Ian were escorted out of your room, your IDs were grabbed by my brother. He lives on the resort for part of the year but he knew you would be there and moved back to the resort to be there just in case. He was aware that you were heading here so drove them here."

"Scan them please!" I begged.

The doctor did and they came back fine. We hid them the best we could in the nooks and crannies of the bag that I have.

"There's one more thing that we need to do, DeppGrl," the doctor said. "We need to get The House's tracker out of you."

I nodded and turned my head away from him, pulling my hair from my face. He used a scalpel to slice a small opening under my hairline and took out the tracker and stepped on it before stitching me up. I asked if he had a manual or hand held scanner to go over the rest of me to make sure that I was clean. He nodded and took it off the cart then scanned me.

"Turn your head the other way," he said. "This one will hurt more but I'm afraid to give you anything."

I did as he asked and he was right, this one hurt more. He stomped on it then stitched me back up. I bent down to pick up both trackers and placed them in the acid as well. I wasn't going to take any risks.

"Doc, I don't know who you are or why you're helping me out but thank you," I said. "Somehow, once I am ok, I will get word back to you that I am ok!"

The doctor gave me a hug and directed me to where I needed to go. I biked several hours away to get to the next but safest airport. I used the identification from this country to get on the plane. 

Once on the plane, I was given a bottle of water with a napkin. I was so tired that I just drank the water but then looked at the napkin.

"Hold tight onto your stuff. Have it slung over an arm and be prepared to take off your seatbelt. Be prepared to leave your footwear behind but you won't need it when we land."

I closed my eyes and fell somewhat asleep. I was nudged awake by one of the few people that walked passed me. I got myself ready but strapped my shoes on just to be on the safe side. The water bottle and note were gone. We landed and we were rushed out of the plane. As I was exiting the plane, someone shoved a piece of paper in my hand. 

"Use the same passport that you just used to go through customs. You'll be brought into a customs agent's room. They're one of us."

As I slowly headed to customs, I pulled out that passport. Just as the note promised, I got pulled into an office.

"DeppGrl, I am Delaney." the customs agent said. "The doctor is a friend of mine."

"Hi Delaney," I said, doubting her name. "What do we need to do?"

"Behind that door is a shower and hair dye to make your hair a bit softer in color and cut it," Delaney said. "It's ok, I do hair on the side."

I nodded, showered and got dressed in fresh clothes she laid out for me. I let her know that I was ready. 

"Is this your real job?" I nervously asked.

"Yes," she said. "Don't worry. You're not the first person from them I helped."

"How can I trust you?" I asked. 

Delaney pulled up an old image of her when she worked for The House. 

"I was once one of you," she whispered. "But I had to get out. Similar situation from what the doctor said. He's got friends in place all over to help you."

"Wait......!" I started.

"Don't!" she said. "The walls can have ears but we need to hurry!"

I stopped playing "Twenty Questions" and let 'Delaney' do her work. In no time, my hair went from blonde to brown, cut four inches off and softly styled. She gave me a hug.

"Hold onto that passport as you need to finish going through customs," she said. "Here's a flip phone. There's one number in it - mine. Let me know when you get to where you're headed next and I'll have our next friend help you. Remember, your strong heritage!"

She gave me the phone and a ton of untraceable money in different currencies. There had to be thousands of dollars. I quickly found discreet pockets in the clothes she gave me to hide the money. I went through the rest of customs fine. As I received the passport back, I opened it to check the stamp. The photo inside is what got was my sister's photo. We look nothing alike. Well, except for the hair at this moment in time. I sighed in relief.

As I collected my bag after going through customs, I went to get a drink of water from the vending machine. When I was making my selection, someone walked by asking for someone named "Cap'n". I realized that's what the tag in my clothes said..."Cap'n".

I said that my clothes were from Cap'n. They slipped me a piece of paper.

"Get water; G2. Bag of peanuts; H4. Package of cookies; A3. Take your change and head to Terminal B4. From there, go to the ticket counter and ask for friends of Ralph. Someone will meet you there and give you a ticket to your next destination."

I did what the note asked and headed on my way. When I arrived to the ticket counter, I was embarrassed. 

"Hi. Excuse me, miss?" I nervously asked the terminal attendant. "I got separated from my group. We agreed that we'd come to this terminal and ask for 'friends of Ralph' to be paged."

"Sure thing, miss." she said. "It happens all the time."

"Friends of Ralph, please come to Terminal B4. Friends of Ralph, please come to Terminal B4. Thank you!"

"I appreciate it, miss," I said. "I'll be over there, ok?"

She smiled and nodded when an older gentleman walked over. He said that he was Ralph. I wanted to look past him but when he looked over at me, I knew that this was the Ralph I needed. He hobbled over as he exclaimed that it was his fault for not making sure that everyone in the group was with him. He hugged me and said to go three terminals over to where they sell train tickets. 

I asked which passport I needed. He said to trust my instinct but probably not the one I used to get here. I nodded and we walked over together as the terminal attendant was looking at us. When we were out of her view, I went alone and 'Ralph' went his own way.

"Hi. I'd like a ticket please," I said. "Someplace quiet."

"Sure thing," the attendant said. "Passport?"

I immediately felt nervous as there were customs agents all over the place now. I knew not to use the passport that I used to get to this airport. I tried to get my next closest passport when it slipped out of my hands. The attendant was getting frustrated. I purposely threw on the waterworks. I explained that I went through a tough break up after losing my job and running on very little sleep didn't help much. The attendant apologized. I stepped to the side so they could help the next person in line. This gave me the time to get the passport I wanted. I hopped back into line and passed my passport to the attendant.

The attendant barely looked at the country of origin of the passport, barely looked at the photo, stamped a stamp and gave me a ticket to Kep, Cambodia.

"That'll be 150,000 Cambodian Riel," the attendant said. "About $37.41 in American money." 

I vaguely remember Delaney giving me Riel so I counted out the 150,000 Riel for the attendant. They double checked and wished me safe travels. When giving me the receipt, there was a slip of paper with a note attached.

"I understand your frustration and what you're going through. The customs agents were looking for you and were looking at you. Please don't cry like that at this airport again. Crying in public is very frowned upon and makes people look suspect. Please get to your train ASAP and board as soon as you're called. When they ask you for your ticket, say you lost it. They'll bring you to another car. Look for a woman in all brown clothes - her companion has a change of clothes for you. On this train - according to your passport - you're a frumpy old woman."

I just about face palmed myself but quickly checked the passport photo. It was me but as a frumpy old woman and I certainly didn't look at the photo prior. I hoofed it over to the train and waited at the gate to be called. 

As I was waiting, I discreetly ripped the note up and tossed different pieces into several garbage cans close to where I was standing. I did see in my travels several women in all brown. The one stood out and when she saw me looking at her, she quickly shook her head no. I heard a chirp.

"DeppGrl. Delaney. Stop looking for your next person. You’ll get yourself found out. Keep a low profile.”


“Change of plans. Get on the train as scheduled. Hide your ticket and move to first class. A new person will find you. Be safe. And keep a low profile at ALL times! D.”

After all the training that I had, I can’t believe that I almost lost my lack of identity to get somewhere secluded. Thankfully, I was able to get on the train moments later, sat down in my assigned seat, hid my ticket and tried to relax a little bit. I put my snacks on the arm rest and my bag under my head so I could close my eyes. I was out cold in seconds. 

About thirty minutes into the trip, I jolted awake and gathered my things; snacks too. Something in me told me that it was time to move to first class and that’s what I did. With a quick glance behind me, I saw George. 

I found a few empty seats when I saw the train conductor come up to me with a smile on his face. 

“Miss Gauthiar! What a pleasant surprise!” the train conductor said. “I wasn’t expecting you this soon!”

“Well, I - ….” I stuttered.

“I’ll give you a quick tour now,” he said, pushing me to the front of the train.

He slammed the door behind us. 

“I’m a friend of Delaney’s. She told me to take care of you. And I noticed someone look for you,” he said. “Look, we’re in a predicament but there’s two ways off my train and they both don’t look good. What’s the back of your ticket say?”

I pulled it out and it gave me a phone number. He called and was greeted by a Swiss man. They talked about my predicament and they said to take option two and hung up. 

“Hurry up,” said the train conductor, as he put my bag on in front of me, sealing it after throwing my snacks in there. “Step into this harness and secure it!!”


“Just do it!” he explained as he helped me in it. “Our Plan A and Plan B didn’t work so now we’re on Plan C. We are about to go under a 4 mile tunnel so we don’t have much time. I need you out this window in 15 seconds so a helicopter can take you!”

“What?” I screamed as he helped me to the window and sit on its ledge.

We both grabbed the harness. He tightened it, wished me luck and completely pushed me out of the window. Up I flew, just barely missing the tunnel. I was pulled up fast and pulled into the helicopter and we turned east. 

Once the door was shut, the harness was taken off and I laid down on the floor. I’d never learned this at The House but if I survived this, I’d make sure that it’s taught!

“Woof! That was something else,” I sighed. “Ok. What’s on the agenda?”

“Eat,” I was told by the pilot. “Save your food as we’ll feed you now and supplement your supply before we drop you.”

Great  who knew that I’d be doing a cannon ball out of a helicopter. Fuck, I’ll teach this too!

I ate what they had - MREs. Not great but not bad either. They packed my bag with more MREs, empty water bottles, water filtration supplies and powdered drinks. They landed soon after at a safe house and made sure that I changed and used the restroom before leaving. They gave me a gps, satellite phone and an emergency pingy thing in case of an emergency.

I hugged them all before asking which way I needed to go. They told me east and I looked at them weird so the one turned me to face east.

“Keep going until you can’t anymore; the trail will stop. We’ve added bear spray and other protective plans. There’s hidden camps with tents along the way; you’ll know what they look like. Do most of your travel during the day but if you get behind schedule, keep going at night.”

“Um, ok?” I said.

“We’ll have eyes on you throughout this,” the pilot said. “It’s almost dawn and hikers will be here soon. We need to leave or there’s going to be questions for the local government that they can’t explain. Delaney will text you once a day so make sure you answer her right away!” 

I nodded and thanked them. I didn’t look back as I headed east. I had no clues nor signs of who to look for. I had food for a few days and I knew that I was walking by a stream so I knew that I’d be hydrated. 

During the first day of my hike, I wondered how I let my guard down around George as I barely knew him. Ian? I admired him and thought he’d never go for me. I thought Vic, Vin and C were all gone too. I burned bridges with them but yet somehow, they claim they were trying to protect me. When I get to where I get to, I need to find a therapist. 

By day three, I found a small hut that was well hidden. I took my pack off, went inside and slept for a few hours. Before moving, I made sure I was fully alert and able to hear any changes before I put my shoes on. I heard nothing but nature so I put my shoes on.

I hadn’t heard from Delaney so I texted her.

Hey, girl! I haven’t heard anything from you in a few days about that pub crawl you mentioned the other day. Where is it?”

I waited for about an hour when I the satellite phone warbled to life. I turned the antenna.

“Hello,” I said. 

“Delaney’s been found out. We have someone coming for you. Stay put!”

“I don’t trust anyone at this point!” I exclaimed. “I need to know who’s coming to help me and what they look like!”

“You’ll know them!”

The phone went quiet. I turned the antenna back, took off my bag and leaned my back against a rock. I had bear spray in my hand. I waited like this until midnight. I was tired and I was hungry; down to my last snack.

“DeppGrl,” my brother whispered. “What in the fuck did you get yourself into?”

“Who are you and what do you want?” I demanded.

“DeppGrl. It’s your brother, dammit!” a voice I barely recognized. “I’m here to get you!”

“I don’t know you!” I yelled as I hit the emergency beacon. “I don’t know your voice. I can see you as clear as day but I don’t recognize you whatsoever. You’re not my brother!”

“Yes, I am!”

“He’s dead, you bastard!” I screamed as I hurled myself at him, taking him down. I felt a mist hit the back of my neck. I pulled a gas mask from my side pouch of my bag and threw it on. Just in time. I sprayed my fake brother and this other person with bear spray. 

The second person and I fought for control of the spray and my bag. I was tired, hungry and in need of something to save myself so I used the last of the bear spray in this second person.

Fuck. My second canister was now emptied. My bag spilled and it was dark. I begrudgingly used a flashlight to collect everything that spilled from my bag. I hit the emergency beacon again. That’s when I noticed it didn’t light up. It was broken as was the satellite phone. The only contact I had in the flip phone was being held somewhere and here I was, disoriented and lost.

The men - my fake brother and his partner - were still on the ground and in pain due to the bear spray. I remembered that I had zip ties so I dragged the men to the closest tree and zip tied them together and to the tree.

Once the air was more cleared, I took the gas mask off. I caught my breath, took a drink of my filtered water and sat down. I went as far east as I could and someone that I knew was supposed to come get me. Yet, I didn’t know these men. They didn’t have any forms of ID on them and neither one of them knew my birth name. 

I tossed everything that I had back in my bag and headed west. I kept my eyes pried open and paid attention to nature; nothing out of the ordinary. 


I opened up the flip phone and recognized the number but couldn’t place the name of the contact.

“Leeandria. Stay put. I’m coming for you, kid!”

Fuck!! I knew who it was but I couldn’t think of the name.

Hey, kid. It’s Pavel. Pavel Orbinsky. Stay put!! I’m old!”

It was my childhood best friend’s dad! Or at least I hope it was. I heard a familiar whistle. I whistled my part next.

“Shark bait. Oooh ah ah ah!” Pavel whispered a line from one of my favorite animated movies.

“Oooh ah ah ah. Shark bait!” I replied.

“You and Paulynn met during dance class just before kindergarten. You’ve been two peas in a pod ever since,” he said.

“Pavel, what’s my legal birth date?” I asked.

“December 19, 1982,” he replied.

He’d have to be 2 out of 3 at this point.

“Hobby I loved most?”

“Horseback riding and cheering,” he said.

“Favorite non alcoholic beverage?”

“Milk,” he said as he walked over.

“About 2 weeks early for my birthday, Pavel,” I said as he got closer. “The other answers are easy.”

“I know,” he sighed. “I don’t want to do this.”

“DeppGrl, DROP!” I heard a familiar voice scream. “Fuck it, Leeandria! Don’t you ever fucking listen to me? DROP!”

“About time,” I muttered as I dropped. 

I heard Pavel hit the ground. My brother - with his two million dollar legs - still could hit like a football player. I got up and helped my brother up. 

“How are the legs?” I asked. “Ready to drop more money on them?” 

“Sore but the doctor is on his way,” he said as he was moving like an old man. 

I dragged Pavel to a tree and zip tied him there.

Finally, a small two engine plane landed near us. I recognized the pilot; he was the train conductor.

“It’s a pleasure to see you again,” I lied. 

“Where’s the doc?” my brother asked. 

“Not here,” I said as I dug deep into my bag. I found the phone Delaney gave me. I called her and gave her my coordinates. Seconds later, three helicopters landed near us. One took Pavel and the others I zip tied, one took my brother and I and the other stayed behind to clean up the mess.

My brother was dropped off at the hospital and was met by our joint ortho doc.

“Take good care of him, Doc,” I said. “He’s the only brother I’ve got and he’s a good one! Bro! Don’t die on me, ok? I love you, but I need to go.”

“Where to? Why?” he asked.

“Government. Classified,” I said. “I’m not safe right now and neither are you right now. Doc will take care of your immediate needs now but will do more thorough work at my hospital. Doc? Keep me posted!”

I grabbed my bag - which was reloaded with food and money. And instant coffee. And a new emergency beacon, satellite phone and gps unit. I looked at my brother once more before I got near the helicopter. It looked like he was trying to tell me not to go so I went closer to him.

The helicopter blew. I went flying and landed thirty feet from my brother.

“Hey, Doc?” my brother said. “Go make sure she’s alive and then take us both to her secure hospital.”

“Are you trying to kill your brother?” asked the doctor.

“Nope,” I moaned. “Help me get up. I think I need a new bag of everything!”

“Oh, get on the gurney with your brother,” he sighed. “Once I clear you, you’ll get new everything.”

“Ok, Doc,” I said. “Bro, move over!”

We took an elevator down to the basement and put into an unmarked van. Delaney was behind the wheel; stricken with fear of our safety. When she saw and heard us, she was a bit relieved but still worried.

“How ya’ doing ya’ big lug,” I asked my brother.

“I’d be better if you listened and didn’t try to kill us both,” he said.

“Delaney? Shoot me, ok?” I said.

“No can do, The Powers That Be,” she said. “I’m here to keep you alive and be your friend!”

My brother gave me a look but I just shook my head “no” pretty hard. He nodded.

We got to the hospital. I climbed out and put on my own gurney. A hospital employee took two black lights to my forearms and that let myself, my brother, the doc and Delaney into the hospital.

“Doc. You understand what this means, right? You work for me now?” I said.

“Yes,” he said as he smiled

“You’ll stay with your private practice but you’re on call for both my brother and I at all times now,” I explained. “And not a word to him.”

Doc nodded. The less the better for my brother.

“Doc?” I asked. “Please do your best to save him and his legs. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for him. Just do your best. You fixed him before. I have complete trust in you.” 

Doc nodded. Bro looked confused and green from being in pain. I trusted Doc with my life.

The ER/Trauma doctor took me into a room. I passed the neuro exams easily; mild concussion at best. Other doctors came in to make an assessment. No broken bones; just bruised up to the wazoo. I had to stay in the hospital for 24 hours. I arranged that my brother and I would share a room. The stipulations? An accordion door for privacy and no tracking nor recording devices in the room.

I impatiently waited outside of the trauma room my brother was in. Doc came out and said that my brother is fine but a few stretched ligaments in one leg and needs bed rest for 24 hours before he gets re-examined before getting released.

“Doc, you’re like a fairy god uncle that came into our lives. You’re family. I know that with your family past, I know that you don’t want to deal with the government any more than you have to. I’m trying to change it and the only way I can, is from inside out. And it’s doing the trick. I’m outing people and unfortunately, that almost cost me my brother,” I said. “We’ve got a room together. I want you in there when I talk to him, ok? Can you do that for me?”

“Sure thing, Leeandria,” Doc said as he hugged me. “He’s been given some meds but he’s with it. Once we get in there, we’ll shut the door and scan again, ok?”

I nodded. He pushed my brother on the gurney and I sorely walked behind him. I grabbed the device scanner - the only salvaged thing I could get from my bag. As soon as we got into the room, I scanned it and the room was clear.

“Bro, this is going to be tough to swallow, ok?” I said. “You know how nervous I was to meet Doc due to his family’s nefarious dealings and he wanted nothing to do with it?”

“Yeah?” he said. “Doc is the same kind of nervous when you told him that he works for you now?”

“Sorta,” I said. “I work for our country’s government. I can’t tell you which branch but where I work, we call it The House. Remember Delaney? The woman who drove us here? She got me involved to help sort shit out. She no longer works for The Company - what we call the entire government - but knew I’d be part of The Powers That Be. Now that I’m there, my life is in danger.”

“That’s why the helicopter blew up,” he said.

“Exactly,” I said. “There's three men who are trying to help me. Vin, Vic and C. They’re trying to help me get George and Ian - the men that were supposed to protect me - get into custody. George and Ian have worked at The House longer and feel threatened. They don’t have the black light tattoos like I do. I can go to any hospital in the world that’s involved with The House and my tattoos get scanned; one is my true identity and the other is what The House knows me as.”

“How does this involve Doc?” my brother asked.

“His black light tattoos got reactivated when he came in with me,” I said. “I’m now the highest ranking woman. That’s not the scary part. My life is in danger until I can get George and Ian in.”

“Wait. Vince like former fiancée Vince like former teacher? And Vic as in the old dude that used to work for me?” my brother asked. “You’re trying to kill me.”

“Yes. Don’t worry about C as you don’t know him,” I said. “Look, once I’m given the go ahead, I’m heading back out to get George and Ian. When I’ve got them? We’re going to be safe. Until then, you’re staying with Doc at his family compound. I called in every favor I could.”

“Did you get anyone from the ‘old’ crew, Leeandria?” Doc asked. “Most of them and their families are still family to me.”

“Yes, Doc,” I said. “They’ve got local police with them too. They’re getting along.”

“This is a ton to grasp,” my brother said. “When are you leaving?” 

“After I shower, change, get my specialty contacts, get my asthma med injections and a new pack with supplies ready,” I said. “Maybe eight hours?”

“Get some rest, Lee,” my brother said. He started snoring.

I let myself out so I can build my own pack. I found the supply closet. A old military rucksack almost at tall as I am, lightweight sleeping bag and blanket, a few changes of clothes, bear spray, a knife, bug spray, MREs, empty water bottles, filtration system, money in different currencies, gps tracker, emergency beacon, satellite phone, regular old flip phone, hiking boots and a variety of passports. 

I threw the bag in my brother’s and I shared room, went to IT for them to get working on the passports and then I showered. Delaney laid out some durable clothes for me. 

“Thank you for everything, Delaney,” I said.

“You’re very welcome,” she hesitated.

“You really don’t want to help me, do you?” I asked. “It feels like out of the goodness of your heart that you want to help but you’re so over The House that you dread helping. Like you’ve been burned before.”

“How did you know?” she asked.

“I’ve ready everything I could on you, Samantha,” I said using her real name. “You got close to where I am now 15 years ago but it was a boys club then and when you fought for what you wanted, you were let go. George and Ian.”

“Leeandria? Can I call you that?” she asked. 

“If it’s just us, then yes,” I said.

“I know how to get to them,” she said. “George and Ian. I’d like to help you.”

“Are Giacomo, Giovanni, Jacques and Marvin in on it as well?” I asked. 

“They’re not any more,” she said. “Jack, I mean Giacomo, might be but I doubt it.”

“You know I’ll have to make you alive again, Delaney,” I said. “It’ll put a target on you again.” 

“Let’s do this right though,” she said. “We’ll pair up together on the ground.”

“On one condition,” I said. “Tell me where your brother and Ian are!”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about!” Samantha said.

“I am now the highest female ranked as The Powers That Be, a position that you almost had until your brothers, Ian, Jacques and Marvin got involved,” I said. “I know that there’s some kindness in you to try to protect me but once you heard that I wanted to bring Delaney back to life, I saw so much of George and his hatred in you. He thinks you’re dead and that it’s my fault!”

“I don’t know anything!”

“You haven’t done much research on me,” I said. “Out of the three thousand agents that I’m in charge of, I have perfect recall on everything from their personnel file; including yours. You were supposed to keep me updated but you also gave me a fake phone to keep me away from your brothers. Your brothers think you’re dead and yet you’re trying to protect them from me. I have one brother and one sister. My sister and I don’t talk. However, my brother and I are each other’s life line - like how you and George were. Help me get him and his fiancé Ian!”

“Oh that Ian!” Samantha screamed. “I always hated him!”

“Get me to Ian,” I said. “I’ll take him down. He’ll go away for being the mastermind of planning my murder, but maybe I’ll be able to help George. Sam, if you want your brother alive - like I want mine alive - you’ll help me!”

She opened up her old The House laptop and hacked into Ian’s finances. We were able to trace and back trace everything. From there, we were able to track where George and Ian were. They, unfortunately, left the resort that I left them at but it wasn’t high security. They were nearby.

“Do either one have an inkling that you’re still alive?” I asked.

“Yes,” she said. “I sent a photo of myself to Ian from my phone. I sent it while you were on your hunt that I sent you on.”

“If you’re lying to me right now, I’ll lock you up in the same cell as Ian!” I said. “Give me your phone!”

She instantly handed it over and plugged into my smartphone.  I was able to track Ian but not George. Ian was headed to my brother’s hospital room. Pavel must’ve slid a chip into him. 

I grabbed Sam by the hand and we ran to my brother’s room. Ian was about to open the door but I pulled out the pepper spray that I had in my pocket at sprayed him. I hit an alarm and guards came running down. They got a hold of Ian and I told them to take Sam for questioning. They complied.

I checked in with Doc and my brother; they were unharmed. They locked the door from the inside when I left. I went up to security. Ian spilled everything and agents were across the area grabbing George, his brothers, Jacque and Marvin. Samantha faced Ian and told him that she still has proof of his involvement in her not being the highest ranking woman within The House.

I spent the night staying up, watching my brother sleep through the night for the first time in years. Agents were talking to all involved to some degree; George, Ian, Giacomo, Giovanni, Samantha, Jacques and Marvin. 

All pointed at Ian as the mastermind but he pointed at Samantha for leading me astray due to her jealousy of my fast track to The Powers That Be. They were all charged with kidnapping (of each other, of me and my brother), attempted murder (of my brother, Doc and myself), inciting people I knew for years because I’d trust them and a whole myriad of other crimes.

My brother and I stayed safe with Doc at the family compound for what seemed like a year. His family’s former associates and local police protected us as I cleaned out The House as many members were linked to George & Co, as we called them. Between the main people involved, Ian and Samantha (code name Delaney) both were sentenced for 90 years a piece but every other member were sentenced to 60 years each. 

I wasn’t needed at trial. Neither was Doc nor my brother. I’d seen therapists but I couldn’t trust any of them so I just walked Doc’s family compound with former family associates. They were my therapists and I was theirs. My brother’s legs healed fine and he had physical therapy.

Once I felt comfortable leaving the compound, I had my tattoos removed as did Doc. We decided The House needed a full make over. Eye scan, hand scan and DNA testing before entering each building, even medical. If someone had a twin or other multiple, they were not accepted into The House to work as a field agent but they could work in a different building in a country with different protocols to enter their respective buildings as in house employee; pencil pushing. Communications between siblings were often monitored in order to prevent another George & Company.

I still didn’t trust anyone that I worked with at The House nor The Company. I did go visit Samantha aka Delaney in case I needed to go back to different reports. 

After an additional six weeks living at Doc’s I found a new house not far from his. I slowly talked to my family about what happened but mostly said things were “classified” when I didn’t feel comfortable answering questions. 

My brother and I no longer talk; he doesn’t even respond to my texts. He leaves me on read. Doc doesn’t tell me much other than my brother is ok as are his now four million dollar legs; my brother decided to go mountain biking and messed up his legs.

As for the three men who truly tried to save me? Vin, Vic and C? Bridges are officially burned three fold. We don’t talk to each other. It’d been made clear of that when they visited me at Doc’s once. They all thought their way was the best way and I kept pushing them away and we had this massive fight - it was so bad that Doc rushed me to the ER due to a severe asthma attack. They guys followed but I told them that they aren’t good for me and that they ought to end their friendship with each other; we were all toxic for each other.

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