Sunday, February 23, 2025

A little bit of marital strain

After a week in the hospital, Doc was able to bring me home. We ate, stripped, put our stuff in the washer and took a shower. When we dried off, Doc picked me up and carried me to his bed.

“Doc, I need you,” I whispered.

“Vita mia, are you sure?” Doc asked. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You could never hurt me!” I said as I began to stroke his hardening penis. “Take me, darling!”

“My beloved,” he moaned when he slid into my apex. “We’re going to here a very long time. I haven’t released any seed since the last time I was in you. My god, amore!”

“Hurry, Doc!” I begged. “I need you!”

Doc and I spent the next many hours in bed screwing. When he fucked me from behind, he grabbed onto my sensitive breasts and held on tight as he pumped me full of his seed.

I love how large his penis is but he felt twice his size when he was dumping his seed in me from behind. I couldn’t stop screaming in pleasurable pain with each thrust. With each scream, he fucked me harder.

Doc was finally empty or so he thought. I got on my knees and took his penis down my throat and I sucked him while I massaged his still full balls. He tried to protest but he kept shooting loads of his seed down my throat. He kept moaning my name as I had his penis and seed down my throat. He grabbed my head, pulled it closer to him slamming his penis further down my throat and screamed as he shot a load down my throat.

“Fuck, amore,” he moaned as he pulled his large penis out of my throat. “You felt so good.”

He helped me get up, carried me back to the bed and gently. He kissed me and covered me up with his million count sheets. I drifted off to sleep as Doc went to prepare dinner for us. The smell of garlic woke me up. I got of bed, put on one of his shirts and went downstairs.

“Hey, handsome,” I said as I announced myself.

“Hi-ya, beautiful,” Doc said as he took the food off the heat and turned off the stove. “Did you sleep enough?”

“Not a enough,” I said as I hugged my husband. “I could stand to lose more sleep tonight.”

“I love you,” he said as he kissed me. “I know that you married me so I could protect you, amore, but it hurts that you don’t feel the same.”

“Doc, I care about you,” I said. “The last few men I said ‘I love you’ to betrayed me and hurt me. I know that you would never willingly do either.”

“I know,” he said as he caressed my body under the shirt I was wearing. “After tonight, I won’t be coming to your bedroom nor will I have sex with you.”

“What?” I asked.

“Until you fall in love with me, we won’t be sharing a bed nor a bedroom,” he said as he put up on the counter and slid his penis in my waiting apex. “It’s not fair to me that I’m in love with my very beautiful and very pregnant wife but she doesn’t love me.”

Doc fucked me hard while I was up on the counter. He plowed my swollen apex. I greedily took his seed. As Doc keeps screwing my name, I shove my sensitive breasts in his face…he took his time sucking and biting my tender breasts. I climaxed so many times on his penis. With a few hard thrusts,  he shot a massive load in me. As I took his seed in me, he pulled my hair back and bit my neck.

“Fuck dinner,” he moaned and carried me to his room. “If you don’t fall in love with me in a week after tonight, we’ll need to divorce and you’ll need to move out.”

Before I could say anything, Doc put me on his bed, spread my legs and ate my apex. In no time, he had me climax many times on his tongue. When I thought I couldn’t climax on his tongue any more, I climaxed seven more times on his tongue.

“My god, you’re so beautiful,” he said as he slid up my pregnant belly and shoved his penis into my sore and swollen apex. “I can guarantee you, amore, that we'll remember tonight for a long time."

Doc pulled out all of the tricks he had. Had I not been pregnant already, he would've gotten me pregnant that night. 

I woke around 10 am. I got up, showered and hung up my towel. After drying off, I gathered my toiletries of mine that Doc left in the main bedroom's bathroom and brought them to the kitchen. I wasn't sure which bedroom nor bathroom I'd be in. Instead of finding Doc, I found a note.

"My beautiful wife,
 can't begin to tell you how much I love you and in love with you I am. I love you so much that it hurts and I miss you when you're in a different part of the house or tother area of he compound. You're an incredible and strong woman and you keep amazing me. You don't trust many but I am honored how much you trust me and yes, I know that you don't take love lightly anymore.
I am grateful for you for keeping my family history to yourself and being flexible as I chose for us to host others at another property from the compound. So many people are either in fear of me though I am no longer a part of the family's interesting lifestyle or they're in love with the lifestyle and I don't want either type of person in my life. The people I want in my life are like you; knowing that my family doesn't define my decisions or actions.
Your belongings are in the bedroom next to mine and it has a bathroom attached. You can place your toiletries there. On the dresser in your room is my wedding ring. Please leave yours on my dresser when you're done reading this letter. 
I will be home in a little bit. Please get dressed in the dress that I have hanging up in your room. Today starts the week of where I try to make you fall in love with me.


It was now 11 am and I knew that Doc would be home soon. I grabbed his note and my toiletries and booked it to the room next to his. There were two so I popped into the one but it was bare so I went to the next and all of my belongings were there...including his wedding band. Ugh! I put on the dress that Doc placed in my room. It was super tight around my growing breasts but flowy in the skirt part. I did my hair and makeup. I found a matching purse to throw my wallet, house keys, phone and its charger. I went into the walk in closet and found the only pair of shoes that I had. Six inch stilettos. Fuck. My feet would hurt within an hour. I found a pair of foldable slides that would take up minimal space in my purse so I grabbed them and tossed them in my purse. I sprayed on a little perfume and used a little bit of lotion in my hands and elbows. I grabbed my purse and walked into Doc's room to place my wedding band and engagement ring on his dresser. It broke my heart to take them off. Once I placed them on his dresser, I left his room and headed down to the 'grand foyer' of the house.

"My beloved," Doc said in awe as he strode over to me with three dozen flowers - roses - in his hands. "You look absolutely beautiful. Wow! You're so stunning!"

"Thank you, Doc." I said as I kissed him. "The flowers are so amazing. Do we have a few minutes to put the flowers in a vase?"

"Yes, we do," he said as he grabbed a vase from above the fridge. "Here you. I'll fill it up with water. Is there flower food in there?"

"Yep, here you go!" I said after opening it up. 

He mixed warm water to help dissolve the feed then added cold water to cool the warm water down. I had trimmed the ends of the flowers so they would absorb the water and food better. 

"Do you mind if I bring these into your room? I know that you're a little sensitive to flowers," he asked. "We can leave them here instead."

"I'd love to see these flowers in my room," I said. "I'd sneeze a million times in a day for you, Doc."

He kissed me and then brough the flowers up to my room. When he came down, Tio had brought Doc's fancy sports car around for us to use the rest of the day. Doc opened the car door for me, helped me in, made sure that I was in and closed the door. He finally got in the car and we went off to our first adventure. I knew not to ask because Doc loved surprising me despite me hating getting surprised.

“You ok, amore?” Doc asked as he rubbed my now bare ring finger, feeling the indentation of the rings.

“Not really,” I said. I was crying.

“What’s wrong?”

“I want to tell you that I love you but I don’t know how to,” I explained. “I don’t want to divorce at all. What hurts is taking off my rings. What hurts even more is the risk of losing the father of my child.”

“Amore, I know that to some extent that you love me in your own way but it’s not good for us to be in a marriage where it’s one sided,” Doc said. “You’ll be losing me as a husband but not me as the father of our child, amore. I’ll always provide for you and our child.”

“Doc,” I whispered. “Can we go home?”

“Let’s go on our first adventure before we decide to go home or not, ok, amore?” Doc said as he squeezed my hand. 

We went to a very fancy restaurant for a late lunch where we had a private room. Doc had pre-ordered for us; it was a sampling of the restaurant’s entire menu minus the alcohol. The food was amazing and after eating, a string band came to play in our room. Doc stood up, pushed in his chair and offered me his hand. I took it and he gently helped my quite pregnant self up. I nudged my chair so it was it was sort of pushed in. He led me to a small dance floor, pulled me into his arms and started to lead in dancing. My poor husband…I kept tripping over his feet and accidentally stepping on his toes. 

“I love you, amore,” Doc whispered. “I love you so much that I can’t breathe. You and our child are all I need, amore. You’ve been hurt so much and you didn’t deserve it.”

“Doc?” I said. “Can we please go now? I want to go home.”

“Ok, amore,” he said as he kissed me. “Let’s go home.” 

As Doc paid, I gathered my things. I had my things and went out front to find Doc. He smiled when he saw me, came over to me and wrapped his one of his arms around me. I turned my head up to kiss him. He bent down to kiss me.


“Yes, I am.”

We went back to the main house at the compound. I went to my room, undressed, hung the dress up, threw on my pajamas and went to get my travel mug filled with ice water. When I was almost in my ‘new’ room, Doc asked what was wrong. I told him that I was tired. He curtly nodded and let me go into my room.

I drank some of my water, washed my face and took out my contacts. I laid down on the bed and fell asleep immediately. A few hours later, a knock on the door woke me up.

“Miss Leeandria? It’s Tio. Doc wanted me to bring you some food,” Tio said. 

I got up, put on my robe and opened the door to let Tio in. Doc and Tio knew me…Tio had a peanut butter and banana sandwich, two large glasses of orange juice, and my prenatal vitamins. As I was eating, Tio and I talked. I now knew why Doc trusted him so much. It also helped that Tio honest and upfront.

“Ma’am,” he sighed. “Doc’s first marriage fell apart because he didn’t love her anymore. I don’t want to see your marriage fail because you don’t know how to tell him that you love him. You’re the best thing to happen to him and you both are made for each other.”

“What am I supposed to do? Write him a letter to tell him that I don’t how to tell him that I love him? Or explain that I can’t because of the last three men I’d been with?”

“That may help,” Tio said. “I always promised him that I wouldn’t get involved. Don’t tell him that I did.”

“I won’t,” I said. “Does he have any more plans to make me love him?”

“Yes he does,” he said. “I truly hope that you do. It’ll be in your time.” 

“Thanks, Tio,” I said as I gathered the plates and the glasses and put them on the tray. “Thank you for the food. Much appreciated.”

Before handing the tray over to Tio, I gave him a hug. He smiled - the first I’ve seen! He hugged me back, took the tray and left. He didn’t fully close the door when he left. As I went to close the door, I smelled Doc’s cologne. I opened the door and saw Doc.

“I came to say goodnight,” Doc said. “You’re the first person to make Tío smile that big. Thank you. You remind him so much of his daughter…she died a few years ago. Did you enjoy your dinner? Take your prenatal vitamins.”

“He’s a good man and I see now why you trust him so much. He could work on being a bit more discreet, though,” I said. “Yes, he told me a few days ago. Very sad that his daughter died. Yes, I did enjoy dinner and yes, I took my vitamins.”

“Hope you sleep well tonight, amore,” he said as he kissed me.

I accepted Doc’s kiss and leaned into it. Doc pulled me into his arms. I slid my hands up his shirt. He moaned and then he pulled away. 

“Amore, I meant what I said last night,” Doc said. “Believe me when I tell you that I want you and desire you so much. I could live in between your legs and in your arms however, we won’t be intimate nor share a bed until you’re able to verbalize that you love me.”

“Goodnight, Doc,” I said and closed the door in his face. 

I started crying as I walked to my bed. I laid down and spent the next few hours crying. Part of me hoped Doc could hear me. Eventually, I fell asleep but I didn’t sleep well. I woke up at 6 am. I showered, brushed my teeth and got dressed. I went downstairs to get breakfast and take a walk around the compound. I quickly ate, had half a cup of coffee and let Tio know where on the compound where I was going. Apparently, I was going to an area that was shut off to me.

When I was exploring where I wasn’t allowed to be when Doc showed up. 

“You’re not allowed in this area, amore,” he said. 

“I know what’s back here, Doc,” I said. “I read journals.”

“Yet I didn’t authorize you to come back here.”

“I’m your wife for only a few more days. You know that I won’t say anything about what’s back here,”

“Amore,” he sighed. “My point is that I have plans for us today.”

“And for a few more days, too,” I said. “You’re trying to get me to tell you that I love you. I don’t know if I can. It may be because I’m damaged. It may be because I’m carrying your child. Your child gives me no rest. I’m doing the best I can, Doc. I want to tell you I love you but I know if I can or if I know how to.”

“Amore, I don’t care if you tell me just one time but I want to hear you say it…or write it,” Doc said.

“Please for the love of Pete, stop trying to make me tell you something that you want me to say. You’re trying to put words in my mouth and I don’t appreciate it,” I sighed.

Doc was mad. I’ve never seen him mad and it’s something that I don’t want to see again. He nodded, said that he’d see me in the house and left me to wander the rest of the compound in peace.

A few hours later, I headed back and went inside through the kitchen. I washed my hands, grabbed a pot and a can of soup. I got everything going and then got some water to drink. As I sat down to eat, Doc came into the kitchen to talk to me. Told him that I don’t want to hear it as I just want to be left alone. He didn’t look happy but left me be.

I cleaned up, grabbed my house and car keys. I found Tío that I was going for a drive and I’d appreciate it if he turned off the tracker attached to my car. He said that he’s incapable of doing so as there’s no way to do it. I took my phone out, logged into the app of the company of the tracker, I turned it off, locked the account and told him that I’d see him later.

I drove to Kay’s; it’d been awhile since I last saw her and her husband. It took me 15 minutes instead of 30 minutes. I let myself in and announced myself. She came running over, hugged me and congratulated me on my pregnancy.

We went inside of her office and we talked. I told her what I could of the situation between Doc and I…I felt bad because I was airing dirty laundry with my best friend (she told me that she listens but doesn’t judge) then we talked about if either Doc or I were right.

Kay wasn’t happy with the ultimatum but understood where I was coming from. She asked me if she could record a little Q&A with me. I asked her what her plans were. She said that she has an idea of how to fulfill Doc’s wishes and me letting him know I feel. She didn’t let me know the questions she was going to ask; she wanted raw answers. I relented.

It took us about 45 minutes from start to finish. It was hard but I did manage to express my love for Doc. It, unfortunately, through the ugly crying. 

We had an early dinner with her husband and then I headed back to Doc’s. Halfway to Doc’s, he called me to let me know that he received the Q&A recording that Kay and I made. He said that he’d need to keep listening to and that he’d see me in a few days.

Ugh. He needed time to think and so did I. He was questioned the recording and I questioned if I wanted to stay married to stay married to a man who gives ultimatums. We avoided each other. Three days before the day I was to move out, I found an apartment a few miles from Doc’s. I moved as much stuff over as I could. Doc was aware but didn’t say a thing. The day before, I completely moved out and had left Doc a letter.

We both know it’s time. I don’t do well with ultimatums and you really didn’t get what you needed and wanted. I made the decision for you…I’ve completely moved out. I’ll stop at your lawyer’s office to sign the divorce papers. The paperwork will be ready for you in the morning.
I have appointments, I’ll let you know twenty-four hours in advance. Geraldine will let you know when I’m in labor.
Tío has my keys and has unprogrammed my biometrics. He said that he’d give them to you ASAP.


I left the note for him on his dresser and headed to his lawyers. They knew who I was when I walked in. I asked for the papers; I signed, initialed and dated where needed. Before leaving, I left a check for the lawyer to give Doc - it was for the amount of money that he spent on me. It was almost three million dollars in local money; it was for security, food, clothing, takeout, my engagement ring and wedding band.

From there, I went home. I parked, grabbed my stuff and walked inside. I unpacked, did my laundry, ate and went to bed.

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